If You Want To Buy Things Without Looking At The Price Tag…

 “If you want to buy things without looking at the price tag, don’t work looking at the clock.”

That was a quote I read on Instagram the other day.

There is a great truth in that quote.

I’m not saying that it is 100% correct; there are ways to make a lot of money without working every hour of the day, but…most people who have made fortunes, did so by not working to a regular time and put more hours in than most.

Time is incredibly precious, unlike money, you cannot earn time back so I completely understand why people are protective of their time, but most people are protective of it in the wrong way.

I’ve noticed that a lot of the people who complain that they do not have enough money are the ones who will not spend any more time at work than is required.

As soon as the clock hits 4:30PM or 5:00PM, they bounce out of their seats or leap from their machines and run straight for the door.

Even in their homes, when they need to do something necessary, they often do the least amount they can get away with, using phrases like ‘that’ll do’ when the job appears done.

There is nothing wrong with avoiding wasting a lot of your own precious time doing things you dislike; it makes sense especially if you are wanting to get finished so you can start something you really enjoy.

But a lot of people don’t, they curl up on the sofa, watch mind-numbing television and eat the evening away.

Their time is their time… that is absolutely fine, but they need to know and understand that themselves when they moan that they cannot afford to do XYZ.

They probably cannot afford to do XYZ because they spend most of their time engaged in activities which doesn’t earn them any extra money and/or costs them money.

I have to be a little careful here with what I say because of the current state of the country with rising fuel costs, increases in tax and contributions, rising inflation and no increase in wages, a lot of people are struggle more than they previously were because of external decisions imposed on them.

But that does mean that more and more people now need to find a second way to make money.

And that will require some of their time.

Very few wealthy or successful people achieved their goals by working between the hours of 9AM and 5PM only.

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When Arnold Schwarzenegger wanted to become an actor, he took evening classes to learn acting and that was on top of getting up early to spend hours in the gym pushing weights and doing a day’s work.

He put the time and effort in and reaped the rewards both financially and in lifestyle.

The only clock watching he did was to make sure that he was at the right place at the right time.

He wasn’t rushing to leave work so that he could crash on the sofa with a plate of pizza and several hours of Coronation Street and Emmerdale.

The quote I started this article with is great, I like it, and as I say, there is a great truth to it.

The wealthiest people on the planet who haven’t inherited their money, made it by doing more than the average person.

But they didn’t do it all by rolling up their sleeves and doing everything themselves. There are other factors at play here.

They leveraged other people’s skills and knowledge and they leveraged what money they had.

So as well as working longer hours than most people, they actually paid people to do specific work for them and/or they invested their money to generate more money.

The good news is that you can do that too… and you don’t necessarily need to spend a lot of extra hours doing it either.

Most people want or need more money; they don’t necessarily want to be billionaire.

Some might, but it is out of reach for most people. Usually it takes a lot of time, effort and money to become one.

Becoming wealthy and making ‘more’ money is relative. Everyone has their own ideas as to what ‘being wealthy’ is and how much they would like to make.

A person who has no money… being given £100 is a lot of money and can help ease their burden.

A person who has £100… being given £1,000 is a lot of money and can help to ease their burden.

A person who has £1,000… being given £10,000 is a lot of money and can help to ease their burden.

How much do you want or need?




£100,000 might sound like a lot of money and unreachable to some people at the moment, but it is doable. If it wasn’t, other people wouldn’t be making it.

For others, generating just £1,000 a month extra sounds impossible, but it can be done.

Very often, earning larger amounts of money with ease is more about finding systems or selling products which give you a higher return on your time or the money you invest.

Only yesterday I was reading about a guy who makes an extra £2,000 a month building and selling websites which take as little as ten hours of his spare time.

That’s total time.

Each website takes an hour to build and he sells them for £200 each.

He builds and sells ten websites a month.

That’s just ten hours of work each month… ten hours of his spare time generating £2,000.

Who wouldn’t want to make £2,000 for ten hours work?

If website building isn’t for you, there is another simpler way to make money selling digital assets which you buy for £7.50 and sell on for a £75+ profit.

The actually buying and selling process is managed by other people online.

You do not touch anything.

There is nothing to be delivered; it is all done online.

If you would like to know more click the link below.


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… This is one of the simplest methods we have seen in recent years where you buy a simple digital asset and then sell it to someone else for a huge £75+ profit.

And you can get started today for as little as £7.50!

Here’s that link again.                 
