I thought the title of this article would catch your attention, well it isn’t Clickbait, I shall come to Kier Stamer later.
But first…
I recently watched a short video about tidying up your social media platforms to promote the right look if you wanted to sell products and services online.
It said that you shouldn’t remove everything, and that you want people to align with you and your beliefs…
But it did say that you should perhaps tone it down a little otherwise you can put people off from buying from you.
In the last couple of days I happened across a couple of Facebook profiles which are perfect examples of this in action.
Example 1 put me off from going to the guy’s exercise class.
Example 2 just had nothing to tell me that he was selling a product even though I knew he was.
In the first example, I came across a local guy who was running Animal Flow exercise classes.
For those who don’t know, Animal Flow is a ground-based bodyweight workout that combines elements of yoga, gymnastics, breakdancing, and parkour with animal-inspired movements.
It uses muscles and body parts that are not used in conventional exercises and workouts.
I thought I might go and try it out one evening. Classes were only £10 and I thought it would be interesting to see what it was like.
That was until I scrolled through his Facebook profile and read a tonne of guff about vaccines, chemtrails, and the regular conspiracies that are sprouted from those who tend to smoke way too much weed and enjoy other ‘mind bending’ substances.
I am not going to say too much about the conspiracies or the apparent correlation between those who believe them and those who take a lot of drugs…
…but I recognised this guy and I know that he was a big ‘raver’ back in the early ‘90s taking a whole cocktail of drugs each weekend.
Weekdays were often spent winding down each evening with a few joints, too.
Let’s just say, I don’t think it’s chemtrails or vaccines that have affected his brain!
I’m sure that there would be no ‘conspiracy’ talk during the exercise class itself, but I really couldn’t bring myself to go just in case it did.
In my experience, you only have to say something like “it’s been unusually warm for this time of the year” and before you know it, they are ranting about chemtrails and how global warming is a scam perpetuated by the ‘elite’ (whoever they are) to rob us of our money.
I tend to avoid these people like the plague and so as soon as I saw his conspiracy posts, I was well and truly put off from going to his exercise class.
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The second example I saw this week was of a person who has recently bought the resale rights to digital products as a way to make some extra money.
Since purchasing the products, not once has he posted anything about them.
Nor has he posted anything that will attract people looking for the kind of products he is selling.
I don’t think I have even seen him post a link to his website where the products are sold.
What I have seen though, are multiple posts attacking Kier Starmer and the new Labour government.
He is posting stuff daily.
Sometimes he is posting several times a day… yet none of it is about the products he is selling.
At least, in the first example, the guy posted about his exercise classes a few times between posting his conspiracy guff.
I’m not passing comment on his opinions on Starmer or the new government, he may be right, he may be wrong… he may be right AND wrong on differing points, he clearly is passionate about the topic… probably more so now that he could lose his winter fuel allowance.
Who knows… Keir Starmer may increase the pension people receive or force fuel companies to lower their prices so that pensioners no longer need to rely on the WFA.
Today he is the enemy, but this time next year he may be the people’s hero, only time will tell.
But the fact is this… the guy posting anti-Starmer content is not promoting his products or doing anything to attract people who might be interested in buying them.
He is basically posting moans and complaining about things that are mostly out of his control.
He is not a political pundit or commentator who earns money from expressing his opinions, either, and so he is potentially losing more money from the lack of sales than what Labour are taking away from him as part of the winter fuel allowance.
Winter is three months long.
The winter fuel allowance is between £200 and £300 per person which is to help cover that three month period.
There are 90 days of winter in the UK, although it can be incredibly cold for many more days either side of that period, and a £300 WFA only gives you £3.33 per day.
Depending on what you are selling, a handful of sales each month should make you more each month than the whole winter fuel allowance.
For me, the idea that you spend your time complaining about losing a couple hundred pounds instead of actively selling products which could make you far more is just ridiculous.
Why would you do that?
Yes, you are right, I am moaning and complaining about what these two different guys are doing… but it is done as part of a content marketing campaign.
There is a lesson to be had, here.
Their examples are being used to educate others about what they should and shouldn’t do if they want to make more money selling digital products or services using social media.
People will read what I share and they may visit specific web pages because of it.
I am not moaning about something out of my control simply for the sake of it… I am using their stories as a way to generate sales of my products and make more money.
Social media is an incredibly powerful tool.
You can put your content out in front of tens of thousands of people for free… so why would you do it without thinking about what you can gain from it?
Social media posts will do one of two things… they will either attract or they will repel.
You cannot attract everyone, and you will not repel everyone…
But you can attract the right people and repel the wrong people.
And when I say the ‘right and wrong people’, I am referring to those who are likely to buy or not buy from you.
It is vital that you post the right kind of content to attract the right kind of people.
Once you do that… you won’t be as bothered about the few hundred quid Keir Starmer has or hasn’t stolen from you.
If you would like to discover how to make an extra £12,000 or more per year using Facebook check out our special report here:
£12K Extra A Year With Affiliate Marketing Report
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS. One of the reasons why successful people are successful is that despite what is happening around them politically, they choose to focus on taking positive action and work towards putting themselves in a position where many governmental changes do not affect them.