How much are you prepared to spend on buying a ready-made business?
Prices vary depending on many factors such as how much the business is earning at the time of selling, whether it has a database of past customers, its future potential, and what stock and equipment comes with the purchase.
Businesses such as restaurants, retail units, hotels, bars, engineering firms, and caravan parks, can cost hundreds of thousands of pounds to buy.
It s a lot of money to pay out just to earn a decent monthly income.
There is a cheaper way.
Last night I read a couple of articles written by people who were building websites and selling them to people who wanted to own and run an online business.
The websites were being sold for prices between £250 and £2,500.
The cheaper ones were basic websites with several pages of niche-specific content and were built specifically to earn advertisement revenue and Amazon affiliate commissions.
These websites took a couple of days to create and were perfect for people to get started with.
The £250 price is actually a fantastic price when you consider that if you were to ask a web designer and a writer to create a similar website from scratch it would cost you a lot more.
It’s the same with the £2,500 websites that were being sold.
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These were different to the advertising and affiliate commission focused websites, these websites came with sales pages promoting an eBook/or digital product that was created specifically for that website.
When you consider how much it would cost you to have a sales letter written, a website built with a funnel, a digital product like an eBook created, an email account set up to grow an email list whenever a sale was made, and several other pages of content to help attract customers… you could be looking at paying at least £5,000…. possibly a lot more depending on the type of product and sales funnel you have made.
£2,500 is a great price really for something that is uniquely yours and ready to sell.
Not only do you have a website that is ready to process orders, it has a finished product that is ready to sell and you have full 100% resale rights to that product.
That product could generate sales for many years, and depending on what price it is being sold for, it could potentially earn back your investment quite quickly.
You also have a professional sales page connected to an email auto responder and several other pages of content.
Licensing an existing product with a sales page could cost up to £5,000 alone. Other people could buy the same license to sell the product too… and that is also without the website.
It is just licensing the product and sales page.
With these websites, from what I could see, the eBooks the buyers were getting were all different.
OK, a couple may have been on the same subject and possible rewrites, but they are still different products and unique to each website.
What I found interesting is that the people building these websites were knocking out quite a few each month.
These website builders had a system in place with checklists that helped them to make these websites fast.
I believe the £2,500 websites took approximately one week to make. The smaller ones could be made over two or three days.
If you were able to build and sell four of the £2,500 websites each month, you would be making a cool £10,000 a month.
That’s not a bad monthly income, is it?
It’s actually a win-win business for both parties.
The website builders are making good money selling the websites and the people buying them are getting a great deal in my opinion.
£2,500 is a great price for a website that has a unique product that you can sell and is all set up to process sales once payment accounts have been swapped.
A person can buy one of these sites, make the necessary admin changes and could be up and running in 24 hours (transferring the website to a different hosting company make take a little time) ready to send people to the sales pages.
It is quite possible that they could make sales on the first day of sending people to the sales page.
Obviously, the buyer will need to send people to the website to make sales. It is highly unlikely that a new website will make any sales if it is just put online and left to ‘do its thing’.
The buyer needs to send people to the website.
They need to do some work, but they don’t need to build the website, write the sales page, the blog posts, or create the product… all of the hard work is done for them.
All of that is definitely worth the price.
The question is… or rather the questions are…
Would you spend £2,500 buying a ready-made, ready-to-go business?
Would you consider building websites to sell for a decent profit?
Either or… there is profit to be made doing both.
If you would like to know how to build your own websites to sell, including how to write a sales letter, and create a product fast so that you can sell the whole lot for £2,500+… go to:
The 30 Day To £30K Challenge
Kind regards.
John Harrison.
PS… You can either build these websites to sell for a decent profit each month, or have them as your own fully automated passive income systems generating sales while you are busy enjoying life.
Here’s that link again: