The world is a mess.
It’s never been perfectly harmonious or utopian but at the moment it seems to be a lot more of a mess than normal.
That global mess includes:
- Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the genocide of innocent people.
- Party Gate and the Metropolitan police’s failure to properly investigate the Conservative’s law breaking and corruption.
- The ridiculous and extortionate rising living costs.
- Thousands of people dying from Covid each week and nothing being done about it.
- Brexit fallout and hangover.
- Rishi Sunak’s tax avoiding non dom wife.
- Rishi Sunak raising taxes on the rest of us.
- The Government spaffing £37 billion on the failed track and trace system (Did you know it cost NASA less than £3 billion to put a sophisticated remote science station on another planet 33.9 million miles away in space?!)
- Russian financial bribery and influence in British politics.
- Russian Oligarchs owning British papers feeding the public their pro-Putin propaganda.
- Billions of Russian money laundered in London property.
- MI5 showing concern that Boris Johnson was a security risk while he regularly partied with the son of a prominent Russian KGB officer.
- A non-elected Russian born son of a prominent KGB officer being given a peerage.
- Thousands of pigs being destroyed because there is not enough butchers to deal with the demand.
- Crops left to rot in fields because there are not enough people to work the farms now that EU workers have returned home.
- Long lorry queues across Kent and around Dover.
- P&O illegally firing 800 workers.
There is so much bad stuff going on at the moment, frankly it’s getting on my TITS!
Which brings me nicely to… this and are a couple of domain names that I had registered because I had the great idea for a website which would focus on the madness of the world around us.
The idea was that it would be a website moaning about the state of the world, politics and politicians.
I had the idea that it would be a bit like Ian Hislop and his Private Eye, targeting the current hypocrisy and factual inaccuracies of politicians and global events.
Add humour to the content and I can see a website like this doing really well.
The content would be short articles added regularly… maybe even daily.
There’ll never be a shortage of article ideas. There is a lot of bad stuff going on at the moment with plenty to talk about.
Once the website starts receiving a high volume of visitors, it could quite easily earn money by showing advertising using a network like Google AdSense or MediaVine.
Traffic would be sourced for free by growing Getting On My Tits! profiles on social media like Twitter and Facebook where the articles would be shared.
Getting On My Tits! merchandising could also be designed and sold via the website using print-on-demand companies like
It might be possible to add a subscription side to the website where people pay you £5 to access your content. 100 people paying you £5 a month will give you £6,000 a year.
With literally billions of people online each day, finding 100 paying subscriber shouldn’t be that hard. It’s a possibility at least.
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Once the website is earning a monthly income, it could then be sold on to a buyer who will pay 12… possible 24 times the monthly income… sometimes more!
ViralNova sold for $100 million! Not saying that this would sell for that amount, but it certainly has the potential to sell for several thousands if not tens of thousands.
Of course, what a website can sell for is determined by how much effort a person puts into it and how well the website is doing.
Once the website is earning £2,000 a month and had been earning it consistently for at least three months running, the website would be worth at least £24,000.
That wouldn’t be a bad payday for someone who was basically spending an hour or two a day ‘moaning’ and ‘complaining’ about the current state of the world would it?
The problem is that I do not have the time to start on this website.
My staff and I have enough to do as it is and so the website GettingOnMyTits! never got past the idea stage unfortunately… which is why I am putting both domain names up for sale.
This project really needs the attention and energy of someone who can spend time on it.
Websites do not become huge money earners overnight but give it at least a year and you should easily have your money back and a whole lot more.
As always, success is the result of putting in the right amount of time and doing the right stuff.
I see a lot of potential in this website because the topic is current and people love to moan and complain… and they love a giggle too.
Perhaps you might have a different and better angle for the GettingOnMyTits! website.
In a previous email I talked about paying writers £5 to publish content which they had to share with their following to send people to the website, maybe that model would work well with this website.
If you would like to own a website which I believe has the potential to grow into a big money spinner then please rsend us an email.
Please put I’m interested in purchasing your domains in the email title.
Both domains are for sale for £500. That’s both domains together.
Hosting for one website at Siteground would cost you £115 for two years at the popular discounted price.
So for £615 you can have a website with the potential to make a lot of money… and two years to make it happen.
If you are interested in this website for yourself, please know that once you have the website up and running, you are more than welcome to email our techy guy Andi with any questions you may have.
He will advise you on running and managing your website, or at least point you in the right direction where you can find the answers you need.
If the GettingOnMyTits! website idea is not for you, I have other domains for sale too which you can take a look at here: Domains For Sale.
You might find something in that list which you could turn into a profitable online business.
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… Remember hindsight?
That is where people say ‘if I started this two years ago, I’d be a very wealthy person by now!’
To prevent hindsight, start today on a project. If you do nothing, nothing happens and so if you want a successful money making website of your own, starting next year is no good, you need to start today.
As the saying goes: This time next year, you’ll be grateful you started today.