I don’t know when you will read this article but as I write it, the UK, or more specifically England, has been enjoying life without the Covid restrictions.
The last few come to an end this week I believe.
Masks are no longer compulsory anywhere and the rule to self-isolate when positive has also been removed… but you are advised to though.
There is no legal requirement to stay at home or wear a mask now.
I am not going to wade into the debate about mask wearing other than to say this…
People have stopped wearing masks…
And we are now seeing the worst infection rates since the start of the pandemic. Worse than we did during the two years of restrictions.

More and more people are being admitted to hospital and those hospitals are struggling with the influx of ill people and the lack of staff with many off with Covid themselves.
Many schools are closing classes and whole years because too many staff and children are off poorly with Covid.
More importantly, too many people are still dying from this virus… 998 people have died so far this week.
In 2021, a total of 176 people died globally in plane crashes.
A total of 580 people here in the UK died in 2021 in road traffic accidents…
Yet as a society we seem to be happy to do nothing and allow nearly a thousand people a week to die from Covid like it is nothing.
It seems like everyone is catching it since restrictions were removed.
And yet I still seeing people on social media saying ‘masks don’t work’.

It’s funny that a nation like Japan which has a very strong sense of honour and community where they ‘think of others first’ and wear masks regularly to stop the spread of flues and colds has only had a grand total of 27,841 Covid related deaths.
While here in the UK…

Where we have a society which is very much ‘me… me… me’, where a lot of people refuse to listen to experts and are very anti-establishment (which is not always a bad thing), who believe that Covid is a hoax – they call it the ‘scamdemic’ – or some kind of mass control by the elites (whoever they really are?)… we have…
165,000 Covid related deaths.
Let’s not forget… Japan has 58.88 million more people than the UK. That’s not far off from being twice the UK population which currently stands at 67.22 million.
Yes, Japan may be a big country, but a huge portion of the population live in their large cities and towns.
Tokyo has 5 million more people living in it than London. That’s like having nine Manchesters tagged onto London.
A lot of the people here in the UK believe that masks don’t work and so they didn’t wear them.
Unlike the Japanese – and many other countries – a lot of people here chose to not listen to the scientists and experts.
Instead of listening to those who spend years studying all forms of biologies and physics, they chose to listen to Liam the unemployed weed smoker who hangs around the shops all week who hasn’t realised he is suffering from cannabis psychosis after too many years of daily consumption of the green stuff.
As I say, I am not getting involved in the debate; there are a lot of variables to factor in which most anti-maskers haven’t even taken into any form of consideration.
I’m under no illusion that masks are perfect or 100% safe, but hospital staff have been using them for years and there’s more than enough evidence to show that they help… a lot.
If you are one of those who struggle with that idea then stop and think about the UK Japan comparison.
If that doesn’t convince you to listen to experts… try this…
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Anti-Masker: Masks don’t work.
Expert: You sure about that?
Anti-Masker: Yes, if they did, Covid wouldn’t have spread like it has.
Expert: Did you wear a mask?
Anti-Masker: No I didn’t, because they don’t work innit.
Expert: Did your friends and close family wear masks?
Anti-Masker: No, they think the same as me, they aren’t sheeple innit. And those who did, I soon educated them (giggles from a strong sense of (misplaced) self-assurance).
Expert: Would you say then that 15 or 20 percent of the UK population didn’t wear masks?
Anti-Masker: Absolutely, we are not falling for that scamdemic and being forced to fear a virus which is no worse than the flue.
Expert: If a boat hull has one hundred holes, will it sink if you put it to sail?
Anti-Masker: What? Why are you asking me that?
Expert: Would it sink?
Anti-Masker: Of course it would (sniggers with a superiority suggesting it was a stupid question).
Expert: What if you repaired all of those holes, would the boat sink?
Anti-Masker: No of course not. Stupid question innit, you’re weird man!
Expert: What if you repaired 85 percent of those holes, would the boat sink?
Anti-Masker: Yes, of course it would, it’ll be slower but it will still sink.
Expert: Why is that?
Anti-Masker: Why do you think? You have left holes which will allow the water to come in and spread.
Expert: So what you are saying is that if 15 to 20 percent of holes are not filled, the work being done by the other 80 to 85 percent of the repaired holes to keep the water out is not enough to prevent the boat sinking.
Anti-Masker: Er…. Yeah. Dumbass!
Expert: So filling holes don’t work then?
Anti-Masker: Yeah… they do… but… er….not if there are multiple holes and only one or two are filled in isolation.
Expert: So for total success, to prevent the boat sinking, you need 100 percent of holes filled yes?
Anti-Masker: Yes of course, innit (sucks his teeth in a gangster style saying ‘finally, you understand!’).
Expert: I see… so what were you saying about masks not working to completely stop the spread of an airborne virus when you were one of the 15-20 percent who didn’t wear them?
Anti-Masker: F*** OFF!
That conversation didn’t happen, but if it did, that is how I imagined it would have gone.
The worst thing is that you just know that some people won’t change their opinion even after being shown irrefutable facts.
And that is very often why people fail.
As individuals or as a collective such as society, failure comes from not doing what is right but instead allowing ourselves to stay lost in our own opinion which is often based on other people’s dubious opinions and, as Trump liked to call them, alt-facts.
There is no such thing as alt-facts.
An opinion can only be about something which is personal and subjective such as music.
Two people can have different opinions about which is the best style of music and both will be right and wrong at the same time.
Music is subjective and so there is no right or wrong answer, it is just that you either like something or you don’t. It is a personal preference.
No one is right or wrong.
However, when it comes to debating whether a specific single was at number one for 16 weeks or not, a fact cannot be opposed.
Two people can argue over how long Bryan Adam’s was at number one with “(Everything I Do) I Do It for You” in 1993, the one who says it was number one for 16 weeks is right and cannot be anything other than right.
The person who says it was at number one for 14 weeks is wrong. His belief or opinion about that is invalid. It isn’t an opinion, it is just wrong.
If you want to believe something is so, then so be it. But understand that that is not an opinion. It is wrong. No opinion or belief can oppose a fact. It’s just plain wrong.
Does Skegness beach have sand and water?
Yes it does.
It doesn’t matter whether you think it has candyfloss clouds and lemonade, it has sand and water.
The hardest part of life is to work out what is fact and what is not, what is right and what is wrong and what is good and what is bad.
When it comes to making money whether that is from home as an individual working on a side project or building a real world business with staff, if you do not do what is right and what has been proven to work, you will fail.
If you ignore the facts and simply do what you want to do, or do what you believe will work despite it being proven wrong, you will fail.
Listening to experts is a must.
I know that is hard because historically some experts have lied and manipulated their research to fit a specific idea for money or ego.
Experts are human too and occasionally, you do get a bad one.
But when it comes to making money or business, if someone who has been successful tells you to do something ‘this way’ because that is what he did, you need to listen.
I’d like to introduce you to Gary McCall.
Gary has become the go-to expert in a relatively unknown yet incredibly simple method to make money.
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Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… Here are some of the things you’re going to learn in the step-by-step manual he’s put together for you…
- How to bank unlimited £20-£750 payments by giving valuable stuff away for free (and have someone else pay for it!)
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Here’s that link again: