She Earns Money Doing What, Now?

Never let it be said that there are never any easy opportunities to make money.

This weekend I learned that a woman here in the UK was hiring herself out for ‘cuddles’ at a price of £70 an hour.

Yes… you read that right.

Apparently it is only cuddles before you start wondering if other things are on offer.

She appeared on ITV’s This Morning show recently talking about how people come to her for cuddles.

Cuddling releases happy chemicals and they can really help people who are feeling sad, lonely, and depressed.

She starts by sitting down with the ‘cuddle client’ and talking about anything that is troubling them.

It gives them the opportunity to get things off their chest before lying down on the floor and snuggling up to hers.

They then spend the rest of the hour lying on the floor cuddling.

It’s a bizarre job indeed.

I cannot say how popular it is as I didn’t see the interview on This Morning, but if she has at least two ‘cuddle clients’ each day (Mon to Fri), she would be earning a decent £2,800 per month.

That’s not too bad for simply talking and cuddling with people.

Humans need to cuddle, it is good for their health and wellness, and so it could be possible that she has a steady flow of clients.

With depression being at epidemic levels in the UK, there could be many people looking for something as simple as a cuddle.

Depression can be a symptom of isolation and loneliness and so I guess there could be a large number of people who don’t have anyone to turn to for a cuddle and so they may be willing to pay for an hour long cuddling session.

I can’t believe that I am actually writing about this!

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I’m not saying that this is something that you should consider doing, but I do want you to realise that there are services people will pay for that are yet to be offered… or yet offered by a lot of people.

If one woman is offering hour long cuddle sessions for £70, I’m pretty sure it could be repeated elsewhere in the country.

From what I understand, it is a pretty new concept and so if there is a big enough demand for it, other people could make it work, too.

So, like I say… this may not be for you, but there may be other ‘similar’ services that you can offer.

A perfect example of a service that I think a lot of people could offer is ‘silent listening’ where they listen without judgement or opinion as people unload their troubles and concerns.

There are a lot of people who want to be ‘heard’ and need to get things off their chests, and they are not necessarily looking for advice.

They just want to talk and have someone listen.

Think of it as a modern-day version of the Catholic confession.

Instead of going into a small wooden box in a cold stone church, they simply sit in a comfortable chair in a small room, or have a face-to-face meeting online using Skype or Zoom, and pour their hearts out.

In Japan, there are people who are paid to mourn and cry at funerals, and… this one is even stranger… overweight people can be ‘rented’ to join people for a meal.

I know!

Other than sumo wrestlers who choose to be overweight for their sport, being overweight is not common in Japan.

In fact; it is illegal for companies to allow their staff to become overweight.

I kid you not!

Big companies in Japan can be fined if any of their staff becomes overweight.

I believe most Japanese people haven’t seen an obese person in real life, and because of that, some overweight people hire themselves out to be special guests at meals where people ask them questions and… I guess… laugh at them.

I hope the money is good because I can’t image the meal would be anything more than emotionally painful and awkward.

Some of the things that happen in Japan are a little perplexing, but again, it shows that some people will pay others to do something that basically involves nothing more than talking, listening, or just being present.

So the question is this…

Is there something that you can do where you either listen or speak to people in exchange for a fee?

Counselling is big business, but with the idea of ‘silent listening’, there is no need for qualifications and years of study because all you need to do is offer a service where you simply listen and do nothing else.

There is no need to give advice or give opinions unless they are asked for, and then I suggest that you simply say “I am only here to listen”… you might want to throw in a quick cuddle as part of the service!

Even if you charged as little as £10 to spend half an hour listening to someone, you are being paid to simply sit and listen.

Of course, everything has to be confidential. You cannot go sharing people’s stories or confessions all across social media the next day.

I think this idea has legs, so could you be the one to run with this?

Customers could easily be found using free-to-use social media platforms such as Facebook, Tiktok, X (Formerly Twitter), YouTube, and Instagram.

A simple one or two page website can easily be cobbled together to accept payment and book sessions… that’s about it.

In the video below, you will see how easy and fast it can be to build a website without actually knowing anything about building websites:

How To Build A Profitable Website Fast WITHOUT Knowing Anything About Building Websites!

Kind regards


PS…The truth is, you can have your website up and running within an hour or two, and you do not need any complicated sales funnels or tech.

A simple one page with a few lines of text and a button connected to a booking app like Calendly is all that you need to run a business where you sit and listen to people talk.