I see that Twitter is testing a new service called Twitter Circles. Circles is Twitter’s version of an exclusive group.
Facebook allows people to share posts with specific people and to build groups where content can only be seen by those in the groups.
Instagram allows users to have an exclusive group where they can post content which is only seen by those in the group.
And it now seems that twitter is doing something similar.
Circles allows a user to build a specific group of 150 people who they can share specific and exclusive content with.
Twitter also allows you to monetise your profile by connecting apps such as Cash App which allows people to send you money directly from their phone.
I see great potential with this…
If you have something to share with people which either entertains or educates, then you could quite easily charge people a fee to be a member of your Circle.
Inner Circles were always a great way to make money and now you have the opportunity to run your own inner circle from the palm of your hand.
Let me just repeat that so we are clear… you have the opportunity to run your own inner circle from the palm of your hand.
If you had the maximum 150 people in your circle and you charged them £10 a month to receive your Tweets, you would make £1,500.
If the content you share is valuable and can help people to either change their lives or make them large amounts of money, you could quite easily charge more.
Imagine that you were charging people £20 per month; you’d be making £3,000.
If you were charging £50 per month – and people do – you’d be banking a nice £7,500.
What kind of stuff can you charge for?
Well anything and everything really.
Tipping services are popular as are marketing and make money information which covers a whole range of topics.
Value and worth is subjective, some people will pay a lot of money to own or learn something specific while others wouldn’t give you a penny for it.
You shouldn’t be afraid to ask for what you want and target only those who are willing to pay for it.
You could have two people paying you £10, or 10 people paying £2. The former would be better as you have less people to deal with which makes your job a whole lot easier.
Answer questions from 150 for £300 a month could be a nightmare, but answering and interacting with just 15 for £300 a month is easier and more acceptable.
I don’t want to lower the tone but think about those high end escorts who target wealthy men; they earn more for doing less.
They are not afraid of asking for what they want because they know that there are people who are happy to pay what they ask.
They don’t fear not have any clients.
They would rather deal with fewer clients and earn more money for their efforts.
You should be the same…
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Ask for £20 per month for your information and content if you believe that it is worth it.
Supplying a large number of people with a cheap product can be hard work and can take up a lot of your time.
Using Twitter to supply digital content is relatively simple and easy so you may think that there is little hard work involved, and you are right with that, however, the hard work is when dealing with a large number of customers.
Believe me when I tell you that you will receive a lot of questions and messages. It’s often better if you charge more and have fewer customers to manage.
You can always lower the price if there are no takers.
There has never been a better time in human history where you can make money from the palm of your hand from anywhere and everywhere.
A system where you supply content via Twitter for money is a system that you can take virtually anywhere in the world.
You might not be able to do this in North Korea, but then again, North Korea probably won’t let you in in the first place so it doesn’t matter.
Twitter Circles is being trialled and tested currently and hopefully will soon be available to all users meaning that anyone who uses Twitter will have the opportunity to run their own Inner Circle group from the palm of their hand.
Another way to make between £1,250 and £1,500 per month from the palm of your hand using nothing more than your smartphone is trading the markets.
Our friend Kate, the treadmill tycoon, uses her phone to scalp profits from the markets each morning.
She doesn’t need to make any content and she doesn’t have to deal with customers asking questions either.
Kate trades for roughly half an hour most mornings while she works out in her home gym and earns between £1,250 and £1,500 per month.
As I said it before, we are living in the greatest time ever in human history to be able to make money from the palm of your hand.
Kate is living proof of that.
She makes between £1,250 and £1,500 per month using only her phone while she works out in her home gym.
To learn more about Kate and what she does to generate up to £1,500 per month, go to:
Kind Regards.
John Harrison
PS… Did I mention the £1,250 – £1,500 per month Kate earns is TAX FREE?
Here’s that link again: