The other day I overheard one of the strangest conversations between three people.
There was a mother, her daughter and the daughter’s husband.
The daughter and her husband were in their late forties early fifties and the mother was nearing her seventies.
At the point I began to hear what they were saying – I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, they were talking quite loud – they were talking about the menopause and hormone replacement therapy.
The mother was saying how she had seen a television interview on one of the daily current affairs shows with a woman who was plagued by a whole range of symptoms and issues until she began taking HRT.
Once she started with the hormone replacement therapy, all of her problems stopped.
The mother then said to her daughter “they were all the same symptoms you suffer with” and suggested that she should go to the doctor and get some HRT for herself.
Her daughter replied that she was doing something about it already.
She was following a doctor who specialises in menopause who suggests that women should add and eliminate specific foods from their diets.
Apparently, some foods such as soya, almonds, chia seeds and walnuts can increase oestrogen production while other foods can inhibit oestrogen production.
It was at this point that the mother rolled her eyes and said… I kid you not… “It’s clearly not working is it?”
The daughter who was visible taken back replied with “It is… I’ve not had a hot flush since I started eating more walnuts. I would be a lot better if I wasn’t for the fact that I am intolerant to soya. At least I’m trying.”
The daughter was trying to take control of her health and wellbeing by eating more of the foods which help her to naturally increase her oestrogen levels.
For reasons I know not why, the mother disappeared for a few minutes which was lucky for me because that was when the conversation turned interesting.
Turing to her husband, the daughter said “how dare she say that?”
And then she unloaded…
For the next ten minutes the husband quietly sat listening, nodding and responding occasionally with ‘uh-hum’ in agreement to what was being said.
I get the feeling he has heard it all before.
Apparently, the woman’s mother and father both have Type 2 diabetes and have had it for nearly twenty years.
People with Type 2 diabetes need to manage the amount of sugar they consume.
Their condition was brought on by lifestyle choices which haven’t changed for the better since.
Every day her father starts the day with a bowl of two weetabix with an assortment of berries covered in sugar and milk.
Weetabix are made from wheat which is a bad carbohydrate (carbohydrates turn to sugar in the body), berries are very high in sugar and then he topped it all off with sugar… yes, sugar!
To make matters worse, throughout the day both mother and father nibble on pastries, cakes, and biscuits. The father has cheese on toast for his lunch most days too!
Basically, their daily sugar and carbohydrate consumption is far too high for persons with Type 2 diabetes.
It is harmful and damaging.
What annoyed the daughter – rightly so in my opinion – was that her mother was pushing her to go and see the doctor to ask for a ‘magic pill’ to manage her symptoms instead of trying to manage them herself in a better and healthier way.
Type 2 diabetes can be managed and in most cases reversed using diet. Eat the right foods and you can reduce the symptoms and free yourself of the condition.
Yet here was a couple who didn’t attempt to even try and reduce harmful foods from their diet.
There was no ‘balancing’ of diet going on. No ‘eat a couple of biscuits today, no biscuits for the rest of the week’ sort of thing.
They simple ate what they wanted.
One thing which really caught my attention was when the daughter mentioned the fact that her parents got free medication, free glasses and free foot care because of their diabetes.
In her words, they were ‘milking an already over-stretched system’ because they were not doing anything to help themselves.
They may not be ‘intentionally’ milking the system for free stuff, but because they were not actively doing anything to help themselves, they were continuing the cycle of being given medication to manage their condition…
A condition they could make better – or even get rid off – by making a few minor changes to their diet and lifestyle.
They were costing the NHS thousands of pounds a year in medication and care.
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It got worse, in the last five years her father had to be treated for deep vein thrombosis – probably because he drove everywhere and avoided walking – and prostate cancer.
Studies strongly show that diets high in sugar and lacking the right nutrition are contributing factors to cancer.
Overweight people have a higher risk of specific cancers. Both the mother and father have had issues with their weight according to the daughter… something to do with the quality of food they ate.
The daughter felt ‘let down’ by her mother for the lack of support in her bid to help herself and the fact that both her parents would rather rely on a constant feed of free medication instead of doing anything for themselves.
I can sympathise with her.
A lot of people are like that… which is why the other week I asked whether the NHS should be changed for an American style insurance based system.
I’m not saying it should, but I can see reasons to why some specific parts of the NHS should be replaced with some kind of ‘pay as you use’ system.
Health care should be free for those who are unfortunate to be involved in accidents, incidents or have health conditions which they were born with or has developed due to biological and genetic makeup.
I’m not sure that I subscribe to the idea that people should be given thousands of pounds of medication and care each year just because they couldn’t be arsed to eat a few less pasties, drink less pints or stop smoking cigarettes.
If people had to pay for their ‘magic pills’ like they do with medication for their pets, would they be so cavalier with what they do to their bodies?
Maybe… maybe not.
Whether or not the NHS should ever be swapped for an American based insurance system, it doesn’t hurt to be prepared.
The best way to be prepared is to make extra money each month. If that money is TAX free, that’s even better.
Fortunately, sports trading is considered gambling so that means any winnings are exempt from TAX…which is why people use apps and websites like Betfair to make money.
A lot of people make good money each and every month trading sports like football and horse racing.
These people aren’t ‘punters’, they aren’t going to have a ‘punt’ on a game because they believe a team or a horse will win, no, these people place money on an outcome the stats and previous performances say is the most likely to happen.
It’s an ‘informed’ decision and not one based on a whim.
For example; our good friend Stephen Lewis visits a free website, looks at 3 tables and compares 4 numbers to pick his winning selections.
That’s it!
Doing some quick and basic arithmetic, Stephen ends up with a list of teams that he can back.
These teams have higher odds than those given to the favourites which most people prefer to back.
Which means one thing… more money back for your stake.
In one example Stephen made £141.32 backing ‘no hopers’. These were teams which the majority expected to lose.
Out of a selection of 9 teams, he had a 56% win rate… but because of the HIGHER odds, he was able to make a £141.32 profit on the day… that is after any losses had been accounted for.
Had he traded those same games betting on the strong favourites, Stephen would have just broke even… but he didn’t, he won £141.32. because he chose to back the expected losers.
If you would like to know more about Stephen’s incredibly simple system where he makes guaranteed profits by simply taking a quick look at 3 tables and comparing 4 numbers, go to:
The Kamikaze System
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… Stephen also uses a little known button in Betfair which locks in profit taking away any need to sit and monitor the game he is trading.
This is a safety switch which means that should the team that everyone expects to lose, does actually lose, Stephen still walks away with a profit.
Very few people know about or use this button. I didn’t until I was told about it.
When he clicks the button and sets up his profit lock, he is free to completely forget about the game.
Thanks to that button, his trading becomes a SET and FORGET system.
Here is that link again: