It’s Really Not About The Hustle And Grind!

Over the last few years there has been a lot of talk about the need to hustle and grind constantly if you want to be successful.

An industry has grown around the constant hustle and grind.

Online ‘gurus’ and marketers have been encouraging people want to be successful and wealthy to hustle and grind every available hour.

They push this idea that if you are not asleep, you should be hustling. Otherwise you won’t be successful.

This is… how do I put it… a load of old bullshit!

Firstly, the hustle philosophy is similar to the law-of-attraction philosophy in that it is something simple that everyone can do. Hustle basically means ‘doing’ and everyone can ‘do’ something.

And if a ‘hustler’ fails, it can be explained away by blaming the person insisting that they hadn’t ‘hustled’ hard enough.

It is an industry which the encourager cannot be blamed and sued as there is nothing to sue for.

Hustle = effort.

And so if someone doesn’t succeed, it’s simply passed off that they didn’t put enough effort in.

The truth is that the people you see encouraging other people to hustle hustle hustle, have teams of people who do most of the hustle for them, and… it isn’t necessarily the hustling that gets them their results.

Financial success is not always about how hard you work; it is very often about what you deliver, at what price, and how many people pay for it.

You can work very hard digging ditches but it is unlikely to make you wealthy. One person will pay you for your efforts, that’s it.

Moving soil from one place to another takes a lot of effort, but it won’t reward you with a lot of money.

However, sitting on your sofa in your slippers, wearing your ‘comfies’ writing a weekly newsletter, while sipping on a mug of tea and nibbling biscuits can change your financial situation in ways working hard digging ditches cannot.

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You see, financial success doesn’t come from hard work; it comes from supplying a lot of people with a product they want at a price most people are willing to pay.

That product can be incredibly simple and easy to create and deliver.

What matters is that the product is needed by a large number of people.

Yes, you need to get it in front of people, and yes, that isn’t necessarily a five minute job that you do just once.

You will need to get people to buy your product… but you don’t need to hustle and grind every hour of every day.

An 8 to 12 page PDF newsletter (access to a webpage or short video) needs doing just once each month and can be sold for a price between £5 and £97 (depending on the subject matter and its ability to transform a person’s life).

One person paying you £5 for your newsletter (access to a webpage or short video) is £5.

But 200 people paying you £5 for the same newsletter is £1,000.

2,000 people paying you £5 for the same newsletter is a cool £10,000!

2,000 people paying £5 per month for your newsletter is a rather decent £120,000!

With over 5 billion people globally using the internet each day, it shouldn’t be hard to find a couple of thousand newsletter subscribers.

The money is not the result of the constant hustle and grind, but the amount of people who are buying your newsletter or products.

Hustle and grind is useful, but it doesn’t need to be constant. If anything, constantly hustling will probably take you away from success.

Hustling is often nothing more than being ‘busy’ and being busy is often mistaken for being productive.

Being busy and being productive are two very different things.

A lot of people spend their time being busy and have nothing to show for their efforts.

That is because they are busy with the wrong things and they don’t give themselves time to sit down and reflect on what they are actually doing.

People often spend their time over working and making things complicated.

Instead, they should be creating and publishing simple content which they get paid for multiple times.

If that sounds like something you need in your life right now, click the link below to discover more:

The EASIEST Way To Start A PROFITABLE Newsletter!

Newsletters are one of the easiest ways to make money online today.

People love to read and they love to learn, and newsletters deliver great content directly to people’s phones.

The best thing about online digital newsletters is that they are super easy to do and you can publish one from wherever you are in the world.

It is an easy way to make money that you can take with you on your travels.

To learn more, go and watch the video now.

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… If you watch the video, you will see how easy it can be to create your own video newsletter and paid-for content.

Here’s that link again:

The EASIEST Way To Start A PROFITABLE Newsletter!