“READ THIS URGENTLY!! I’m Terrified!”
That was the title to an email I received this week from a guy who was informing people that his Facebook account had been suspended pending further investigations.
He didn’t know why his account was shut down, and I am happy to say that he has since had his account restored, but it should be a warning to those who use the platform to promote affiliate products.
There is a big push for people to use free social media platforms to promote high ticket affiliate offers which pay out large commissions.
The amount of money a person can earn per sale can be quite a lot. It’s not uncommon for people to earn the equivalent to a month’s wage with one sale.
So you can see why people are attracted to this kind of business model.
The marketing is free and the commissions are high.
The problem is that for most of these products, unless you create your own courses, you often need to be a paying member of the product you are promoting… which means quite a hefty up-font purchase.
Think about it, how else are people going to earn commissions of £1,500 or more without people buying those courses at over £2,000?
Those commissions need to come from somewhere and it usually comes from people selling over-priced products.
It is very reminiscent of the old Multi-level Marketing and Pyramid schemes where members spent their time trying to recruit new people to join their team.
Instead of members paying £47 or £97 each month and earning half of that in commissions whenever they recruited a new member, today new members pay a huge chunk upfront and a half or more of that is then passed onto the recruiter as a commission.
It’s all the same… but done slightly different.
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And this is why Facebook is very weary of these kinds of products.
I don’t know what the rules are for Facebook these days, but you were not allowed to use your own personal profile to conduct or promote your business.
That was what Facebook Pages and Groups were for.
A lot of the high ticket affiliate marketers are using their personal profiles for this because they can record and share short videos known as ‘Stories’.
These videos get shared across multiple social media platforms and can result in them being seen by a lot of people.
It is amazing how many views these types of videos can have.
The guy who had his Facebook account suspended also has a couple of Facebook groups where he sends people to where he does most of his ‘selling’.
The selling is also done via chatting in messages.
Everything was all conducted within Facebook… and that was what he was teaching too.
It is a great business model when it works well… apart from the fact that some of the products they sell are overpriced and a little spammy.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind selling life changing courses at a decent price, but I am not keen on the price being doubled just to attract people to sell them on your behalf, which is exactly what a lot of these courses owners do.
I’m surprised that this chap got his Facebook account restored.
I can only assume that the rules have changed over the years and that Facebook is a little more comfortable with the idea of people using their own profiles to conduct business.
I see estate agents doing it regularly, and if it is OK for them, it should be OK for others.
But, the fact remains… if those rules were to change, which they often do, you risk losing EVERYTHING should you have your account shut down, just as this guy did briefly.
As soon as his account was restored, he shared a video saying how he had endured two stressful days and two sleepless nights thanks to Facebook’s decision to suspend his account.
He appealed and had to wait to see what their verdict was going to be.
If they decided to uphold their decision to suspend his account and shut it down for good, he would have lost everything… bar the email list he had fortunately created.
Some people don’t even do that! They rely only on Facebook.
The email list was mostly built by taking the email addresses of people who joined his Facebook group and putting them into Aweber.
He does have a landing page built using Aweber, but he doesn’t actually have his own website, which is foolish in my opinion… but I imagine that is all about to change now… and so it should.
Yes, having access to Facebook groups which are free to use, is incredibly attractive… but you really should filter people away to a platform that YOU OWN to lessen the risk of losing everything.
Had he not collected email addresses, he wouldn’t have been able to contact anyone to tell them what had happened.
Once a Facebook account is shut down, you cannot do anything. You can’t even send messages to anyone via their messenger system.
You are completely cast adrift without a lifejacket.
Fortunately he had his email list to which he could contact people.
Even more fortunate is that he had his Facebook account restored.
He needs a website where he can share vital information, makes sales, and give away the same content he shares to Facebook.
If the worst case scenario happened and he did lose his account for good, he would still have a place where people could contact him, and a place where he could carry on with his business.
Yes, he could open up another Facebook account and be more careful.
But he should simply use the social media platforms to send people to his website where the selling should be done.
Comparing the results companies get when using social media and email, email wins, hands down.
Email is still the best way to sell and promote products… and will be for many more years to come.
The daft thing is that a website can cost as little as £100 for two years and yet it can generate hundreds of thousands of pounds during that time.
Social media platforms like Facebook should only be used as tools for your business, and not be your business.
They can be taken away from you without warning and you can lose everything… and you don’t want that!
If you would like to learn how to make money sending simple easy-to-write emails, click the link below:
The Email Secret
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… Once up and running, it can take as little as ten minutes to write a money-making email that you can send to your email list.
Plus, this is away to make money that you can take anywhere in the world and you can work on it at any time of the day or night… whichever suits you best.
Here’s that link again: