Now’s The Time To Tell Your Boss Where To Stick It!

Photo by Lad Fury from Pexels

You may recall that a month or two back I shared with you the monthly running costs of a local tanning salon and how much it cost to repair and buy sunbeds.

The other day I was talking to my friend again who knows Andrea, the woman who works there.

The more she tells me, the more I want to go into the salon and tell her friend about our manuals and courses!

She really needs to find an alternative way to make money and tell her boss where to stick it!

I guess it’s not all bad, she is general left to her own devices during the week, the work isn’t particularly hard and when it is a quiet day she can enjoy a steady day.


Because of the pandemic, the other salon in the area closed its doors meaning that most of their clientele moved over to this salon increasing the amount of people who use it each day.

Now this is great for business and great for the owner, but not so great for Andrea.

Because Andrea works on her own, she has to deal with a constant flow of people meaning that she never gets the time to visit the toilet or go and make a drink.

The days of having a ‘steady day’ have gone.

The other day they had 100 people use the salon; normally an exceptionally busy day would see 70 people come in. With people only using the sunbeds for a few minutes at a time, the shop door was hardly closed thanks to a constant flow of people coming and going.

As soon as one person had finished using a sunbed, Andrea needed to give it a clean so that the next person who was sat waiting could use it.

Andrea didn’t get five minutes to herself.

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Personally I don’t think working on your own in such a busy place when you cannot go to the toilet or make a drink is good.

If that wasn’t bad enough, Andrea was not allowed to have the day off to move house!

Moving house is deemed one of the most stressful things you can do.

You need to be there to keep an eye on what the removal men are doing and direct them as to where you want your stuff.

The salon owner’s mother manages the salon on a Saturday but refused to manage it on the Friday – the day Andrea requested – simply because she didn’t want to which meant that Andrea’s request was not granted.

It was only for one day!

And she gave plenty of notice that she needed that Friday off.

Not only would the mother have been helping out her daughters employee – who was also a friend and work colleague, she would have been helping out her daughter.

Andrea tried to book the day off as a holiday and because she is basically the only employee bar the owner’s mother who does one day a week, Andrea’s request was not clashing with other employees.

The salon owner needs to honour her holiday requests as they are legally required… but she didn’t.

The request was denied.

If her mother won’t cover for the day, the owner has to find alternative arrangements. It’s not like that she hadn’t been given plenty of notice.

I don’t know about you, but that for me would be all the motivation needed to find another job or source of income.

I believe Andrea enjoys the actual job and so is probably not so motivated to make a change, but I’d be out of there as fast as I could.

Andrea is struggling to have her basic human needs met and her legal right to have days off after giving reasonable notice was denied.

That speaks volumes to me… give this salon owner an inch, and she’ll take a mile… and it seems that she already is!

Andrea’s responsibility is to herself and not to her boss.

How the business is run and whether it needs extra staff is not her concern.

Her concern is to find a new job or even better, find a way to replace the wage where she can have the freedom to pop to the toilet when she needs it… make drinks when she wants one… and take days off when it suits her… without permission from someone else.

She needs her freedom back.

I don’t know how much Andrea earns managing a tanning salon but I imagine that if she was being paid the minimum wage (£8.91 at time of writing) she could be earning somewhere around £1,425 per month before tax is deducted.

Recently, our good friend Kate Davis has been averaging between £1,250 and £1,500 per month while exercising in her home gym.

She spends half an hour using an app on her phone.

She doesn’t do this all day, but there is nothing stopping you if you wanted to.

The other thing which needs to be mentioned is that this money is TAX FREE.

That would really help someone like Andrea.

If one month she was unable to hit the £1,425 that she needs, the fact that she isn’t paying any tax on these earnings would help because as you know, being paid £1,425 through a job doesn’t mean you are taking £1,425 home with you!

Your time spent working hard for other people is taxed… this isn’t!

To learn more about Kate and what she does to generate up to £1,500 per month, go to:

Kind Regards.

John Harrison

PS… Kate generally spends half hour in the morning before going to work doing this. That means

Here’s that link again: