Money Making Skills Are The New “Shovels”!

This week I read ‘online business is a gold rush. High-income skills are shovels. Start selling shovels’.

This an interesting modern take on the ‘during a gold rush, sell shovels’ business model that made Sam ‘The Shovel’ Brannan very wealthy.

For those who don’t know, Sam Brannan was a store owner who on May 12, 1848, just four months after the discovery of gold, held a one-man parade announcing the start of the San Francisco Gold Rush.

Walking through the streets shouting…

“Gold! Gold from the American River!”

…Sam spiked interest in the locals causing them to stampede to his store to buy shovels and panning equipment.

Brannan coined it in, and the story of his success led to the popular business saying…

“During a gold rush, sell shovels.”

It is a commonsense approach to business.

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In order to make money, give the people what they need and want.

The people wanted to find gold but to do that they needed tools and that is exactly what Sam Brannan sold them.

And he became very wealthy for doing so.

Today, more and more people are going online to make money and that means one thing…  ‘online business is a gold rush. High-income skills are shovels. Start selling shovels’.

The person who posted that is someone who is making thousands of pounds each month teaching other people the skills that she uses to make money online.

She has a set of skills that she uses to find clients, and when she has those clients, she then teaches them how to do the same.

Teaching people how to do specific things in a specific way that gives you specific results is a fantastic way to make money.

It’s clearly working for this person as I know that they are making several thousand pounds each month doing it.

And here’s the thing… you can do the same.

Teaching is nothing more than showing people how to do something and to help them get the results they desire.

Truth is, you don’t necessarily have to help them get the results, you can simply show them what they need to do, help them to figure that all out and then leave them to get on with it.

All you need to do is give them the tools to succeed just as Sam ‘The Shovel’ Brannon did; the rest is up to them.

Showing people what to do is now easier than it ever has been.

Before the days of fast broadband, online storage platforms, tablets, smartphones and laptops, wanting to teach people something meant having to hire a place for people to gather to show them in person, or hire a team of people to record you and have either books or videos made and sent out in the post.

Today, you can simply take a smartphone or a webcam and record yourself doing something and then uploading it to a specific website or platform.

You can record a video and have it online within the day… or within an hour or two depending on what you are doing.

In this video HERE, Andi, our techy guy, talks about how easy it is to create videos by recording a video as an example and uploading it to the webpage within 30 minutes… and that includes spending time creating images to add to the video.

Go and watch it now.

Kind Regards.

John Harrison.

PS. If you want to know more about this subject, I have published this exclusive report about creating your own Packaged Coaching Course that you can sell for £500 or more.

Go and read that report here:

Create Your Own £500+ Online Coaching Course