Dear Streetwise Customer,
I think you’d like the way I make some extra cash…
It’s a simple ‘trick’ I can deploy from my PC, Laptop or tablet (I usually use a laptop) which turns a £7.50 investment into £75 like magic. It’s something I can do 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year no matter what else I’m doing or where I am.
And I can do it several times a day…
The sceptics will tell you it can’t exist. But they’re wrong! Anyone could copy me – and I do mean anyone! It’s that simple.
In a moment, I’m going to tell you how you can exactly duplicate what I’m doing …and why I’m prepared to bankroll you for giving it a go!
You won’t need any skills or ability to get this working for you. And there’s absolutely nothing to make, build or create either.
Great there’s none to do!
No problem, you won’t need any (I’m assuming you can rustle up £7.50 to get started).
Fine because this doesn’t involve either.
Well, we’re on the same page. So was I, and this has got nothing to do with any of that stuff.
My name is Roger Blake…
And I created this magic money multiplier from scratch. If you’re interested (and if you’d like a really simple way to make easy cash from home, I think you should be) I’d like to tell you more about how all this works, and more importantly, how you can get up and running and copying me making money, literally within twenty four hours…and at my expense!
Okay, let’s get started.
Imagine for a moment, sourcing something for an outlay of £7.50 (and maybe even less) tomorrow morning and then having someone buy it from you later tomorrow afternoon for £75. Well, that’s what happens here. Now they don’t always buy the same day – it may take a bit longer but, once you get a bit of momentum going, someone will be buying something from you most days.
Maybe it’s someone who wants what you sourced yesterday… or the day before…or perhaps last week. But it really doesn’t matter – and you can literally wait until you’ve sold your first item before sourcing another if you’re really strapped for cash to get started.
But you won’t even be risking that £7.50, as you’ll discover later in this letter.
Now you’ll note I say ‘buy from you’, because that’s one of the great things about this little system I’ve created.
You’ll never speak to a customer or try to sell to them. Everything is done remotely through intermediaries.
It’s really simple…but I know what you’re thinking…
And you’re right, you don’t.
So, what do you get paid for with this? I’ll tell you, and it’s really simple…
You get paid for sourcing something someone didn’t know existed – and didn’t realise they wanted – and then making sure they find out you’ve got it.
And then you wait for THEM to come to YOU!
That’s basically all there is to it. So rather than buying something and then hoping someone will then buy it from you, you do things a little bit differently…
You source something that someone will definitely want and then alert them to the fact that you have it. And wait for them to come and knock on your virtual door to buy it.
Before I go on, I just want to make clear that you don’t need any online presence to do this. You don’t need any social media like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, you don’t need an eBay account and you certainly don’t need your own website. Everything is done through highly respected and well-established third parties – all accessible online.
Stage One…
Well, that’s where Google is your friend. It’s where you can find your customers who will turn your £7.50 investments into a £75 profit and it’s where you’ll figure out exactly what they’ll happily pay you for.
Don’t worry, I’ll show you exactly what to look for. It’s embarrassingly easy to do, (and I can’t believe more people aren’t on to it) but that’s the ‘hard work’ done.
So, what’s next?
Stage Two…
Well once you’ve targeted a customer (the reality is you’ll usually target more than one – more of that in a moment) and what they’ll be desperate to buy from you, the next stage is to get hold of the product.
This is the easiest part. It’s all done online. I’ll direct you to the specialist website I use where I can get the whole purchase process done in under two minutes.
Stage Three…
Let your customer know you have what they want…but don’t know it yet!
Send them an email! Nothing ‘salesy’ or awkward. I’ll show you exactly what to say. In fact, I’ll tell you right now in a nutshell…
This last bit is very important and explains why you never have to sell anything. You see the product you’ve unearthed will be totally unique. There is only one in the world exactly like it, and if you’ve done your job correctly (and you will have, because I’m going to show you how) it will appeal to more than one potential customer.
But guess what? Only one of them can have it!
Are you beginning to see why this is so lucrative? Not only have you unearthed a highly desirable product, but you’ve also created competition between prospective buyers.
Heck, I’m sure some people buy from me just to stop others from getting what I’ve found…even if they’re not 100% convinced they want it themselves!
Do I mind? Not at all when it’s turning my £7.50 investment into £75.
Why would I?
And remember, once you get into this, you can just keep doing it over and over again. There’s no limit to how many times you can do it or how much money you can make from it. It’s a money multiplier that just keeps on paying out.
Let me give you some more crucial information about this unique home-based money-making system I’ve put together:
Just to be very clear, this has nothing to do with gambling, financial trading, affiliate schemes, publishing, software, cryptocurrency, NFT’s, multi-level marketing or anything else you’ve been pitched in the past.
I came up with this myself, and the way that I’ve structured it there’s almost unlimited potential. The market won’t get saturated and you will never suffer from competition. As I’ve said before, you’ll be offering unique products unearthed for very specific customers which nobody else can match.
So how much do I expect you to make?
Well, as I said before, every time you activate this money multiplier, you’ll turn £7.50 into £75. It’s perhaps worth mentioning at this point that that’s the minimum you can expect to make. Sometimes I’ve made considerably more, but I don’t want to give you expectations which might not work out. So let’s play safe and stick with the £75.
In my experience, if you’re working on this alone, it’s possible to ‘turn the handle’ on this about five times a day. So, the most you can reasonably expect to bring in on a day is about £375. There will be days where you do better, but don’t bank on it.
And on a bad day?
Well, you might have days where you only bring in £75-£150. It’s not great on those days but it’s swings and roundabouts and you can expect to make up for it somewhere soon down the road.
And anyway, even £75 isn’t bad for perhaps half an hour’s work is it? Well not in my world anyway!
I really hope you would, but this is where things might take a slightly different turn to what you’re used to.
You see, not only am I going to show you how to do it, but I’m going to absolutely guarantee you’ll make money with it (and recompense you with my own money if you don’t)
But here’s the thing…
I can only guarantee you’ll make money with this if you get off your behind and do something. Actually, that’s not true, you can make money with this sitting on your behind, but you get my point!
You have to take action!
So, it will do you no favours whatsoever if I give you one of those airy fairy guarantees that allow you to scan the manual, decide you can’t be bothered doing anything and return it for refund.
I want to do better than that!
That doesn’t do you any good, because you’ve just wasted your time and still not got a money making project going that turns £7.50 into £75 as often as you like. And it doesn’t do me any good because I don’t get paid for teaching you how to do this!
Order a copy of The Magic Multiplier and I’ll make sure the manual is rushed out to you straight away. Once you’ve read the manual, if there’s some reason you CAN’T do this (I can’t imagine what that might be, by the way!) you can contact my publishers and ask for your money back.
To be clear, the only thing you can’t do without is a PC, laptop or tablet with internet connection. Please don’t order a copy if you don’t have that. To be equally clear, if you’re even thinking about ordering this manual, reading it and then asking for your money back without doing anything, can I respectfully ask that you don’t?
If you genuinely can’t do this for some reason, fair enough, but I’ve put far too much time and effort into perfecting it and the committing everything to paper, to be messed around by people who are kidding themselves that they’re going to do something.
So, I want you to give it a go. It’s not rocket science and it’s not difficult. But it won’t make you a penny if you don’t make a little bit of effort to get started. Okay?
I’m talking a few minutes sitting at your tablet, pc or laptop here. Is that too much to ask?
Haven’t you wasted enough time on stuff that doesn’t work? This does work and I want you to reap the benefits.
Now here’s where my unique guarantee comes in.
You see I’m not only going to cover the price of the manual, but I‘m also going to cover the cost of you giving this a go!
So here’s the deal…
Read the manual and using what you learn, source your first ten items and make them available to buy at £75 each. If you fail to sell them, or make a substantial profit for any reason, let my publishers know and not only will they refund the cost of the manual, but they’ll also give you an extra £75 to cover your costs.
I hope you’ll agree that’s fair. I’ve made it so that you can’t possibly lose anything by giving this a fair crack.
And I hope I’ve also made it so that the only people who get hold of a copy of this manual (and the secret of how to turn £7.50 into £75 as many times as you like) are ‘doers’ who are prepared to take action as long as they have a secure safety net.
I’m providing that safety net for you with this unique guarantee and I hope, in turn, that shows how much confidence I have in The Magic Multiplier.
I could only afford to guarantee the cost of the manual AND your set up costs, if I knew you were going to be successful.
Is that fair?
Oh I almost forgot…the price!
Well, I hope you’ll agree that a good day’s profits would be more than reasonable. So, somewhere around the £350 mark.
In fact, it would be ridiculously cheap for what you’re getting here…
A system that allows you to sit down at your computer, do a bit of Googling and then set the wheels in motion to turn £7.50 into £75 as many times as you like without any further financial outlay, selling or effort…
A system you can use 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from anywhere in the world…and without any competition.
Yes, it would be ridiculously cheap, but I know it would also be out of the reach of a lot of people who could benefit from this. So, I’m going to slash the price to the bone on one condition, and here it is…
If you agree to get in touch in three months time and let me know how you’re getting on (an email will do) I’ll get a copy into your hands for the super low price of just £179…and you’re still covered by the unique guarantee I’ve already told you about meaning I’ll not only refund your money if this doesn’t work for you, but I’ll give you an extra £75 on top.
Why so generous?
Well, I have huge global plans for The Magic Multiplier and this exclusive offer to Streetwise Publications customers is just the beginning. I fully expect to be charging in excess of £500 for this system within 6 months and testimonials from people who are making money with it are going to boost the value of it for me.
So, this special price is a win-win for us both. You get in early on something which is going to explode this year at a bargain basement price, and I get a little help marketing this to other people who can profit from it further down the line.
I hope that makes sense.
To reserve your copy of The Magic Multiplier manual click here (fully covered by my totally unique money back guarantee) or call the Streetwise Publications credit card hotline on 01709 361819.
I’ll make sure the manual is emailed out to youas soon as possible.
Very Best Wishes,
Roger Blake.
P.S If there’s anything you don’t understand (there really shouldn’t be) I’m on hand to help you get up and running with this. The manual is just the start of our relationship.
P.P.S Don’t forget, you’re fully covered by my better-than-money-back guarantee, ensuring that you can’t lose a penny if you give this a try.
To Order Your Copy Of The Magic Multiplier On Approval Click Here Or Call 01709 361819
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