If It Wasn’t For The Covid Lockdown I’d Have Never Discovered This…
“How To Make a Quick And Easy £250-£375 Every Week Placing Simple Football Bets That Pay Out Win, Lose Or Draw!
Copy Me In Under One Hour A Week With Just A Betfair Account And My Simple Step-By-Step Instructions”

Dear Streetwise Customer,

  They say it’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good, and I think that’s true.

  Take the lockdown for example…

  Now don’t get me wrong, the whole situation was awful – there’s no disputing that – but not looking for the silver lining just makes a bad situation worse. You have to make the most of what you’ve got don’t you?

  And if I hadn’t been sitting around at home, sulking because there was no live football to watch on a Saturday afternoon, I’d have never stumbled across what I’m writing about today.

A Fool-Proof Way To Make £250-£375 a Week, From Your Phone, Tablet, or Laptop Which Absolutely Anyone Can Take Advantage Of.

 Here’s what it’s all about…

  Imagine placing a bet and then settling back to enjoy your afternoon – totally relaxed.  Why? Because any change to the score will land you an instant profit. No heart-in-the-mouth moments because ‘your team’ is on the back foot…because every attack is an opportunity to make money.

There’s No Such Thing As ‘Your Team’ Any More!

  It doesn’t matter who scores but when they do you can simply bank your profit and enjoy the rest of the game. It doesn’t matter who scores next or who wins. Your day is done.

 It’s fun!

  And if nobody scores?  Well if that does happen (and that’s very rare when you copy what I do) you’ll make a small loss. Nothing to worry about though.  It’s all costed in.

   You see, with the system I’ve worked out, there’s nearly always a goal. And where there’s a goal there’s a profit   That’s the opportunity I’m writing about today.

 Let me introduce myself…

   My name is Philip Blake, and I’m a self-confessed football fanatic. So, lockdown was boring! No live games to watch, and the ones on TV just weren’t the same without the crowds.

  I was starting to lose interest…and that’s when I decided I needed to spice things up a bit.

The Devil Finds Work For Idle Hands!

  Like a lot of fans, I sometimes had the odd flutter on a game, but I never did it seriously or with any real thought. It was usually a bet on my team to win (I’m a Port Vale  fan) and needless to say, I used to lose quite a bit more than I won!

  But during lockdown I read an article about people who were making a second income betting on sports from their mobile phones. It piqued my interest, and I thought, if they can do it, why not me as well?

  Hmmm…tempted into gambling by boredom. Probably not the best start!

  I’m no mathematician, but I’ve always been fascinated by numbers in a kind of childish way…what’s the highest, lowest, biggest, smallest, heaviest, oldest, youngest…that kind of thing.

  The article I read mentioned a couple of websites where there were more numbers than I could ever hope to fully compute….and about something I was really interested in – Football!

  Wins, draws, losses, goals scored, goals conceded, winning runs, losing runs, times of goals, type of goals, best attacks, best defences, top scorers, home records, away records…and that’s just the start. It was virtually endless!

  So, there I was with all the time in the world on my hands, and access to all the facts, figures and information I could ever need about the game I love, at my fingertips.

  It was a marriage made in heaven…albeit a potentially ruinous one!

  I started looking for patterns, and when I found one, checked back over past results…yes that’s all there as well…to see whether they played out over a long period – say for a season or two. Most of the patterns I found didn’t stand up to scrutiny. They worked for a while and then reverted to pretty average results.

  But one looked really promising. And as I back tested it over the previous three seasons, it became very obvious that this was a pattern that repeated again and again… and again!

  Now don’t get me wrong…

  It wasn’t like you could predict in advance what would happen in every game with 100% certainty.  I’m sure nothing like that exists. It isn’t possible to predict the future.

  But what it did do was predict that the past would repeat itself with enough accuracy to bring in a substantial profit, simply by following a simple formula and not deviating from it.

  As I say, I back-tested everything first, and then dry tested it for a few weeks…not betting real money, just in case. When that still worked, I started betting with small stakes. And when that was still working like clockwork I scaled everything up to where I am today…

Making £250-£375 a Week Placing Simple Bets That Can Pay Out Even When I’m Wrong… And All In Under An Hour A Week!

  Could you copy me? Is this right for you? Is there any reason you couldn’t (or wouldn’t want to) do this?

  These are questions I’ll try to answer for you if you read on…

Trying To Pick The Winner Of A Football Match Is Hard!

  It’s hard, but it isn’t impossible. But what I think is impossible (or at least it was for me) is picking a winner reliably enough to make a profit when the odds are taken into account.

  I just couldn’t do it.

  And it’s hardly surprising. Shock, or surprise, results come up all the time. Heck, even teams like Man City and Liverpool lose sometimes, and when they do, the losses can wipe out a whole raft of carefully built-up gains.

  The good news is that we don’t have to pick a winner with my system. In fact, we don’t care who scores and we don’t care who wins. We don’t even care what happens for most of the game…most of the time!

  In fact, sometimes, our interest in the game might only last a couple of minutes, at other times it will be 45 minutes…but never any longer than that.

  Here’s what I do in a nutshell, and what you’ll be doing too if you decide to join me:

  1. Research the weekend (or mid-week) fixture list and do some very simple calculations based on the numbers I’ll direct you to on the Soccerstats.com website.

  How easy are these calculations? Well, you add one number to another number and divide it by a third number for each game being played. It’s real junior school level stuff.

  From these calculations, you’ll have a number of potential bets. It could be as many as 20.  But they’re not actual bets yet (I’ll explain why in a moment).

  Time taken…about 15 minutes

  1. Wait for the games to start. Check on each game at half time (easy to do on your mobile or tablet) looking for a specific score. Of your original 20 games you might be down to 5. These are your bets!

  Time taken…about 2 minutes

  1. Place your bets on Betfair. Don’t worry if you don’t know what to do. I’ll tell you exactly what to do and how to do it.

  You now have a choice, you can either…

  1. Close down your device, wait for the end of the games and collect your profit.


  1. Monitor the games and be prepared to take an early profit!

  Time taken…maybe 35 minutes maximum.

  The second option will yield a bit more profit…more like £375 a week rather than £250…but it’s up to you.

  To be honest, I do both. If I’ve got nothing else on, I monitor the games. If I’m busy, I’ll just let it run.

  It’s flexible like that.

Here’s Why This Works…

There are two reasons…

  • Firstly, I’m not trying to beat the bookies. All I need to do to make a consistent and reliable profit is perform better than my fellow punters on Betfair.
    • Secondly, I’m not trying to be an all-round expert on betting. Heck, I’m not trying to be an all-round expert on football!

      My system looks at just one factor…one key aspect of a game – and then I research the life out of that one thing, so that I know more (and am better informed) than anyone alive.

      And Betfair allows me to make serious money from that piece of knowledge.

      Is it any wonder then, that I’m able to turn all of this into a profit that I can rely on week in and week out throughout the UK football season?

    It’s A Mug’s Game…

      Have you ever heard that…that betting is a mug’s game?

      I have, and I used to believe it. Years of placing casual, ill-considered bets with bookmakers conditioned me to believe it.

      It was only when I started to specialise in this one aspect of UK football, to properly research my bets using readily-available online sources, and then deploy all this on the biggest betting exchange market in the world, that I realised the truth…

        Betting is only a mugs game when you play it like a mug. For every loser there is a winner, and to be a consistent winner you have to be…consistent. You have to do your research and you have to stick to your system.

    Do That And £250-£375 Profits Are Within Easy Reach…

      And for little more than an hour’s effort each week.

      Okay, hopefully I have your interest and you’re keen to give this a try (and I’m going to give you a chance to try this out completely at my risk). But before I tell you about that, I just want to give you a few reasons why you should stop reading now and forget about this…

      There are some people who should stop reading now and run for the hills! For example…

    1.   If you expect to win EVERY bet

      The most successful gamblers accept that some bets will lose, but some people can’t bear the thought of ever losing. This (nor gambling!) is for them. No system can predict results with 100% accuracy, but a profitable one doesn’t need to. A nice thing about my system is you will win a lot more bets than you lose, but the profits are the important thing.

    1.   If you just want to bet for fun

      There’s nothing wrong with betting for fun – just so long as you understand that fun costs money! That’s not what this is about though, and if you’re not going to approach this seriously, in a way that ensures you make a profit, you’ll be wasting your time even finding out about it.

    1.   If you don’t want to do ANY work

      What do they say? You don’t get anything for nothing. Well, it’s the same with this. You’re going to need to devote an hour a week or so to this. Not prepared to do it? Well, you’re not going to make it work for you.

      As an aside, you can pick it up and drop it if you want to at any stage in the season, but if you’re placing bets, you need to do the research,

    1.   If you really can’t stick to anything

      This is really important, because I know that most people simply can’t stick to a system. They start to second-guess, have random bets for fun, act on hunches, randomly change their stakes and use ‘judgement’ when all they need to do is stick to the rules.

      If you really can’t just do as you’re told (!) you’ll be wasting your time.

    1.   If you’re looking for something complex that will take a while to learn

      Some people have plenty of time and are looking for a hobby. I get that. But this isn’t it. It’s really easy to do, and as a result, it’s really easy to learn how to do it. Just a few A4 pages is all it takes to explain (I could actually write the instructions on a single sheet).

      I haven’t padded the manual out to make you think you’re getting ‘value for money’. In fact, if you judge a system by the length of the manual, this probably isn’t for you.

      Still with me? Great, here’s how you can find out exactly how this works and then try it out without risk.

      I’ve put every last detail you need to know to make £250-£375 a week into a brand-new manual entitled, The Second-Half Sniper System.

    Here’s What You’ll Learn:
    • The simple bet that pays out 77% of the timeeven if you do nothing else and don’t follow any of my instructions!
    • How to skew the odds massively in your favour…Add two numbers together and divide it by a third number, and you’re in business.
    • The three key factors that make the second half of games your source of easy money. Most punters don’t even think about this.
    • How to select the teams and games that will earn you £250-£375 each week for just an hour’s enjoyable work…a single table on the Soccerstats.com website is all you need.
    • Why 1.25 is the ‘magic number’ that means ‘Go For Profit!’
    • How to choose your stake and place your bets…even if you’ve never placed a bet before, you can learn this in minutes.
    • How to take a profit…even if your bet ‘loses’!

       And a great deal more.  I’ve used real-life examples  in the handbook so you can see how the strategy is applied to recent games in the English leagues.

      When you order the manual, don’t think for one minute that that’s the end of our relationship though. Far from it. When you order you don’t just get the manual, you also get a small part of me as well…

      With your manual, I’ll send you an email address so you can contact me at any time….next week, next month, next year… for any help and advice you might need getting up and running with this.

      It’s really simple, but be reassured I’m here to help if you need me.

    And Now To The Price…

      This wasn’t easy because I’ve never done anything like this before. I looked at some of the other gambling systems and strategies on the market.  Many of them are offered at £500-£3,000 or even more, and when you look closely you see that none of them promise that you can lock in guaranteed profits like this one does.

      With a £300+ per week profit on the cards for you, my first thought was that I’d be foolish to give this away for much less than a couple of weeks expected profit – so somewhere around the £600 mark.

      But then I remembered two things:

    1. It really doesn’t matter to me how many people are using this system. It won’t affect me. or the profit I’m making, one little bit.
    2. Most people won’t be able to afford £600+. I really want to help as many people as possible with this.

      And so I decided to slash the price to the bone. If you want to reserve one of these ‘pioneer places’,  (more about that in a moment) you can do so at the bargain price of just £177. That’s about half what I’d expect you to make in your very first week using The Second Half Sniper System.

      As I said before, I’m so confident that you’re going to make money with this that I’m going to back that up with my own money, and a simply unprecedented guarantee.

    Your Double Money Back Guarantee

      Order The Second Half Sniper System on approval. Read the manual and then take advantage of the back-up and support if there’s anything you don’t understand. Put the strategy into play for the next 90 days and then if you don’t make a substantial profit as a result of taking advantage of  opportunities identified by the system, simply let my publishers have the details and they will refund DOUBLE the price you paid.

      I hope you appreciate that I couldn’t possibly make an offer like that if I wasn’t 100% certain that what I’m saying to you is true. Follow the system instructions and you will make a substantial profit every month.

      You won’t fail…the system doesn’t allow it.

      This guarantee is fully backed up by my publishers, Streetwise Publications.

    Just 50 Places Available…

      I said earlier that part of the ‘deal’ is that you get open access to me for help, advice and back up. I don’t think you’ll need it (this really is simple to do) but I can’t know that for sure. So, I’m going to restrict access to the first 50 people to respond for now, just to be sure that I know I’ve got plenty of time to help anyone who needs me. I’m 100% committed to making sure that this works for everyone who uses it. No exceptions.

      There will be more places available later…probably at a higher price once these 50 pioneers are under way and their profit testimonials start to filter through…but for now it’s just 50 places.

    Here’s What To Do Next…

      You can reserve one of these 50 pioneer places by CLICKING HERE, or by calling my publishers credit card hotline on 01709 361819. Either way, I’ll rush The Second Half Sniper System  out to you, and within just a few short days you could be up and running and making money.

      There really is nothing to lose by joining me on this, and  if for any reason it didn’t work out for you (but that simply won’t happen!) you’re covered by my double money back guarantee.

      Get in on this today. You’ll be very glad you did.

      Very Best Wishes,



    Philip Blake

      P.S  Don’t forget, just 50 place available today on a first-come-first-served basis.

    To Order A Copy Of ‘The Second Half Sniper System’ On Approval CLICK HERE Or Call Streetwise Office On 01709 361819

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