This morning I was informed that I had earned £112 by sharing a few articles that I had written to a platform called
I have told you about Medium before, it’s a huge blogging platform where anyone can publish articles.
Once you have 100 followers and have published a specific number of articles, you can apply to join their Partner Program.
As a member of their Partner Program, you get paid whenever any of your articles go viral.
Basically, what that means is that when an article you publish starts to be seen and read by people, Medium will share it with more readers and when more people take a look and read the article, you get paid more.
You also earn money when people sign up to become a paid subscriber of Medium through your affiliate link.
I don’t do a lot with Medium other than share a few articles that I write as a way to drive traffic to my websites and products.
That’s it, it is just a way to generate traffic.
The money is a nice bonus.
In October I earned £112, in September I earned £57.
The earnings are increasing but they will fluctuate depending on how much I publish in the future and how well those articles are received.
There are people who are earning thousands of pounds publishing content to Medium.
I’m going to share with you a little secret… the few articles which are earning the most money were based on articles I read online.
These articles were either from the online version of a popular UK newspaper (and those articles were based on videos and articles the writer had also seen online), or they were from websites that had interviewed certain people.
Basically, I was rewriting and re-reporting what was already online.
These articles were about people who were making a lot of money with online businesses or side hustles.
The titles helped; people love to read articles which ‘promise easy riches’.
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The title ‘How A 33 Year-Old Made £830,800 In 92 Days Starting With Only £170’ helped to earn £40 last month alone.
I wasn’t just rewriting the content; I was adding my own opinions and including other information. I was using the original content as a way to draw in readers.
I don’t know what this month’s earnings will be but if they are on par with last month where I earned £112, then that would be a nice chunk of cash for anyone wanting to earn some extra money each month to put towards their energy bills.
I am only sharing content as a source of traffic, the money is a bonus. But I do see a lot of potential here for those who are willing to do a little bit of writing each day.
Nothing too fancy or complicated either.
For this, you simply go to a few specific websites, look at what articles they have published recently, write your own article based on that content and then share it to websites like Medium.
It’s not hard to do and if you are a little concerned that it’s unethical, it’s not. You are simply relaying a story that you read to other people. As long as you don’t steal the article word for word you should be fine.
For extra safety, you can mention the source of the story. As an example, when using part of an interview, you can write ‘in an interview with the BBC, John said…’
This is not something that will make money right away, you will need to join the Medium Partner Program first which will require you to publish several stories and gain at least 100 followers before they let you join.
Once in, you can publish as much content as you like.
There are no limits to how many articles you can publish. It’s best to publish quite a bit as only a small number of articles do really well.
But as I say, how well your articles do can be helped by what you write about and the headlines you use.
Writing is a quite an easy thing to do; it doesn’t require any necessary skills other than a half-decent command of the English language and a basic understanding of grammar.
You most certainly don’t need to be an English literature professor.
There are a lot of people who make a lot of money writing. Some people make thousands of pounds on Medium itself.
The written word has turned some people into millionaires, and it has given thousands of people a lot of freedom.
There is a lot of money and freedom to be enjoyed through writing.
Discover how you too can earn a lot of money and freedom by clicking the link below:
5 Ways To Find Freedom As A Paid Writer
Kind Regards
John Harrison.
PS… Writing is something that can be done anywhere. It could be done while sitting on your sofa watching your favourite television shows if you so wished. I know people who write with their feet up, listening to music and enjoying a mug or two of tea. What they write makes them money.
Here’s that link again: