It’s Not About Today… It’s About This Time Next Year

The hardest part of getting up and going to the gym or going for a run at silly o’clock in the morning is…. getting out of bed and going to the gym or for a run.

While it is cold and dark outside, being snuggled up in a warm bed, head buried deep into a soft warm pillow, the idea of getting out and going to do any form of exercise in the cold and dark is far from appealing.

The idea that you will feel better once you have been and had a workout doesn’t actually help.


Because for most people, they don’t feel better after a workout… at least not when they are starting out.

The truth is, people don’t work out to feel better today, they work out so that they feel better in the future.

What you do today, determines how you feel in a year’s time.

If you start doing yoga or a series of stretches each morning, in a year’s time you will be suppler and have less body aches.

Your muscles will be more defined and less flabby.

The morning’s exercise compounds over time until you feel better within yourself.

Results come after a period of time.

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Improvements in life happen after a period of consistent effort.

A writer who writes every day will have a book eventually.

Writing one page a day doesn’t help them on the day, but in six months time or a year’s time, that work will pay dividends, especially if that book sells and makes them thousands of pounds.

The daily page of writing earns them nothing, but combined into a book, all of the daily pages result in the writer earning a lot of money.

It is the same with anything you do.

After a period of consistent effort, you will be rewarded with results that you can really enjoy.

You should not think of today, but a day further into the future.

You do today what you want to enjoy tomorrow.

This is exactly how Roy made £47,000 tax free in one year.

He made a start and started small, he wasn’t concerned with making a lot of money on day one, just the amount he needed for that day.

He grew his bank, reinforced his discipline and now has a system which earns him around £903 each week… tax free!

The system allowed him to quit his job and earn money at his leisure from the comfort of his own home.

To discover how you too can make a £903 tax free income each week from home, go to:

System 903

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Please note; there are only 250 copies of System 903 available and numbers are dwindling. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. No more will be printed after the last one has been sold.

Here’s that link again:

System 903