I read today that the full amount of the new Sate Pension is £185.15 per week for 2022/2023.
£185.15 a week for a year is £9,627.80.
I also read that the energy prices are forecasted to hit £3,600 a year this winter.
The cost of energy for the year is more than a third of the pension payout.
£69.23 a week of that £185.15 will be spent on gas and electricity which leaves you with very little to live on for the rest of the week.
With the increasing costs to food, it won’t take long for the remaining £115.95 to be eroded to nothing.
I hate to say it; the future is looking a little bleak for many.
Some people are going to be doing nothing more than simply existing.
That’s no life at all.
Life is meant to be enjoyed… and you can get very little enjoyment when you have to constantly count the pennies.
To make life that little easier, you really only have one option, and that is to make more money.
Trying to cut back and save money is painful when you have little to save in the first place.
You could choose to live on crisp sandwiches for the next six months, but your mind and body might not thank you.
When people are forced to cut back, food is often the first and quickest area to act on.
Changes to food choices are very often bad with cheap unhealthy food replacing good nutritious food.
To prevent being forced to make bad food choices and cut back on doing the things you enjoy, you only need a little extra each day.
Just £20 a day can make a huge difference to a person’s life. It doesn’t sound much but £20 a day is £140 per week and £560 per month.
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£560 per month extra should nicely cover the gas and electricity bills plus one or two others.
£560 per month extra gives you breathing space.
£560 per month extra can be peace of mind for many people.
£560 extra each month is more than doable.
Dave Houghton makes between £110 and £350 most weekdays doing something which takes as little as ten minutes to set up at the start of the day.
Once set up, it goes to work and makes money for you.
Setting up is incredibly simple because it relies on you looking at two specific numbers and then subtracting one from the other.
If the answer is the one you want, you set the system up and go on with the rest of your day.
If you would like to know how you too can make between £110 and £350 most weekdays, click the link below
The A Minus B System
Kind regards
John Harrison
PS… One thing you should know is that this system is not a here today and gone tomorrow system .It will work for the next 10… 20… 30… 40+ years. It will work through whatever cost-of-living crises are thrown at you.
It takes as little as ten minutes in the morning to set up, and then it is left to do what it needs to do.
Here’s that link again: