It Costs Pennies To Get Started With But Could Generate Tens Of Thousands Of Pounds

As we put the finishing touches to another product ready to be launched soon, it makes me wonder why more people do not consider creating information products to sell.

I foresee this product making a lot of money over the next few years. What it teaches is unique, real, and can make people a lot of money.

The manual is around 70 pages long and there is a series of short videos. That may sound like a lot of work to you, but I can tell you that it is actually incredible simple to create.

We have another product being put together and roughly 25 pages of the manual were written in a few hours. That included taking screenshots and editing them for the manual.

The manual is currently being written in Google Docs, which is Google’s free-to-use version of Word.

I believe there will be a few videos accompanying that product and they will be made using screen capture software called Screenpal. Screenpal has a free version but it adds a watermark to the videos.

To remove the watermark from the videos you need to pay a small fee for the Pro version, and considering how much information products can earn, it really is a small fee.

It will cost somewhere around £40 for the whole year to use the Pro version. That is nothing compared to the thousands of pounds information products can earn.

For screen capture videos (showing people what you are doing on your computer) you just need to talk into a microphone and tell people what they are seeing and what you are doing.

Laptops come with built-in microphones which are pretty good, but a decent external one that you plug into your laptop can cost less than £20.

So, for £60 or less, you can create an information product that could potentially earn you thousands of pounds.

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FREE Blueprint & Video Tutorial - Request Your Instant Online Access Now!

Obviously, you need to have a place to sell them from and you need people to sell your information products too.

As I have said in the past, I am more than happy to take a look at any information products that are sent our way to see if they are a good match with our customers.

Having your own online store is an option and it can be incredibly cheap to do too. A website can cost as little as £150 for two years.

Whenever I think about that, it just amazes me.

£150 to have your own piece of online real estate where you can set up multiple fully automated passive income streams is just a ridiculously incredible price… for two years!

That works out at around 20 pence a day.

It’s hardly a big expense.

You don’t need to sell many products before you have covered the £150 cost. Just one product priced at £150 will take care of that, and there are many products you can sell for that price.

I really don’t know why more people are not embracing this business model and publishing digital products of their own.

It’s possibly one of the easiest businesses to get into today because you can have a website built, a product created and listed online for sale within a day.

I’m not saying that you will… but it can be done that quickly, especially if the product is a simple short eBook or video training.

Remember, it’s not the length of the product that matters; it’s what it is about that is important. That is where the value and worth can be found.

If an eBook or video helps a person solve a problem then it is worth the money.

A simple eBook or video training can be incredibly helpful to others… and as I say, they can be incredible simple to make.

Once you have made one, you make another and then another… and before you know it, you are on your way to building your own six-figure-a-year empire.

To discover more, click the link below:

How To Build A Six-Figure-A-Year Income Without Spending A Penny Of Your Own Money!

Kind regards.

John Harrison

PS… Once you have this up and running correctly, it can reward you with an automated passive income for many years.

Here’s that link again:

How To Build A Six-Figure-A-Year Income Without Spending A Penny Of Your Own Money!