This weekend while out and about I spotted a woman talking to her lapel as she walked and another woman paying for trainers using a handheld mobile payment machine while being nowhere near the check out.
We really have hit the technology as predicted in shows like Star Trek… apart from the space ships.
It seems that we are using Star Trek technology… but a few hundred years early.
The woman who was walking and talking to her lapel was talking to someone via her phone but she didn’t have a phone in her hand, nor were there any wires.
She had a microphone attached to her lapel which she spoke into and she had a mini ear piece in her ear allowing her to hear what was being said at the other end.
The microphone and ear piece were connected to the phone via a Wi-Fi connection, possibly Bluetooth.
It reminded me of the badges that are attached to the Starfleet uniforms in Star Trek which are communication devices allowing individuals to talk with other people and communicate with their ships.
Smartphones are more than communication devices; they are small hand held computers.
In Star Trek, people are seen carrying hand held computers which are used in the same way we use tablets and smartphones today.
The woman who I observed buying trainers paid by tapping a small card reader which was attached to a small touchscreen tablet or phone.
With apps, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi technology, we are free to buy and sell while we roam.
At a recent food festival in Sheffield, all the stores were taking card payments using mobile card readers which connect to an app on a smartphone.
Transactions were done over the mobile network. As long as you have a connection and decent signal, you can take payments.
It doesn’t end there…
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Bank cards are now slowly being replaced by banking apps on smartphones.
Using apps like Apple and Google pay, people tap their phones on card readers and pay money direct from their account.
Wrist watchers can now be connected to smartphones and I often see people in the middle of a conversation taking a quick look at their watches to see what new message or email they have only that second received.
The Samsung Galaxy wrist watch connects to a compatible Samsung phone using Bluetooth and allows you to talk directly through your wrist watch… all very James T. Kirk.
Just like Star Trek, we can now ‘talk’ to our computers and devices and ask for information, entertainment, order shopping and even do tasks such as open and close curtains, turn the heating up or down and turn lights on and off.
Alexa by Amazon is a perfect example of this.
Thanks to a combination of Wi-Fi, mobile data and your smartphone, you can see and talk through your doorbell to any strangers who are standing outside your door while you are several thousand miles away sunning yourself up around a pool with a cold beer.
We really are living in the future
We just don’t yet have the space ships or the strange looking aliens with huge foreheads or pointy ears.
What we do have… is the opportunity to make money from virtually any corner of the country thanks to that little computer we have in our pockets.
Most people now have a strong and reliable connection to the internet wherever they are.
Some places may be a little more remote than others but if you were wandering through the heart of the Australian bush, I imagine making money is the last thing on your mind.
I’d be more bothered about the lack of water, lack of food – I don’t care how nutritious they are, I’m not eating any witchetty grubs ever – and all of the venomous snakes and spiders that could kill me.
You’d be better off saving your battery power and any network connection you may have for emergencies and keeping in contact with the outside world rather than trying to make a few pounds.
Fortunately, you are not wandering around the Australian bush or any other inhospitable place on Earth.
You are probably reading this from the comfort of your own home, or possibly in a café or bar, which means that you are in the perfect place to make money using your smartphone or tablet.
It wouldn’t surprise me if you were actually reading this on a smartphone or tablet… if that is the case; you understand exactly what I am saying here.
A perfect example of using a smartphone or tablet to make money is to trade the markets
If you are a regular reader of my emails, you will know that our good friend Kate Davis regularly makes between £50 and £185 most mornings while working out in her gym before starting work using nothing more than her smartphone.… which is why we call her the treadmill trader.
She generally makes between £750 and £1,725 TAX FREE money each month.
Kate uses an app which connects to a popular trading platform. It’s all incredibly simple and Kate will show you exactly what to do and how.
If you would like Kate to show you how she makes between £50 and £185 most mornings using just her smartphone, go to:
Kind Regards.
John Harrison
PS… Because this is TAX FREE money, it means you get to KEEP EVERY PENNY you earn!
Here’s that link again: