“Unleash Your Inner James Bond From The Comfort Of Your Sofa!
Brand New ‘Secret Agent’ System Puts Hundreds In Your Bank Account Every Month, And You’ll Barely Have To Lift A Finger To Get It.”

  Dear Streetwise Customer,

  If you’re tired of just scraping by, and want a quick and easy way to make hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of extra pounds every month without doing any real work to get it, then this letter is for you.

  My secret agent system makes me serious money every month and I never have to lift my lazy butt off the sofa (or barely take my eyes away from what I’m watching on TV) to cash in big time. I often make £50-£60 an hour idly pressing a few keys on my phone while the football is on.

  You could do this…anybody could do this…and you could get started within 10 minutes of receiving my step-by-step instructions on what to do and how to do it.

So, What’s This All About And…
What’s All This James Bond Stuff?

  All in good time, I haven’t introduced myself yet.

   My name is Dan Crozier, and like a lot of people…most that I know actually…I started to struggle financially a little bit recently. Not in the “Oh **** I’m going to go bankrupt” kind of way, but more like just not having enough money left for the nice stuff in life once all the bills were paid.

  Perhaps you’re the same?

   Anyway, I started to look around for something I could do in my spare time to supplement my income. I didn’t fancy running a business…too much like hard work, and so I looked at what else was available.

  I dabbled with a bit of financial trading and did okay, but found it all a bit complicated for my simple brain. That led me on to looking at other forms of gambling (that’s what financial trading is really) and had a little bit of success there as well. But just when I started to make some money, I’d have a big setback and have to start all over again.

 I was winning overall, but found it all a bit too stressful. And that’s what led me to search for something else which delivered profits in a more linear and reliable way, but didn’t require any work or effort on my part.

  Oh, I’d just add that I didn’t want to take any risks either!

   And that’s what led me to James Bond, or rather…

James Bond Led Me To This!

   Let me explain…

  I was vegging out on my sofa, one rainy Sunday afternoon watching Dr No, on Netflix, for what must have been the 20th time. I’m a big Bond fan, particularly the Sean Connery films.  Anyway, it got to the part where Bond goes into a swish casino and plays Baccarat. He’s wearing a tuxedo, the femme fatale is wearing a glamorous gown and the whole scene couldn’t be more upmarket and sophisticated.

  Now, as I said, I must have seen that film twenty times before. The fact Bond was playing Baccarat hadn’t really struck a chord before, but just the previous day I’d been on an online casino trying (and failing) to make a few quid on Roulette. I’d half-noticed that one of the games on offer was Baccarat, but never even considered it.

  I knew the name but didn’t know anything about it. I didn’t know the rules, how to play and assumed it must be really difficult to learn and only for the experienced and the sophisticated. James Bond played it after all! And it looked very complicated in the film.

  I was later to learn that a lot of people think that, and that’s why it’s one of the least popular games at online casinos. There’s another reason it’s unpopular as well…

  I’ll come back to that in a moment.

  Fast forward 24 hours and I was back at the online casino, looking for Baccarat. The first thing I noticed is that it wasn’t that easy to spot – it wasn’t one of the games the casino was pushing heavily.  So Roulette, Blackjack, Poker and slots were easy to find and start playing.

  With a bit of research it wasn’t hard to see why…

  The house ‘edge’ – the advantage the casino has over an inexperienced player at Baccarat is just 1.06%. That compares with well over 2% for Blackjack and Roulette and a whopping 5%+ for slots.

  Put another way, a complete ‘numpty’ with no strategy or knowledge at all is far more likely to win at Baccarat than any other casino game. He’s still likely to lose – just – over the long haul, but it’s a lot less profit for the casino.

Is It Any Wonder Casinos Don’t Really Push Baccarat?

  It’s so much harder for them to make a profit – even from a complete novice. Now imagine if someone DOES know what they’re doing!

  More about that later!

  I know what you’re thinking though…this very small edge for the casino must come with a catch. The game is complex and difficult to learn, right?

Wrong… In Fact Totally Wrong!

  It turns out Baccarat is a very simple game with very clear and simple rules. It’s actually way easier to understand and play than Blackjack and Roulette. But you don’t have to actually understand it at all to make money from it!

  When I first started playing, the day after watching that Bond film, I couldn’t believe this was the same game that looked so chic and sophisticated on screen. Maybe it’s because I was sitting in my tracksuit bottoms eating a cheese and pickle sandwich at the time!

I Had No Idea What I Was Doing!

  That first game I had no idea what was happening. I knew the rules, I knew what I was trying to do and I knew what bets I could place. All that can be learned in minutes.  But I had no strategy. And it showed…

  In 45 minutes I played dozens of hands and wound up a couple of quid out of pocket. Not great, but not terrible either. In fact I was quite excited.


  Because I figured if I could get this close to breaking even with no strategy and no clue, it should be fairly easy to come up with a plan to overturn the slight edge the casino had and start winning money reliably and regularly.

  And to cut a fairly short story even shorter, that’s what I’ve done.  It’s a strategy that allows me to rake in anywhere between £20 and £60 and hour (£38 is about average) every time I log on and play Baccarat online.

  It doesn’t matter where I am (I can do this from anywhere with an internet connection) it doesn’t matter what I’m wearing (Yes, I even do this in my pyjamas sometimes) and it doesn’t matter what else I’m doing (I often do it while watching sport on TV).

  Some easy money is never far from my fingertips. In fact fingertips is apt, because that’s just about all that moves.

  The strategy I’ve developed tells me three things for each hand played:

  1. What to bet on.
  1. How much to bet.
  1. When to stop.

  It’s totally clear and unequivocal. There are no  if’s buts or maybe’s. There are no decisions to make. None!

  It’s beyond simple.

  You literally don’t need to even understand the game to play using my strategy. The instructions are that simple.

  Anyone following the strategy will make money – and they will make money reliably and regularly. The only way you will not make money is if you stray from the strategy.

  I’ve put everything I’ve learned, and how you can copy me into a brand new manual entitled ‘The Secret Agent Strategy – How To Make Weekly Profits From Online Baccarat.’

  Everything is really easy to use and put into practice. I’m 100% confident you can be up and running and making money the same day you receive the package.

  Here are some of the things you’re going to learn:

  • How to play Baccarat TO WIN. It’s child-like simple.
  • How much to bet and when to stop. No experience needed!
  • How to get up and running and winning money…from day one.
  • The best online casinos to play to maximise your profits.
  • How to start small and build big. £100-£200 betting bank is plenty to get you started.
  • How to easily generate £20-£60 profit for each hour you play.
  • How to minimise risk so you can play relaxed and with confidence…half asleep in fact!

  As part of the package you’ll receive my bespoke crib sheet that tells you exactly what to bet on, how much to bet and when to stop. All at a glance.

  So you’re never in any doubt exactly what to do to keep raking in the profits.

This Really Is Like Turning Your Mobile Phone Into A 24 Hour A Day Money Machine…

  Now obviously you’re not going to play for 24 hours a day! But you could, and you’d be making money all the way.

  No, the point I’m making is you can pick your phone up at any time of the day and night and start making money. Perhaps you have a few minutes to spare before work, at breakfast, on your coffee break, at lunch…you get the idea.

  You can do this and be making money in seconds at any time of the day or night, or whatever else you’re doing….24 hours a day, seven days a week.

  As I told you, I even do this while I’m watching football or something else on TV!

 And I just had an idea while I was writing this!

  I said, obviously you won’t do this 24 hours a day…and probably not 8-10 hours…the boredom would kill you. However…

What If You Worked ‘Shifts’ With Someone In The Family?

  Or just set up your wife or one of your kids on their phones to do a few hours here and there?

  You could easily double or triple the amount you could earn from this…

Over £1,000 A Month Or More Could Very Easily Be Within Reach

  Imagine that…over a grand a month extra family income for doing something which nobody could call real work. That’s the potential of what I’m offering here.

  But what’s the downside? Why might you not even want to do this – even for the easy cash on offer.

  Well, there’s no getting away from the fact that it’s quite boring after you get over the fact that you’re banking profits every time you play. There’s nothing exciting or risky about this.

  There’s nothing to get the heart pumping. No massive highs when you win, or gut-wrenching disappointment when you lose. Just a ‘steady away’ system for making regular and reliable profits with very little effort.

  Anything else?

  Well, if an extra grand or so each month isn’t really appealing to you because you’re already very comfortable, then this probably isn’t right for you either. I know a grand a month isn’t a fortune to some folk, and good luck to them, but it’s made a big difference to me. It’s made the difference between just existing and paying the bills and being able to live a little. Only you know what it might mean to you.

So, You Can Stop Reading Now If…

  You’re looking for fireworks and thrills. This probably isn’t for you. If an extra grand a month wouldn’t make any difference to your life, this probably isn’t for you either.

  But if you just want some extra free cash you can tap into at any time of the day or night – in fact whenever you feel like it – then I think you’d be crazy not to get involved.

  It’s everything you need to make regular and reliable profits of hundreds of pounds every month…and even more if you put in a bit more time or enlist the help of other family members.

  And it’s available at a price which I know is going to shock you…in a good way!

  You see, although this has the potential to make an effort-free £12,000 or so over the next year, I’m not going to ask you thousands of pounds for it. I’m not even going to ask you hundreds for it.


  Well two reasons. Firstly, I’d like to help as many people as I can with this, and secondly it won’t affect my profits at all no matter how many people get involved.

I’ll Cut To The Chase…

  The price of the full package including manual and spreadsheet is just £97. That’s right, less than a hundred quid. Probably the amount you’ll easily rake in in your first couple using the system.

   And it’s a system you can use for ever!

 There are no hidden catches, no sneaky ‘upsells’, hidden charges or anything like that. Nothing else to pay now or ever. £97 gets you everything.

To Get Hold Of Your Copy Of The System CLICK HERE Or Call Our Credit Card Hotline On: 01709 361819

Your 90 Day No Risk Money Back Guarantee

  Test drive ‘The Secret Agent System’ for up to 90 days.

  Try everything out and then if for whatever reason, you are not completely satisfied, simply return the manual to my publishers and you’ll get your entire investment reimbursed.

  (I won’t ask why; that’s just how confident I am that you will absolutely love this system).

Your 90 Day No Risk Money
Back Guarantee

  Test drive ‘The Secret Agent System’ for up to 90 days.

  Try everything out and then if for whatever reason, you are not completely satisfied, simply return the manual to my publishers and you’ll get your entire investment reimbursed.

  (I won’t ask why; that’s just how confident I am that you will absolutely love this system).

  Don’t worry if there’s anything you’re unsure about, I’ll be on hand to help.

  Join me today!

  This is a system which will work today, tomorrow, next week, next year and for as long as online casinos are offering Baccarat.  In other words, it will last for ever!

  I hate the term ‘no brainer’ but less than £100 for a money making system you can use any time of the day or night, 7 days a week, 365 days a year as often as you like…the more you play the more you win.

  That’s precisely what it is…’a no brainer’.

  Secure your copy today. It will be one of the best decisions you ever make.

  Kind Regards



  Dan Crozier

  Creator – The Secret Agent System  

  PS  I do plan to bump the price up a little once the testimonials for this start to come in (and they will!) so, get your copy today to guarantee the current price.

  PPS If you’re not a ‘phone person’ don’t worry. You can do this on a PC, laptop or tablet as well. In fact, I like to use my PC if I’m not watching football!

To Get Hold Of Your Copy Of The System CLICK HERE Or Call Our Credit Card Hotline On: 01709 361819

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