Our techy guy Andi was telling me the other day about a friend of his called Miz.
Miz builds websites for a living.
He studied all the necessary coding and computer sciences at University. He has the skills and knowledge to make anyone an all singing and all dancing whistles and bells website.
The thing is…
Miz makes most of his money building simple websites that anyone can build.
Using a simple plug and play, drag and drop, and copy and paste system to build websites, Miz charges £250 to build a 3 page website which usually takes no longer than 30 minutes… an hour at the most.
The 3 pages are:
- Home page.
- About Us page.
- Contact Us page.
If a customer requests any extra pages such as a ‘Gallery/Portfolio’ or ‘Products/Services’ page, Miz charges an extra £25 per page.
Miz hosts the websites on his own hosting for a year as part of the price and then after that, he charges £100 per year.
The hosting is already paid for and costs as little as £200 for two years so adding other people’s websites to his hosting is not costing him any money.
If people want to host the website themselves they can, but they need to purchase the hosting separately.
The plug and play, drag and drop, copy and paste system that Miz uses to build his websites is WordPress.
He installs WordPress on the hosting, uses one of several templates that he asks the client to chose from and then simply adds all of the information and images that they send him.
He doesn’t write anything or source any pictures; he only adds what they send him.
He also doesn’t do the work until the person has sent him everything to be added to the website. There is no ‘I’ll send these today so you can make a start and get the rest sent to you next week’.
He insists that he will only start the build when he has everything they want on the website.
He likes to build the site as fast as he can and sign it off straight after. He doesn’t want website builds hanging over him.
Why am I telling you this?
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Because it is something that anyone can do.
Miz finds clients by:
- Advertising in local Facebook groups.
- Fiverr.com.
- UpWork.com.
- Advertising on local sites like Gumtree.com.
- Handing out business cards to people.
- Advertising in local newspapers.
Once he has all of those ‘fishing hooks’ hanging out there waiting to catch clients, he focuses on building websites fast and getting paid.
It’s far easier to build a website than you may realise.
To discover how you can build a website fast without knowing anything about building websites, click the link below:
How To Build A Profitable Website Fast WITHOUT Knowing Anything About Building Websites!
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… Points to consider:
- These are simple 3 page websites.
- For any additional pages you charge extra.
- All the content is prepared for you by the client; you simply copy and paste it into the website template.
- The work can take as little as half hour to complete.
- You can have clients from all around the world.
Here’s that link again: