It’s A No Brainer, Really!

Yesterday I told you about the woman who spent £300 having a website built which she now has for two years.

I also told you that she could easily make that money back, and with the amount of followers she has on Instagram (40,000+), she could make that money back fast.

She would only need to sell 30 copies/places of a product that costs just £10.

That is nothing.

It can be incredibly easy to set up a quick product that you can sell from your own website.

A perfect example of this would be a little test that I ran recently where Andi, our techy guy, recorded a 22 minute video on a specific topic and added it to a page with a little bit of text, and a payment button.

This is what I call a mini product.

I decided to charge a small amount (I could have charged at least £10 for this information), and I am happy to say that we have had more than a few sales.

The reason I am telling you this is that I want you to understand how simple this is to do.

It took less than a day to record the video, write the content, and set the page up with a payment button.

For someone who has plenty to say about a specific topic, I imagine they could do a new mini product every day.

A website could have hundreds of these mini products and generate a lot of money over a two year period.

The reason I am using a two years for this example is because that is how long a typical hosting package lasts.

If you go to, you can register a name for your website (domain name) and hosting for one website (the StartUp package) for less than £125 for two years.

scroll down to carry on reading…

FREE Digital Copy - No Cost to You...

OVER 30,000 COPIES SOLD AT £19.95!

To claim your FREE COPY, simply complete your details below and hit the submit button!

Send For Your FREE Copy Now!

The hosting cost for two years is: £85.92

A domain name registration is usually for one year and can cost:

£17.99 for a domain name ending in (£35.98 for two years.)

£15.59 for a domain name ending in .com. (£31.18 for two years.)

All prices include UK VAT and so for a website for two years (domain name and hosting), it will cost you £121.90.

For a .com website, the cost for two years will be £117.10.

That is a place online where you have the opportunity to sell digital products at any time of the day and night for 2 years for less than £125!

That is a crazy insane price when you really stop and think about it.

The last couple of days, I have made around £20 selling one incredibly cheap mini product priced at just £2.99… which was just a test!

Imagine if I had priced it at £10.

Now imagine that you had a website that was selling 10… 20… 30… or more digital products priced between £2.99 and £97.

Over two years you will get your money back and a whole lot more besides!

I do recommend that you start to build an email list from day one.

Aweber allow you to build one email list of up to 501 subscribers for free, which is fantastic.

After that you need to pay, but you can certainly make a few sales of products with a list of 501 active people who are interested in whatever you are sharing and selling.

However, you can simply start by adding a few mini products to your website and then start to grow an email list after.

Once your list starts to grow, you direct people to those products.

These are two vital parts of the same business.

  • Products to sell.
  • An email list to promote your products (and other people’s products) to.

You can start all of this for as little as £125… but if you don’t have £125 spare to spend on a website, go and have a read of this report:

How To Build A Six-Figure-A-Year Income Without Spending A Penny Of Your Own Money!

Kind regards.

John Harrison

PS… Once you have this up and running correctly, it can reward you with an automated passive income for many years.

Here’s that link again:

How To Build A Six-Figure-A-Year Income Without Spending A Penny Of Your Own Money!