I’ve heard some interesting financial advice over the years, but yesterday was full of advice which had me wondering if I had woken up in a sit-com.
Firstly, the online side of The Sun newspaper was sharing money saving tips to help people during this current cost of living crisis.
Offering up advice which helps people during a crisis is never a bad thing, but the advice which was being offered isn’t going to help those who need to find an extra £200-£300 a month.
Take this great piece of advice….

The Sun is suggesting that you turn down your washing machine and do only 30 degree washes as this will save you a bill busting £12 a year!
One word… WOW!
Or should that be…
One word… USELESS!
The next piece of advice was to boil your kettle just once a day. I think that is what they are saying here…

If I understand it right, if you boil the kettle only once a day, you save a massive £15 a year! They say that boiling the kettle just once a day will cost you 8 pence which over a year will cost you £29.20.
I’m not sure where the £15 saving is coming from. If a person boils the kettle twice during the day and then drops down to only once a day, shouldn’t they save £29.20?
Unless they are using off-peak hours to calculate the saving but I don’t know many people who get up at 3 AM just to have a cheap brew.
Those like our techy guy Andi who drink bucket loads of tea each day, using the kettle just once a day would probably save them several thousand pounds.
But they’ll probably be miserable buggers.
Struggling to pay the bills is bad enough, but not being able to regularly enjoy a coffee or a tea during this tough time is simply going to make you more miserable.
Drinking cold water straight from the tap is fine, we need water and it’s cheap, but I don’t fancy doing it all day every day. Do you?
Thanks to The Sun, people can save £12 a year by doing a cooler wash and they can save £15 a year by using the kettle less.
So that is a grand total of £27.
That is really going to keep the wolf from the door, isn’t it?
Maybe I am being a bit harsh here, when you combine all of those savings together as seen in the picture above, you can probably save a few hundred pounds a year… but it’s not going to touch anything when your actual bills have trebled or even increased fivefold a month.
The last piece of advice that made me question my sanity was to buy a new kettle to save £10 a year on your electricity costs. I suppose if you use that new kettle only once a day then you’ll be rolling in money!
Or at least £25 better off.
Okay, there are people debating whether Boris Johnson (the British Prime Minister) actually meant that as a real suggestion or was using it as an analogy for people to make smarter decisions which lead to savings.
Maybe he could have said it better. There is a logic to it.
One guy worked out that his big American style fridge was costing £800 a year to run and so he intends to sell it and replace it with a small fridge which will cost far less.
When times are hard and your income is stretched to the maximum, trying to cut back and save money on things that you don’t need to use or need to do is a good way to help… but it’s not the only way… or even the best way.
If washing your clothes at 30 degrees Celsius is going to save you just £12 a year and using your kettle less is only going to save you £15, wouldn’t it be better to actually find a way to make more money instead?
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I think so yes, even if at the very least you earn enough to allow you to enjoy more than one hot brew a day.
Time and money may be a factor for many people, but there are ways to make money which don’t require a lot of hard work or upfront financial outlay.
Success at doing something requires doing the right things at the right time and more importantly… doing it consistently. That means that you need to use a system or follow a strategy.
When you use a system or follow a strategy consistently you will make money.
You can’t do something now and then and expect to make decent money. You need to be consistent in your approach.
Fortunately, being consistent only means doing what is needed to be done which, depending on which system or strategy you use, could be as little as a half an hour’s work each day.
It doesn’t mean having to work a gruelling ten hour shift every day.
Systems and strategies vary but whichever you use, you need to use it consistently to get the best from it.
£5 today… £7 tomorrow… nothing on Sunday… £3 on Monday… £10 on Tuesday… may not sound like a lot of money, but those daily dribs and drabs add up to a lot more than the yearly savings that The Sun were offering up yesterday.
Never underestimate those small daily dribs and drabs.
Start small if you need to then grow those small amounts into larger daily earnings.
That is what John Lee did with his horse racing strategy.
Betting only on the races which qualified and compounding the winnings, John is now able to milk thousands of pounds each month from Betfair.
John uses the same system he developed 45 years ago, the same system that had him banned by several bookies for winning too much too often.
Fortunately times have changed and thanks to changes in how people gamble online, John is now able to make thousands in TAX FREE money each month without fear of being banned or shut down.
He has been using this system for 45 years, and now it’s time to share it with people at a time they most need it.
To learn more about John and his system, click the link below.
The Rainbow System
Kind regards
John Harrison
PS… As I write this, today’s qualifying race (14:35 Ascot – horse City Of Kings – odds at time or research 1.86) has just won.
A £5 stake would have won £4.30.
A £10 stake would have won £8.60.
A £20 stake would have won £17:20…more than enough to pay for a few hot coffees!
Making small daily amounts which add up to several hundred pounds or more… is going to be a lot better than saving £15 a year only using your kettle once!
Here’s that link again: