Is This The Future Of Making Money Online?

In a recent article I talked about how AI is stealing information from websites and delivering it in ‘chat boxes’ when people use them for research, instead of delivering a list of websites in the search results.

This new way of researching information is literally stealing the content from other people’s websites and is causing people to completely bypass their websites.

Fortunately, all is not lost as I recently shared with you a couple of ways that people can make money with an online business where AI isn’t going to be any competition.

Well, it won’t be able to steal your content and leave you high and dry.

Two powerful ways to beat AI:

  1. Become a mini celebrity with a recognisable face so that people come looking for you and not just your message.
  2. Put your best content behind a paywall and charge either for each piece separately or as a monthly subscription.

The point of charging for content is that there are a lot of people who are willing to pay for the best content there is.

AI is not delivering the best content.

It is very often wrong, it cannot differentiate as to what is correct, and if there are holes in the information it is searching for it often fills them with stuff it has made up, and that is no good to anyone.

Factually, AI can be useless if it has not been checked thoroughly.

Quite a lot of people are turning their backs on AI sourced content and favouring content that has personality and experience as well as being factually accurate.

AI has no ‘experience’ of doing specific things or living a specific life, whereas people do, and so people want to buy information from people who have had that experience and who they can trust.

Technically, you should trust AI more than people as a machine has no ‘ulterior motive’ and isn’t out to scam you as some people are, but firsthand experience and success in something specific is powerful in gaining people’s trust.

Plus, until AI becomes 100% accurate with what it delivers, there is no reason to trust it over people.

You simply cannot trust AI to get it right.

I like the idea of putting content behind a paywall, so much so, I decided to try it myself with this video here.

The EASIEST Way To Start A PROFITABLE Newsletter!

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It means that those who are truly interested in your content can access it, and you make money for your efforts.

It also means that a website owner can make money without having to fill it with hundreds of annoying adverts which give a bad user-experience.

There is nothing worse than trying to read an article that should take less than five minutes to read yet the page takes ages to load fully due to all of the adverts loading, and every time you scroll down to read adverts keep popping up all over the place.

There has been many times where I have closed down a website because I have been unable to read an article due to all of the adverts getting in the way and slowing everything down.

Putting content behind a paywall is easy when you know how… and fortunately, there is not a lot to know.

You will need a Stripe account where you set up a new ‘product’, you take the link that is generated and add it to a payment button on your website, like the one you see on this page HERE.

Deciding on how much you are going to charge for your content is probably harder than actually setting up the paywall.

If you charge too much, very few people will buy access to your content, plus you will need to create good sales copy to help motivate people to buy.

If you charge too little, then you are giving your content away for next to nothing.

In my experiment, I charged £2.99 for a 20 minute video along with a short piece of content addressing pricing for a monthly newsletter.

I believe that I could charge a lot more for that video.

Even if I charged £97 for it and only one person used the information to start a newsletter that earns them more than £97 per month, it was worth it… to them at least.

I just wanted to test a cheap price and see if there were any takers… and I am happy to say that there were.

Go take a look at it now, as I believe that this method of content delivery, and the subject matter of the video, is the future of making money online.

The EASIEST Way To Start A PROFITABLE Newsletter!

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… If you watch the video, you will see how easy it can be to create your own video newsletter and paid-for content.