There’s a lot of talk lately about AI tools and software taking jobs away from people because these tools can do their work for them.
This may be true, there will be people who lose their jobs because of AI, but I did read something online that shows that it needn’t be feared too much.
There is an AI tool that will build websites and a young website designer was beginning to panic fearing that he was about to lose his job.
A professional and well-known website designer, named Adam, addressed his concern with the following:
“The people that don’t want to build a website for themselves still don’t want to build a website for themselves.”
He also went onto say:
“There are many things I could do myself but have zero interest in doing it and would rather hire a professional.”
“I can file my own taxes, but I hire a professional to do it right. I can change the oil in my car, but I hire a professional to do it right. I can mow my lawn, but I hire a professional to do it right.”
That is a great point.
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These tools may be available, but there are still a lot of people who do not want to use them themselves.
To be honest, unless there is a pressing need to have something done fast, it doesn’t matter whether a person used an AI tool or not as long as the final result is exactly what the customer wants.
A person who wants a decent website building and knows nothing about building websites or AI tools is unlikely to care too much that the website took a couple of days to build instead of hours.
They are more likely to care that they get the website they want and need.
The only person who really cares about the speed is the website builder. The faster he can get work finished, the quicker he can get paid and move onto another website build.
Yes, AI is going to shake up the website design industry, and yes, I am sure there will be website designers that will lose work, but the fact still remains, the people and companies who want new websites will not want to build them themselves.
They will still rather pay someone to do it for them.
AI tools are going to make some people’s work a lot easier, but they may not take their jobs away.
To prove his point Adam said:
“Take a look at all the new AI capabilities in Photoshop. Amazing, right? Going to put graphic designers out of business, right? Wrong! It’s still Photoshop, even I won’t touch it!”
I don’t fully agree with him, some graphic designers will be put out of business as I am seeing a lot of people who are not graphic designers doing their own graphics, and the amount graphic designers charge could bottom.
But there will still be a need for professional graphic designers as there will still be a lot of people who, just like building websites, would rather have someone else do it for them.
It’s a brave new world out there, and those who embrace AI will most likely be the ones banking the most money.
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Kind regards.
John Harrison.
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