“No one tells me what to do!” … Says the man buying a dinghy he doesn’t need from Aldi.
I find it interesting that most people do not realise how easily influenced they are.
It is a fact of life that we humans are very easily influenced.
Most people believe that they always make up their own minds and come to their own decisions but the truth is they are unaware at how susceptible to manipulation they really are.
I was reminded of this only this week when Andi – a guy who works for us – told us how his good lady realised that the food she fancied changed depending on what programme they were watching.
They like to watch crime dramas and they usually watch an episode or two most evenings.
They have recently been watching New Tricks and before that they were enjoying Father Brown.
Two shows they never expected they would enjoy but apparently they did… quite a lot.
In the last series of New Tricks, the main characters were seen eating donuts in most episodes which had Andi’s good lady craving donuts… even when they weren’t actually watching the show.
When they were watching Father Brown which had the main characters regularly eating – or mentioning – traditional English scones with cream and jam, she was craving those.
Last week she turned to Andi and said that she had realised that she was being heavily influenced by what she was seeing on each show.
Her food choices were motivated by what she was repeatedly seeing on those television shows.
Andi has admitted that in the past he has ordered an Indian takeaway when he wasn’t even hungry after seeing people eating one on a television programme.
It was subtle… but incredibly powerful.
This is why you see food and drink advertising everywhere.
Okay, so this is nothing to worry about too much as it is only food, but it does clearly show us that we are influenced by what we see and hear regularly… more than people realise.
I have talked about this in a previous article where Andi and his good lady had seen so many crime dramas which involved ‘bent coppers’ that their perception of the police force was being manipulated by what they were seeing on those shows.
Because they were basically ‘drenching’ their minds with crime dramas focusing on ‘bent coppers’, their opinions of the police were slowly being reshaped into thinking that the police force was basically ‘corrupt’.
Fortunately they both know quite a bit about psychology and are aware at how this works and were able to prevent their opinions being completely hijacked.
But for those (a large portion of the population) who know little about how the mind actually works, they aren’t aware at how much their opinions and perceptions are influenced by external forces.
Recent studies have shown that the average voter can be swayed into voting and thinking a specific way by being exposed to the repetition of the same point seven times.
Repeat the same point seven times in different formats and guises and you can start to shape a person’s opinion without them realising.
Repeat it more and more, you can start to control a person’s thinking process and behaviour.
State run television in Russia, China and North Korea springs to mind here…
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When people become trapped in an echo-chamber of their own making, they are constantly reinforcing their opinions and beliefs through the repletion of the same few points which can be incredibly harmful if their opinions and beliefs are factually incorrect in the first place.
The other week I published an article quoting a line from a television show which said:
‘For centuries ugly men have used honeyed words to attract beautiful women.’
In that article I was talking about the art of persuasion using language especially the written word.
Those men who used ‘honeyed words’ to attract beautiful women wouldn’t have said them just once…
They would have repeatedly said what those women wanted or needed to hear.
Whether it is through subtly imagery, the written word, or speaking, repeat the same point over and over again and you can influence and persuade people to do things you want them to do.
Emotion is a powerful driving force and through the repetition of a point you can stimulate a person’s emotional response.
These are trigger points.
And when you know a person’s trigger point you can light the fuse and watch them explode.
If you know anyone who regularly watches a specific television show, carefully listen to what they say.
Using ‘Can’t Pay, We’ll Take It Away’ as an example, if they say one thing negative about tenants not paying their rent, you know that you only need to tell them one bad tenant story and they are highly likely to go off on a passionate rant.
They may never have experienced bad tenants personally but would have seen and heard enough bad stories to have developed an emotional response to the trigger.
Studies show that those who easily react passionately and emotionally to triggers make good customers because they can be impulsive which means they buy things quickly without thinking too much.
One of the best ways to communicate with people and subtly repeat the points you want them to think about is through the use of email.
Writing and sending regular emails to people means that you can share with them the points, facts and stories which can bring them round to your way of thinking… a the way of thinking which will benefit them better.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not talking about persuading and influencing people to do illegal and nefarious stuff here.
I’m not talking about radicalising people so that they go out and hurt others… although that does happen.
Another recent crime drama saw a man arrested for the murder of his wife after the woman she bullied for years started an affair with her husband and subtly kept suggesting that ‘they could never be together while she (the bullying wife) was around in the way’ and that she needed ‘to be gone’.
Through using the emotions of love and fear and repeatedly painting the picture he wanted to see – the two of them together forever – and constantly informing him of what was preventing that from happening, she manipulated him to commit murder… and he hadn’t realised it until after he was arrested and questioned by the police.
The bullying wife was dead and the woman who had been the victim had gotten her out of her life for good without being arrested for her murder.
She didn’t kill anyone, the man she was having the affair with – the dead woman’s husband – did.
She couldn’t be charged for conspiracy to murder either because she didn’t actually tell him to kill her.
She could easily deny it by simply saying, ‘when I said we needed her gone, I meant out of the way and out of our lives, I didn’t mean for him to kill her’.
No, I’m not talking about manipulating people in a bad way or to do bad things.
I’m talking about showing people how bad life can be if they don’t do specific thing and how good life can be if they do.
But that should all come from a place of knowing that you are actually helping them to improve their currently lifestyle.
I know how powerful the written word can be and how easily email can be used to make a lot of money and so I share the information in this article so that you can use it to make your life, and those of your family, better.
I want you to take on board what I share and use it to your advantage.
Even if you do nothing more than use more ‘honeyed words’ with the people who serve you in shops, restaurants and bars, your life will become more pleasant and enjoyable for doing so.
And that is a good thing.
Knowing how to get the best from others is a powerful skill to have.
Sometimes all it takes is something subtle such as seeing other people eat donuts or talk about scones to get a person craving for more.
Repetition… Repetition… Repetition
The repetition of the right ‘honeyed’ – or even ‘salted’ – words and points can motivate people to put money in your pockets.
And do you know what the best thing is?
None of it is actually that hard to do.
There are thousands of people like you who are making thousands of pounds each month writing and sending simple emails which motivate and influence people to do the right thing.
Sometimes the only thing they need motivating to do is to do the one thing they want to do.
People want to do certain things in life but fear and doubt holds many of them back.
All you need to do is give them a nudge in the right direction – a direction they already want to go – and help them live the life they want to enjoy.
Help people become who they are meant to be and live the life they truly want to experience by nudging them the right way with the ‘honeyed’ words they want and need to hear by sending them simple easy-to-write emails… and they will pay you for your help.
To discover more, click the link below:
The Email Secret
Kind Regards
John Harrison
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