Written By John Harrison

Why Didn’t They Tell Me

If you have teenage kids, (or older) then I have a question for you…“Have you taught them the other facts of life yet?”

They’re the 99 Shameless (but proven) Success Secrets You Don’t Learn At Eton, Harrow Or Even The Classiest Comprehensive!

For further information please click here.


Not Everything Is S**t

A question for you…

What do a kentucky taxi driver, an X Factor reject and a kilt wearing Canadian have in common?

They’re all living proof that contrary to what you’ve heard in the media… Not Everything Has Turned To S**T!

For further information please click here.


The Money Making Magic Of A Funfair Goldfish

Ever wondered how multi-millionaires get started?

A lot of people like to think that they were given money, were born into it or inherited it. It makes them feel better. But the truth is very different. Most multi-millionaires started out with nothing, just like you and me…

For further information please click here.


How To Stop Working And Make A Million Pounds Instead

“If You Owned A Red Ferrari Would You Drink More Milk?”

Strange question isn’t it?

I have a very good reason for asking though which I’ll come to later. But first let me ask you something else…

How would you like to make £2,500 or more a day – every day? Imagine it – making more money in just one day than most people make in a month. Well the good news is that you can, but there’s a catch.

You’ll have to stop working first to do it.

For further information please click here.


The Toilet Pan Millionaire

“I Got Rich In The Last Recession, And Now I’m Going To Help You To Get Rich In This One!”

Get your head out from under the duvet, switch off the doom and gloom TV, and don’t even think about battening down the hatches or heading for the hills.


Because if  you do, you’ll  miss out on a huge opportunity!

For further information please click here.


The Money Making Confessions Of A Semi-Formal Tramp

There can be few books about making money which start out at a Hurricane Preparedness and Debris Management Conference, but this is no ordinary book about making money.

For further information please click here.


The Stolen Files

“Look What I Stole For You!”

133 begged, borrowed and outright plundered moneymaking ideas, systems and strategies to get  rich this year and beyond. which will you copy to bank your first million?

For further information please click here.


The John Harrison 12 Month Millionaire Private Mentoring Programme

I was blown away when I received a cheque for over nineteen thousand pounds. But this was just the start!

Two weeks later I received another cheque – this time for £47,000.00. A few weeks after that I got a further £82,500.80.

£148,984.80* in total…and… I hardly did ANY work to get that money.”

For further information please click here.