“It’s just bad luck.”
That is one of the things my friend was told this week after his cat disappeared.
Other things he was told from people trying to console him were “it’s what they do, they disappear from time to time,” “it’s one of those things,” and “it will be back, it’s just a cat.”
The thing is… it wasn’t ‘just bad luck’… far from it.
It was bad management.
You see, my friend never goes to bed until the cat was safe inside.
He would never leave it out overnight to prevent it being bullied by the other local cats and risk it running away.
His cat is a very timid female cat who never wandered far.
She mostly stayed in the garden. That was her territory and she was happy there.
If she ever wandered over the fence, which was rare, she was no more than a few feet away.
If anyone or anything came close, she would be back in the garden like greased lightning.
She really epitomised the saying ‘a real scaredy cat’.
Anyway, last week, my friend was away and had given the job of making sure the cat was inside to his daughter.
You may recall it was a wonderfully warm summer’s evening last Wednesday; well it was around our way.
When his daughter decided to go to bed, she made the decision to leave the back bedroom window open for the cat which had been sitting not far from it on the kitchen roof.
Except… it wasn’t there at that time, it must have been somewhere in the garden.
What would normally happen is that my friend would go outside, call her and rattle a tin of treats to get her attention.
Cats are simple creatures and a simple bribe of tasty cat treats is all that is required to get the cat in.
It would appear that the daughter decided that she ‘couldn’t be bothered’ to do that and decided go to bed and leave the window open for the cat so it could climb inside when it wanted to.
The daughter was normally very protective of her cat and hated the other cats bullying her.
During the day she would be the first out in the garden shooing the other cats off if she heard them.
Yet for some unknown reason, this night she decided to not bother and left the cat outside.
The cat has not been seen since.
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The last few days have not been fun for the family.
My friend is gutted because he knows that this could have been avoided.
It wasn’t ‘bad luck’; it was bad management.
It was a bad decision which has resulted in days of heartache and hassle the family do not need.
It would have taken five minutes, possibly ten to get the cat inside.
Even if it took half an hour or an hour to get the cat in, it would have prevented a lot of heartache and hassle.
My friend is a busy chap with a lot to do, but he has had to put a lot of what he does to the side and go searching for the cat.
In the last few days he has:
- Had to design and print off a load of ‘missing cat’ posters.
- Walk the streets posting flyers through doors.
- Pin posters to lamp posts in the area.
- Walked the area at midnight looking for the cat.
- Walked the area at 4am after hearing the sounds of a distressed cat. Unfortunately he was not successful and did not find his cat.
- Walked the area several times looking for any sign of the cat.
- Climb into the garden of an empty property to search the outbuildings resulting in pulling a muscle in his groin.
- Search other people’s gardens. With their permission of course.
The cat has not yet been found and he will now have to widen the search area.
As well as the anguish to the family, the lack of sleep, the suffering and trauma to the cat itself, it has also taken up a lot of time which could continue for some time.
This could have all been prevented by doing a few minutes easy ‘work’.
Unfortunately for the cat and the family, the daughter couldn’t be ‘bothered’ to do it.
Yes, there is a reason I am sharing this story with you…
Making money and becoming successful is exactly the same.
Systems and methods work… as long as you do everything that is required.
If you ‘decide’ to NOT do one thing just because you can’t be ‘bothered’, everything can go wrong.
Everything you have been doing successfully can all turn to mush if you decide to ‘not do’ one vital piece of the system… just as it has for my friend.
If a system is working, why skip a part?
In the eight years of having the cat, this is the first time that it has gone missing which so happens to be the one time the cat wasn’t secured inside at night time.
I think not.
There was always the possibility that the cat could be bullied during the day and run away, but there were always people around who could soon be out to scare off the other cats or the back door was open for an easy fast escape to safety.
At night time while people are sound asleep, no one was there to help out so it would appear that the cat bolted as it was getting bullied… or even worse, it may have been snatched.
People do steal pets and that is something my friend fears could have happened, which was another reason that he made sure that the cat was inside when he went to bed.
The daughter was given clear instruction to follow a system which has worked for eight years, but she failed to follow it… and now everything has gone ‘wrong’.
If you are following a system which has delivered successful results for other people, you should do everything they tell you… no matter how boring or mundane it feels.
It clearly works because they are proof of it.
If you are using a betting strategy and the person teaching you tells you to check the previous five games for each football team to see what the final scores were, check them!
If you feel that part of the system is pointless and boring and decide to skip it, you could be harming the success of the system.
If you fail to do ‘just one part’ of the system or method that you are using, you run the huge risk of undoing all of the good you have done so far.
You can turn success into distress.
That isn’t a case of ‘just bad luck’… that is a case of bad management.
It would be a bad decision on your part.
It would be bad action which could result in the one thing you want to avoid the most.
Success comes from repeatedly doing what you have to do and resisting the urge to ‘skip’ the parts you don’t like or don’t want to do.
Fortunately, not all systems have lots of parts.
Some are incredibly simple in their approach.
One of the simplest is the 903 System used by Roy, another friend of mine .
I’ve spoken about Roy before; he’s the guy who banked £47,000 within a year after developing a system which allowed him to pocket increasing amounts of money from horse racing.
Focusing on the safe wins instead of going after the big wins, he has built a system where he can now earn £903 a week giving him £47,000 a year in TAX FREE money.
If you would like to know more about Roy and the system which allows him to help himself to TAX FREE weekly amounts of £903, click the link below:
System 903
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… Please note; Roy instructed us to only print and sell 250 copies. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. No more will be printed after the last one has been sold.
Here’s that link again: