Let me share some numbers with you…

I’ve spoken quite a bit about writing in the past. Specifically about writing sales letters and emails… and there is a reason for that.

1. They make a lot of money
2. They are incredibly simple to write.
3. They take very little time to write.

As an example, I have just this week finished writing a new sales letter for a new sporting product which will be released shortly.

That one sales letter consists of only 2,623 words.

That is not a lot of words.

I have written and sent emails which were over a 1,000 words. That sales letter probably took me a couple of hours to write and I expect that sales letter to generate more money than what most people earn in a full year.

Obviously, there is a product for sale and so the product needed to be made, but I haven’t made it. the only work I have done is write the sales letter and the accompanying emails.

My part in making money from that product took me less than a day in total.

The three previous sales letters which I have written recently look like this.

Sales Letter A – 2,622 words
Sales Letter B – 1,772 words
Sales Letter C – 3,578 words

Andi, our techy guy, tells me that he once wrote over 2,000 words talking into his phone while walking to his previous job.

Those words were a ‘content dump’ as he likes to call it. They were waiting for him as a text document when he got home. He just had to turn on his laptop and start editing.

It is still early days with those sales letters but I can tell you that as I write this email, Sales Letter A generated £84,000 in the first 30 days!

Yes, you read that right…

‘A 2,622 word sales letter generated £84,000 in the first 30 days!’

That includes doing a paper mailing but I can confidently tell you now, that all four of my recent sales letters could quite easily generate £100,000 or more using just email alone.

As I have mentioned many times in the past, running your own email business is ridiculously cheap compared to virtually all other businesses.

Learn how to write simple short sales letters and emails yourself, then you have a money making skills which you can take anywhere in the word.

An email business combined with the ability to write these kinds of sales letters means that you can earn money wherever you are… and when times really are hard.

With the current state of affairs here in the UK, driver shortages, labour shortages, exports to Europe being slashed, businesses closing and whole industries on the brink of collapse, having a set of skills which you can take anywhere and can generate money from a world without borders is a must.

I know that I could up sticks and move to the other side of the world and still make money just as I do now. I simply plug into my business and carry on as before. My location may change, but the way I make money doesn’t have to.

Being able to write great sales letters and emails, and building your own personal email list are a must as far as I am concerned.

They are THAT important.

This should be taught in schools.

Seriously, if your children or grandchildren do not know about this, tell them. They need to know, this business is all about freedom.

Do it right, you, your children and your grandchildren could have the freedom to leisurely travel the world without worrying about how to pay for the next meal.

To learn more about writing simple sales letters go to:

One Letter From Retirement

To also learn how to find freedom using email go to:

The Email Secret

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… This article has taken around 30 minutes to write and has less than 700 words and is just under half the size of Sales Letter B in the list which had 1,772 words. It really isn’t as hard as you imagine.