Is This The Simplest Way To Make Money Online?

I remember a couple of guys promoting a way to make money online using Twitter (now called ‘X’) back in 2009 which was incredibly simple.

I wrote about a similar method not so long ago that uses Instagram.

I believe it to be the simplest way to make money online, but I am not going to say that it is the fastest… but it could be, it just depends on when you land the first sale.

It’s certainly the fastest and easiest way to start an online business… that is for sure.

So, let me explain exactly what this method is and what you need to do.

You are going to use one (or two) social media platforms to build a following (and an email list) around a specific subject, and then you promote related affiliate products to those people.

It’s incredibly simple to do.

  1. Go to and look for products related to a specific niche such as ‘campervan conversions’, ‘tiny homes’, ‘Weight loss’, or ‘writing’.
  2. Open up a X (formerly Twitter) profile (and maybe Instagram) based around your chosen niche, and build a community around that subject by sharing pictures and information.
  3. Set up a free landing page using Aweber (personally I recommend having one on your own website) to collect email addresses.
  4. Set the opt-in form on the landing page to redirect those who have signed up to the sales page of an affiliate product.
  5. Promote more affiliate products to the people on the email list.

As you can see, once the system is set up, it really isn’t hard work to maintain… and setting the system up is easy too.

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All you will need to do is share ‘fun’ and ‘interesting’ content on social media and write a few emails each week.

Aweber allows you to build a simple landing page for free and you can do it by taking the headline from the sales page of the affiliate product that you redirect people to.

It keeps it all congruent.

You can create your own landing page with your own information saying something like… ‘Sign Up For Your Free Weekly Newsletter About XXXX’ etc.

I personally would suggest that you do that and then send an email to your growing list with extra information based on the niche you have picked.

That way people know they are getting extra information and not just being sent affiliate promotions.

I wouldn’t promote affiliate products on X or Instagram directly, I would do the promoting in the emails.

Use the social media platforms to build up a large following and funnel them through to your landing page where they sign up for your newsletter.

If you would like to learn more about this way of making affiliate sales using free social media platforms, click the link below:

Your First £1,000 Online

Kind regards.

John Harrison

PS. Watch the free video and follow Andi as he creates a new online business in as little as 20 minutes.

That’s right, it can be as quick as that.

Here’s that link again:

Your First £1,000 Online