Making £10,000+ Per Month Using Witchcraft!

In the previous article I mentioned about the woman who makes around £123,840 a year publishing a newsletter about witchcraft.

Today I am going to share more details about her and why I think anyone can do what she is doing.

Amanda Yates Garcia lives in Los Angeles and makes a full-time income running a newsletter focusing on witchcraft.

Her newsletter, Mystery Cult with Amanda Yates Garcia is, from what I can see, $30 a month (about £24 at time of writing).

Amanda has 13,000 people subscribing to her free newsletter, with 430 of those paying to access more of her content.

I don’t know what paying subscribers get compared to the free subscribers, but Amanda publishes twice a week.

In a recent interview Amanda said:

“I offer essays, monthly live full-moon rituals, a monthly downloadable Witch Guide, live chats, a reading group, and surprise gifts like meditation MP3s and playlists. I write about the symbology of the season (like the full moon in Libra and what it means); I write about what’s most urgent for me in my own practice (like when ADHD gets in the way of your ritual practice, or how to deal with muggles family gatherings); or essays about things I’m studying and want to share (like the mythologies of the goddess Hekate, the phenomenology of alchemy, how paganism and ecology relate, etc.).”

I have no idea as to what any of that means, but it seems that 13,000 people love it and 430 pay to get more of it.

What I love about this is that this is a perfect example of a person earning a six-figure income each year selling information that is not in the expected make money online niche.

She hit six figures within a year of starting her online newsletter.

Amanda is making over £10,000 each and every month sharing information about witchcraft.

If she can do it, other people can… and in many different niches.

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I know that I have been repeating myself about newsletters lately, but there is a reason for that, and that is that they can be incredibly profitable, they can be incredibly easy to do (you can start a newsletter today), and more importantly, they can be a lot of fun.

When something is fun and making money, it ceases to be work.

The other point I want to get across is… well, there’s two of them, and they are:

  1. The content is super easy to create today – I’ll share some examples with you shortly.

  2. Profit is based on numbers and not the amount of work involved – a newsletter with just one paying subscriber is the same newsletter if it had 500 paying subscribers. You only create it once.

This article is a piece of content worthy of being a newsletter and part of a monthly subscription.

I am writing this on a laptop using MS Word and once it is complete, I can either copy & paste it into whatever platform I use to deliver my newsletter, or I can save it as a PDF and upload it to wherever I house my newsletters.

It is all incredibly simple to do.

Amanda often surprised her subscribers with MP3s; these too are incredibly easy to create.

Audio recordings can be done using just your smartphone and can also be uploaded directly to your chosen newsletter platform.

The quality is more than acceptable and you can also edit audio files on your smartphone with ease.

Smarphones are no longer just phones; they are sophisticated handheld computers with more computing power than the space craft that took men to the moon.

People attach smartphones to ring lights and microphones and record video and audio content that they sell individually or as part of products.

It has revolutionised the content creation and adult industries. Anyone can be an online influencer and adult star thanks to these mini handheld computers.

This means that you too can be a star… or at least easily create content that you can use as part of a product such as a paid-for monthly newsletter.

With a smartphone you can:

  • Take great photos.
  • Record videos.
  • Record audio.
  • Write articles.
  • Convert speaking to text.
  • Create graphics.
  • Edit video and audio.

A smartphone can be a complete content creation machine, and it’s all at your fingertips.

I am not going to say that you will be making £10,000 a month within a year like Amanda Yates Garcia, but her example shows that it is possible.

For most people, hitting just £1,000 a month would be a welcomed bonus and that is more than doable I believe.

Kind regards.

John Harrison

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