The Property Ladder is Dead!

“How a Divorced Dad Discovered The ‘Secret Ladder’ Climbing to £1,263 a Week… And How You Can Start With £100…Or Less!”

  Dear Streetwise Customer,

  To be honest I feel a little guilty about this…

  But in the next few minutes I’ll show you how my accidental discovery took my income from struggling to pay the mortgage, to banking a gross £1,000 – £4,000 on any given week.

Week After Week, Like Clockwork!

  In fact over the past few months, there’s not been a single week where I’ve made less than a £1,000.

  And I’ll also show you how easy it is for you to copy me.

  My name is Gary Lister. Divorced, 3 kids, and I recently had a major financial crisis hanging over my head…

  It was actually a marriage breakup that caused me to stumble into this venture. That and the fact I needed to make a lot of money fast to keep a roof over my head.

  It wasn’t just my property that was at risk through lack of cash. I had to downgrade my car as well. My health was taking a dive too.

  The stress!

  The lack of energy to get up and do something to get myself out of the hole was dragging me back. Perhaps you know the feeling?  I even got this weird rash on my skin, which I also put down to the stress.

  I just had to do something!

  I did a car boot sale and sold off some of my old junk to get some funds together. It was fine, but scarcely made a dent in what I needed. Talk about p***ing into the wind!

  But everything changed, almost from the minute I discovered what I’m writing to you about today.

  It sneakily piggybacks a £220 Billion industry in the UK, which the BBC says is set to grow exponentially in the next few years.

  I stumbled on this method so accidentally that I don’t think even 0.0001% of the UK population knows it exists

  But what is really exciting is what it can do for you – just as it has been doing for me.

  I started with £100 and turned it into £1,199.00 in just 3 (very cheeky) steps.

  That was my first ever attempt and I’ve got better and better at it since then.

  Before I show you how I did it and how you can do the same, let me be clear that this requires NO face-to-face selling (in fact hardly ANY selling at all).

  There was NO  risk of losing my initial £100 either – I could get it back at any time (not that I ever did, because I kept banking profits!).

  NO Crypto’s are involved,  NO trading the markets, NO internet marketing… NO gambling of any kind.

  NO skills, experience, or long hours involved.

  I honestly reckon this is the easiest way to make thousands of pounds per week in the UK, starting from a dead start.

  A bold claim but I truly believe it.

  I call it the ‘Secret Ladder’.

  And as long as:

  1. People still buy a very special product (which they will do, forever)
  1. And you can spend an hour a day (and not even every day).

  Then you can climb the ‘Secret Ladder’ starting with between £100 – £200 and turning it into regular deals of £2,000, £4,000, even £8,000 – or even higher!

  And it’s completely legal and above board.

  But it was dumb luck – maybe fate –  that brought me to this profitable world. And I’ve been banking cah ever since.

  Like when I spent £150 on a specific “widget” that was worth a fortune. I took it to someone local (someone you definitely have near you too) and gave him another £39 to give it back to me, all ready to blast my profits into orbit.

  Two weeks later, I had £1,299 in my bank account for a total 1-hour’s work.

  Over 10 times what I paid – which I never had a risk of losing anyway, as I’ll explain shortly.

  Or when I then climbed the “next rung” of the ‘Secret Ladder’, spending £1,099 (from my £1,299 I just banked) and I didn’t need to do anything until I had £7,999 in my bank account.

Rinse... Repeat... Move Up The Ladder!

  As someone who wasn’t used to those sorts of numbers, things got a bit scary so since then I’ve kept it small.

  But it’s that simple.

  And you can start small and go one rung at a time if like me you want to play it safe.

  There is no need for any more than ZERO risk with my method.

  Why zero risk?

  Because I can always get the money back if I want to, not that I do – I’m busy banking more money!

  The organisations I use are large billion-pound companies that are highly regulated and don’t get up to any funny business. So this is perfectly safe.

  My point is that even if you start at just £100 – £200, you can always get it back for whatever reason if you need it at short notice. There is no risk.

  And it’s sneakily clever, I must say. But I can’t take credit for being clever. I’m just an average bloke that never made it to university. No one would ever call me a genius!

If I can do it, anyone can!

  You just need to know WHAT to do.

  And I want to help you.

  And because this industry is set to explode, the best time to get in is NOW – even better than when I started in 2021.

Word of warning:

This Money Making Venture Is Addictive!

  If you had a lever that you could pull that makes a machine throw out £50 notes, wouldn’t you keep pulling that damn lever all day, every day?

  Yes, you’d get rich, but you’d also be addicted.

  My natty little side hustle is a bit like that.

  Yes, it’s easy money climbing the ‘Secret Ladder’ but I also have to know when to walk away and enjoy my life and my earnings.

  I spend an hour or two a day. I don’t want to spend much more time than that.

  The method I use is inspired by something I read years ago by Stuart Goldsmith who explained the concept of “Doubling Your Way To A Million Pounds.’

  I thought it was a clever concept. It didn’t go into any real-life methods though, so I applied the ideas and created my own specific method of climbing the ‘Secret Ladder’ to weekly £2,000 deals and more.

  Climbing higher and higher at every stage.

So, how did all this come about?

  Well it was a completely accidental conversation with a Pawnbroker that changed everything for me, when I took some old crap in to haggle for a couple of hundred quid to pay some bills. It was stuff that was a bit too good to flog at the car boot I told you about

  We got talking and it turned out we both support the same football team which is nowhere near where we live. Twenty minutes of football banter and we’d formed a bit of a bond. When we returned to the subject of my unwanted items, he shocked me with his honesty. 

  This is what he blatantly told me…

  “I’m actually ripping you off –  and all my other customers!”

  He explained that he had a side hustle outside his pawnbroking business that made him twice as much as the income from his pawnshop and its days were numbered.

  Since he was being so blunt with me, I had to know more.

  I asked him about the who… what… when… where… and HOW.

  He told me EVERYTHING.

  It was clear the pawnshop was just one way he had of making money, and he was losing interest in it.

   He told me about his biggest money maker of all, and that it was going to let him shut his pawnshop and move on to the next level.

  It was a method that didn’t require any premises and so he was excited about getting rid of all his overhead!

  He told me where to get exactly what I needed amazingly cheaply from certain online websites – and legally (that’s important!).

  Then he told me what sneaky filters I needed to apply on those websites to guarantee I got the really hot deals.

It Was Really Simple, Point And Click Stuff… No Knowledge Required At All!

  And he told me where he flips them for 10 times the profit.

  I was completely shocked because I’m certain only a tiny fraction of 1% of people actually know about this.

  A small group of average Joes just like us are doing £1,000 – £16,000 deals each and every week!

  That conversation was 2 years ago.

  The pawnshop closed a month after I spoke to him.  I think he went onto bigger and better things!

  So, I had a first try at this money maker of his…

  I sourced my first ‘profit-laden’ item for £100…just like he’d explained to me.

  I found it by visiting the websites he told me about, and setting the very sneaky filters to find the real nuggets that bring the 10x profit margins.

  Even though I was hard up for cash, I wasn’t worried about losing that £100 if it didn’t work.  That’s because it became obvious I could get the money back from the same website I bought from.

  To my amazement, I got back £699  in my hands within 2 days.

  Not quite 10 times my money, but just under 7 times my money back – but I was well chuffed for a first try!

  And I did virtually zero work to earn it!

  Have you ever had the exhilarating feeling of your dreams FINALLY taking off like a rocket launching into space?

  It’s a feeling like no other – scary but bloody exciting at the same time!

  Because I’d had such a bad run of luck in my financial life back then, I really had to wonder if this was a dream or not. But it wasn’t a dream, this was very real.

  I decided to have another stab.  And I decided to stay on the bottom rung of the ladder.

  Frankly, I wasn’t used to such big profit numbers, and I found it intimidating because it was happening so fast.

  And also because I’m a pretty risk averse guy.

  So,  I stayed at the “bottom rung” of the ladder and sourced another item for £150 rather than pouring all my profit into sourcing the next item.

  This time, I had to do something to the item before I could sell it on for the maximum profits.

  “Ah, I knew there would be a catch in all this” I hear you say – and so did I!

  But actually, all I had to do was pay someone 40 quid, and I got it back 2 weeks later ready to make me money.

  How much did I flip it for?


  That was just in my early days.  Since then I’ve grown in confidence and  accelerated my climb up the “Secret Ladder”.

  And not only did my bank account see balances it never saw before…

  • My health improved massively.
  • The stress was gone while I was making money.
  • My energy levels soared.
  • That nasty “stress rash” cleared up.

  And honestly, my new found confidence had people looking at me differently.

  I’m dating a woman 15 years younger than me and life is great!

  I owe it ALL to being able to finally generate a lot of money for the first time in my life.

You Have 2 Options When Climbing The “Secret Ladder

  You can climb the ladder fast by reinvesting your full profits – sourcing a higher priced item  looking to bank a £12,000+ profit on your next deal)…

  Or you can be more conservative to begin with, and do this is  how I do it…

  Climb the ladder “one rung at a time” by continuing to source low priced items – but several of them simultaneously – looking to make several smaller profits in a safe and secure way.

  Lots of Eggs In Lots Of Baskets

  The second method is what I will show you.

  Like when I spent a measly £175, and then after taking a quick detour while I was doing my shopping, got back the same item that was now worth £1,550.

  I have more examples of profits banked… and these profits really are consistent and   predictable!

  If anything, it’s a bit “boring” how the profits are pretty much the same each time.

  But the profits themselves are definitely not boring!

  So, how can you find out how to do this yourself and transform your income?

  Well, I’ve laid it all out in my 66-page manual called ‘Climbing The Secret Ladder How To Make £1,000+ a Week Working Just One Hour a Day.’

  In it, you will discover:

  • How to go from £100 to £1,119 without risking your initial £100.
  • The “cheeky” 3-step method to double your initial profit while staying fully within the rules – they’ll actually thank you for it!
  • The virtually unknown secret to legally putting together a £12,000+ profit deal.
  • How your payouts will come in monthly, weekly, even daily, all automatically.
  • The “must have” filter in your 5-minute search you need or you could be leaving THOUSANDS on the table. (See page 13).
  • How to get companies to gladly pay YOU thousands of pounds, instead of the other way around!
  • The “magic” piece of card that could make you an extra £6,000 or more. (Revealed on page 52).
  • How to slash the speed at which you bank your glorious profits – even in a single day if you choose.
  • The 4 words that can put an extra £4,500 in your bank account… in just 5 minutes.
  • The smart “long game” strategy that doubles, triples, even quadruples your profits within weeks or less.

  And those powerful tips are just the beginning for your exciting journey.

  You may be asking, “Since you bank thousands of pounds so easily, why bother selling a manual talking about it?”

  Good question, I always ask the same exact question when I see offers like this one!

  My answer is simple. More money! There, you didn’t think I’d insult your intelligence, did you?

  I reckon I stand to make £7k – £9k revealing my secrets.

  And since there is zero chance of this method getting saturated, then I have nothing to lose by making a bit of extra cash on the side.

  If anything, more people doing this would just help increase my (and your) turnover even more. You’ll understand why once you’ve read the manual!

  But don’t worry, it’s not MLM. This business is far too up-market for anything like that stuff!

  One of the most URGENT reasons why you should join me in Climbing The Secret Ladder… is because if you’ve watched the news, you’ll know the economy is going to HELL.

  • Food prices are through the roof…
  • Petrol prices are skyrocketing…
  • Rent and mortgages are putting the squeeze on people’s bank accounts…
  • Our state pensions won’t be worth a damn in a few years…

  So, we need to take control of our own income NOW in these shark infested times for the economy.

  My easy-to-follow manual will walk you through EVERYTHING, and bring you to the same sort of money I’ve been making for the past two years, while having fun doing it.

Yes, it’s actually quite fun making money so easily!

What Work Is Involved For You?

  A typical “rung” up the ladder goes like this:

  1. Visit 2 (and only 2) websites.

  2. Source your item by applying some very specific filters that I will reveal to you.

  3. Flip it on for 3-10 times the profit.

  And, err, that’s it!

  From there, you just move up to the next rung of the ladder, either using all the profit you banked last time… or by sourcing a few, lower priced items at the same time.

  I never work for more than an hour a day and nor would I want to. These days I average 30-mins a day.

  And I don’t even do it every day!

  It’s the perfect escape from the 9-5 hell.

  Although I recommend you get a few rungs up the ladder before you quit your day job, you can certainly do it with this.

How Can You Start On This Profitable Journey?

  Well, if I knew how profitable this method was when I spoke to that pawnbroker, I’d have paid him £1,000 for his knowledge. No question.

  After all, I’m flipping items far exceeding that price – week after week, not even breaking a sweat in the process.

  But I didn’t have that kind of money back then and maybe you don’t either ight now.

  So, I’m not going to charge even half that price.

  I reckon £397 is a fair deal. I’ve seen plenty of inferior systems going for that price – and more.

  But the economy is rough, really rough. And to be honest, this manual is BRAND NEW and I WANT more people to know my method so they can give me their feedback.

  So I’m not going to charge £397.

  I’m not even going to charge £297…

  For the first few people to learn this insanely profitable system, I’m going to let you have it for just £147.00.


  This price will honestly shoot up to £297 once I get enough testimonials….but I’m going to hold it at that for now.

  Your typical profits will be in the hundreds, even thousand, of pounds every week.

  So £147.00 is nothing…not even close to the real value of what I’ll show you.

  I only ask that you go through the method and let me know how much money you’re making 6 months from today.

  And to put your mind at rest, my publishers are making a cast-iron guarantee…

30 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee

  Try this out for 30-days, and if you are not happy with what I’ll be sharing with you, simply return the manual to my publishers and they’ll gladly refund your purchase price promptly and courteously…no questions asked.

  I can’t be fairer than that.

  So, it’s decision time…

  I was really lucky to come across such an insanely profitable method for such little effort.  It changed my life and my finances forever. Without it, I shudder to think where I’d be right now.

  Isn’t it time YOU enjoyed an unfair advantage for a change?

  You owe it to yourself to take a path that I’ve already walked for you. All you have to do is follow me on that path a path towards prosperity…

  Being debt free…

  Driving the cars you always wanted…

  Holidays when you want them…

  And to be able to give your family a fantastic life while the economy goes to hell in a handcart.

  This is not some pie-in-the-sky fantasy…

This Is A Real Opportunity…

  An opportunity to make real-life money from a £250 Billion industry that is set to explode in the next few years.

  And you can get started climbing the ladder TODAY.

  So don’t dilly-dally about this…

  Money is attracted to FAST ACTION (something else you will learn in the manual).

   Act  RIGHT NOW… and by this time next week, you can get started moving up the ladder and pocketing £1,200 a week (or more)…

  Simply click HERE to receive my ground breaking manual.

  I look forward to welcoming you as soon as your order comes in.

  In the next few days… you could make your first £300 – £500 and start climbing the secret ladder towards a better life, just like I did.

  All the best,



  Gary Lister

  P.S. If you can spare just one hour… you could bank  hundreds in your first attempt just like I did.

  P.P.S. Don’t forget that any investments you make in this venture are risk free, you can ALWAYS get it back – not that you’ll want to once you see the ease in getting profits back instead.

  Get Started Today!

Stop Press!!!

    I know some people would rather see something and hear about it, as well as reading about it. That’s why I’ve recorded a series of 17 short videos taking you through the whole process. I’ll give you completely free access to all these videos when you order my manual on approval. So you’ll be able to sit back and watch how this works on your PC, laptop, tablet or phone.

To Get Hold Of Your Copy CLICK HERE Or Call Our Credit Card Hotline On: 01709 361819

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