Just Because It Is There, Doesn’t Mean It’s Right For You

This morning I watched as a woman wearing gym gear jumped into her car and drove off.

And before you say it, no, I wasn’t watching her like some weird stalker with a fetish for women wearing gym gear.

I assumed she was off to one of the gyms in town.

What I found interesting is that at the top of her road, less than 0.2 miles away and only a three minute walk, is the leisure centre with a large well equipped gym.

Basically, she had a decent gym only a stone’s throw away.

She had everything she needed on her doorstep.

Gym, swimming pool, yoga and stretch classes, spin classes, aerobics classes, squash courts and a sauna.

Everything a person who enjoys sports and keeping fit can be found at the leisure centre… yet this woman drove to a different gym in another part of the town.

I imagine she would be one of those people who will drive miles to a gym to spend half an hour running on a stationary tread mill…

…and pay a small fortune for the privilege too.

Why do people do that when they can go for a run in the country or through the streets for free?

Maybe it’s the weather; we don’t have reliable weather to run regularly outside.

A lot of gym bunnies baffle me, they work hard yet whenever they need to do something real… like walk for a few metres, they avoid it like the plague.

The worst example of this was the guy I once saw parking his flash sports car in the disabled parking spot at Tesco.

This guy was HUGE with muscles. He looked like someone had stuffed footballs into a tight T-shirt.

He clearly was a fan of going to the gym and spending hours engaged in hard physical exercise. This man liked to push it to the max until he was drenched in sweat…

… yet at Tesco he had to park as close to the shop doors to avoid walking a few extra feet through the car park.

To save himself the walk he parked in a spot set aside for vulnerable people who need to be close to the doors the most.

Why do that?

It’s not like the walk would kill him. This ‘alpha male’ (or ‘clown’ as I like to call him) probably spends hours running on a treadmill as part of his ‘beefing up’ regime.

Anyway, I digress… sorry.

The point that I am trying to get across here is that people are different.

Each and every one of us sees and experiences things differently.

We have different likes and dislikes.

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The woman I saw driving off to go to another gym had her reasons to go elsewhere even though everything she needed to exercise and keep fit was on her doorstep.

Her needs and wants are different to other people, she may have wanted:

  • A cheaper gym
  • A better equipped gym
  • A quieter gym with less people
  • A more exclusive gym
  • A gym which has better personal trainers
  • A smaller gym

There could be any number of reasons as to why she went to a different place even though they both essentially offer the same thing.

Why am I telling you this?

I am telling you this because when it comes to starting a business, writing a book, creating a product, building a website or one of numerous other ventures, a lot of people stop and doubt what they are doing because…

‘It’s already been done’


Somebody is already doing it’.

Very often people are afraid to give something a go because they fear they will fail because someone else is already doing it.

Usually, the fact that someone else is doing something successfully is a good reason as to why someone else should do it too.

A large Tesco supplying a small area for many years may seem like enough, but that doesn’t stop Aldi or Lidl plonking a large store right around the corner.

They know that people like different products, they also like ‘new’ stuff and they like change.

Obviously, you wouldn’t want fifteen supermarkets all on the same road in a small village, that would be a saturated market, but one, two or even five competitors shouldn’t be a problem.

Everyone must have heard of Star Wars by now, it is an incredibly popular film, book and now television franchise where good people fight bad people in a galaxy far, far away.

With the huge popularity of Star Wars, you would wonder why hundreds, maybe thousands of other authors and television companies bother making science fiction series where good people battle bad people in space… but they do.



  1. It’s an incredibly popular niche.
  2. People like different things. Not everyone likes Star Wars, some prefer Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica or Stargate.
  3. People can enjoy multiple variations of the same thing. I know people who enjoy all of the above shows.

So, if you want to start something new but fear that you are going to fail because there are already people doing what you want to do… I say, forget that and get started.

Inaction has caused more money problems and failures than action.

Not getting started has destroyed more dreams and ambitions than getting started.

Even if after getting started you don’t succeed as you hoped, you will be in a far better position than if you had never started.

You make new connections, you learn new skills, you gain experience and new opportunities reveal themselves to you.

Of course, that all depends on what you do.

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Kind Regards

John Harrison

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