Make £2,500+ Each Month Sharing Stuff Already ‘Out There’!

What you are reading now has been inspired by reading someone else’s article online.

A lot of what I write about is inspired and influenced by what I see and read online.

Reading and watching short videos online is a great way to get ideas to write about.

In a previous article I shared with you a great idea for creating videos and podcast by reading other people’s content and recording yourself talking about what you had read.

It is a super simple way to create online content that you can profit from.

People love information, and they love opinion. If you share information and opinions on specific topics, you can make money.

Another fantastic way of making money is to share information via a newsletter.

I have talked several times about this recently, and the reason for this is that newsletters are probably one of the easiest ways to make money online.

They are one of the easiest online businesses you can start.

There are numerous platforms you can use for your newsletter:

  • Gumroad
  • Patreon
  • Payhip
  • Substack
  • Email

To name a few…

A newsletter can be as easy as curating content from other websites and sharing it with your readers.

Here’s the thing that I want to expand on today…

scroll down to carry on reading…

FREE Blueprint & Video Tutorial - Request Your Instant Online Access Now!

Your newsletter can be about anything!

People think that the best earning newsletters are those in the ‘make money’ niche, but that is not necessarily true.

Yes, there are people who are making a lot of money with them, and that is because they can generally charge more money per month for them.

Some people charge £97 per month for newsletters that teach people how to make money.

But on the whole, the newsletters that are really doing well are those with thousands of subscribers who are only paying £5 or £10 a month.

You don’t need to charge a lot of money per month and you don’t have to write about making money.

If you find 500 people willing to pay you £5 per month, you are making a decent £2,500 per month!

Find 1,000 or more and you are making over £5,000 per month!

How does that sound?

Finding 500 subscribers in a global population of over 8 billion with nearly 67% of those accessing the internet each day, shouldn’t be too difficult.

Finding subscribers is probably the hardest part of publishing your own newsletter, but with so many people online and gathering on free-to-use social media platforms each day, it isn’t as hard as you may think.

Let’s take football as an example.

Football is a popular worldwide sport with millions of fans globally.

There are plenty of teams, players, and leagues to write and talk about, with most of the information already online for you to ‘borrow’.

You could potentially create a newsletter that focuses on football and your opinions of teams, players, and individual games.

You should be able to find at least 500 paying subscribers, but if you don’t, there are other ways to monetise your newsletter such as signing up to be an affiliate for the numerous bookmakers and betting exchanges and earn commissions promoting those websites and services within your newsletter.

That would be a fantastic way to generate money as a lot of football fans love to have a ‘cheeky punt’ on their team.

Bookmakers and betting exchanges pay good commissions. Affiliates generally earn more than 90%+ of the people who use their services.

Most people who have a ‘cheeky punt’ don’t use any system or plan; they just place a bet on a ‘hunch’ or a ‘hope’.

Dan Edwards isn’t one of those people; he only places money on games where specific research shows that he has the best chance of making money.

He doesn’t wait until the end of the game either, he is like the SAS, he gets in and out as fast as possible.

There’s no sitting around waiting for the final whistle. He takes his profit and runs before the game starts warming up.

If you would like to know exactly what it is that Dan does, click the link below:

The Z15 Profit System

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… This is something that can be done from wherever you are using a smartphone or a tablet. It takes a few minutes to learn and a few minutes to implement. It is one of the simplest methods we have ever shared.

Here’s that link again:

The Z15 Profit System