The BBC website reported that many pubs here in Britain could soon be forced to close due to the rising costs of energy.
One pub in Great Chesterford, Essex, has seen its £13,000 per year gas and electricity bill increase to £35,000 per year. The owner said that he needs to earn £1,800 a week extra to cover the costs.
To make the extra money, they will need more people to come in and to buy more food and drink, but that won’t be an easy task with food and drink prices increasing and the number of people visiting pubs falling as they too try and save money to pay for their own increasing bills.
One pub owner said that as well as electricity and gas bills growing, cooking oil had trebled in price and food costs were “massively starting to climb”.
At the start of 2022, inflation was eating into pub’s profits, now they have to deal with rising energy costs, rising costs to food and drink and falling numbers of customers.
The boss of Admiral Taverns, Chris Jowsey, who have a chain of 1,600 pubs said that his tenanted pubs now pay more in energy bills than they do in rent.
One of his tenants wrote to him saying that after 20 years as a pub landlord, he was leaving due to his electricity bill going up 450% – an increase so large he couldn’t pass it on to his customers.
In a previous email, I mentioned the Chinese takeaway in Aberdeen that stated that if they tried to pass on the rising costs to their declining numbers of customers, a chicken curry would be roughly £28… I dread to think how much a pint would cost at the end of the year.
Their energy costs had increased from £4,000 per quarter to £14,000.
We are currently living in a time which is both interesting and concerning. I’m not sure what to make of it all really.
I’ve heard rumours that Putin has reduced the supply of gas to Europe which can’t be good.
However, I have seen that sales of solar panels have increased due to the increases in energy prices. People are trying to become a little more self-sufficient and reliant, which is not a bad move.
So the news is up and down… but that is nothing new.
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Every generation has experienced moments of doom and gloom, they have also experienced moments of growth and good times.
Let’s just hope that the next episode of growth and good times is not too far around the corner, because… let’s face it… it’s been a strange old couple of years and we are certainly ready for some good times.
But until those good times return, you need to ensure that you can comfortably ride out these tough times.
And the best way to do that is to make some extra money to help pay those increasing costs.
The price increases are not your fault, but paying them as best as you can is your responsibility.
Unfortunately I cannot see the government helping you to pay them. They certainly are not putting a stop to the increases which means that you have no other option but to pay them.
Fortunately, there are several ways to make money which are TAX FREE – let’s not give any more money to a government which won’t help – and easy to do… as long as you use the right system or strategy.
Our friend Colin Ford extracts hundreds of TAX FREE pounds out of Betfair each week using what he calls ‘The Perfect Strategy’.
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The Perfect Strategy
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… Even if you make a modest £20 a day doing this, that is £140 a week, £520 a month… that is surely going to be a big help for most people. This strategy can deliver a lot more!
Here’s that link again: