Available For The First Time Ever!

The C.I.A. Spy Trick Repurposed To Expose The “Jackpot Stocks” Hidden On The Internet
How To Fast Track Your Way To A Million Using FREE Tools And A Repurposed C.I.A. Spy Trick That Has Nothing To Do With Stock Trading…!

  Dear Streetwise Customer,

  If you’d like to turn a small amount of money into a large amount of money and you can see how the stock market could make that happen, if you’re tired of losing money on stocks while other people make a fortune from home doing zero work…

  …this will be the most important message you’ll ever hear.

  Let me first ask this question:

  What if there was a way to turn a thousand pounds into a million?

  There is: you take a thousand and simply double it ten times! £2,000, £4,000, £8,000, and so on.

  So, what if there was a way to double your money ten times?

  There is: Never mind double; some stocks triple, quadruple, or whatever the name is for TEN TIMES profit!

  £1,000 becomes a million in just three 1,000% gain trades.

1 – £10,000…

2 – £100,000…

3 – £1,000,0000.

The Million Pound Question…

  So, the big question is:

   Is it possible to find just three 1,000% gain trades that would turn £1,000 into a MILLION POUNDS?

  Of course.

  The question for me was: HOW?

  After 23 years of trial-and-error trading and decades of research, I’ve finally figured out what has the highest chance of finding such “jackpot stocks…”

  And, strangely, the discovery came from repurposing a C.I.A. trick that has nothing to do with stock trading!

  It’s shockingly simple.

  Please let me explain…

Learning The Hard Way…

  I started my trading career over twenty years ago by acting on whispers and hype from Internet forums, message boards, TV, and the occasional friend.

  It didn’t go well.

  Perhaps you can relate?

  But I didn’t give up…

  No more shortcuts. I decided to learn what I thought would be the proper way to pick winning stocks: analyzing numbers, ratios, and sales, etc.

  At the time, in 1999, I was an airline pilot flying 737s around Europe, so I had plenty of time in hotel rooms to read up on what were known as the “fundamentals” of stocks.

  Which was just as well, because that stuff is a headache!

  So, always one to look for the shortcut, I bought tip sheets from “experts” who prided themselves on doing all that nauseating number-crunching fundamental analysis for their subscribers…

  Some stocks went up, and some went down.

  That didn’t make sense…

  This fundamentals “expert” said XYZ stock was worth £20 but it was trading at £10, making it a screaming BUY… so I bought it…

  … and watched it sink to £5.


  After a bunch of those painful 50% losses (or more!) from the fundamentals “experts,” I moved on to chart-reading, also known as “technical analysis.”

  Finally, I could see a way to make money from stocks (although this didn’t turn out to be my jackpot stocks method I’m speaking about).

  I made steady money using charts. In fact, I subsequently developed proprietary trading and investing systems that are still proven for decades to beat over 90% of Wall Street experts (I’ll give them to you for free now that I’ve found something better!) I have even given seminars about trading with charts on both sides of the Atlantic.


  But I wanted more than the “steady money” chart-reading made me…

  I wanted jackpot stocks!

  I had made enough money to quit my airline job in 2003. In the years that followed I became an award-winning and international bestselling author, a success coach and public speaker.

  As seen on “The Secret” documentary on Netflix that you may have seen, Jack Canfield, he called a book I had written “Fantastic and groundbreaking.” That same book lays out my acclaimed trading and investing systems.

  But my quest to find the Holy Grail of stock trading continued…

  That’s when I came full circle, back to where I first started, back to the forums, chat rooms, and all the other Internet hype about stocks…

  … only this time I was older, wiser, richer, and carrying an unusual theory I wanted to test out…

The Shocking Discovery…

  Armed with all my decades of trading experience, I dug up as much stock-hype as I could find on the Internet so I could test this weird theory I had.

  And there was a mountain of stock-hype to analyze!

  But I went to work, doing what I’d done successfully in the past: looking for patterns, something all these stocks had in common, observing which kinds of “hype-stocks” became “jackpot stocks,” and generally looking for a system that would consistently filter out the winners from all the hype.

  By the way, when I talk about a “hype-stock” I’m talking about a stock- a ticker symbol, usually- that keeps coming up across the Internet. Some of these “hype-stocks” have a snowball effect, gathering more and more momentum and can sometimes dominate the Internet “chatter.”

  Here’s what I discovered about these Internet “hype stocks:”

  • Thousands of them exist!
  • Most of them are cheap, some pennies, all of them under £10 a share.
  • Most of them were once ten times or more their current price, meaning there was potentially a huge upside if the price recovered. This makes them tempting to the untrained eye.
  • Most of them had lousy price charts. Sinking down further, no action.
  • 96% of them, I wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole.

  All of those findings above stunk of one thing to me:


  It’s called “pumping and dumping.” This is where the insiders hype up a stock over the Internet to briefly drive the price up before selling it. Sometimes it’s for a quick profit, other times it’s so they can dump a bad trade on the unsuspecting public, so they “create a market” for the piece of crap stock they bought.

  So much for my theory.

  But I created a watchlist, anyway. I wanted to see which, if any, of these garbage “hype-stocks” would live up to the hype and chatter.

  After all, I had always suspected that true insider information was on the Internet somewhere, buried in all the noise and nonsense.

  So, I watched this mud of misinformation carefully, hoping to see some jewels…

Load Up On Jewels, Not Mud…

  But there was a glimmer of hope…

  In time, I noticed that 4% of these “hype-stocks” came to life and rocketed higher… like bats out of hell!

   This got my attention.

  Shivers went down my spine as I prepared for an all-nighter to see if there was a pattern that showed something that this tiny minority of “hype-stocks” had in common.

  I now saw these “hype-stocks” differently. It was like holding a treasure map with an “X marks the spot” and all I had to do now was find it.

  Although, I was being optimistic thinking it would be an all-nighter. It was more like an all-monther…

  But I found the pattern.

   And the strangest part is that the discovery of this winning system has nothing to do with stock trading!

  I felt as though I’d discovered a weird way to find needles in haystacks!

  This was it.

  I found my Holy Grail system.

  Here’s how it works…

Is That Stock Hot… Or Not?

  My proprietary 5 filter process plucks “Jackpot Stocks” out of the tsunami of Internet hype…

  It’s very simple. You just follow simple steps I’ll walk you through.

   Something being an airline pilot taught me was checklists, and all you have to do is follow this checklist to find jackpot stocks.

  Each “hype-stock” should successfully pass through these “5 truth filters” to become a potential jackpot stock.

   I’ll explain each one…

Truth Filter #1: Chatter Level (A Repurposed CIA trick)

  This is the most powerful and unusual of the five. You may have heard of how intelligence agencies like the CIA monitor “chatter” between flagged terrorist groups and how the chatter peaks just before something could happen.

  Using an incredible (and strangely addictive!) free tool I’ll show you, I’m able to apply the same thing to stocks! Seriously, this one tool alone will blow your mind.

  This puts the right stocks on my radar and is a powerful starting point for the shortlist.

  If the hype-stock passes through this truth filter, it faces the next one…

Truth Filter #2: Paper Trail

  Using another free and powerful tool I’ll show you, the next filter the “hype-stock” has to pass through is the paper trail.

  You’ve probably heard the phrase, “follow the money,” well, that’s what this filter does. It literally follows any paper trail that leads to the “hype-stock” in question.

  If the hype-stock passes through this truth filter, it faces the next one…

Truth Filter #3: Unusual Activity

  One of the things that separates jackpot stocks from hype-stocks is unusual activity in the price movements of the jackpot stock.

  You see, the true insiders – the people who really do know something about a given stock – they already know what the jackpot stocks are…

  And they want to buy them. In vast quantities, because they know these jackpot stocks are going to the moon. But they can’t do so without it leaving a sign of unusual activity in the price action.

  As much as they would love to hide their buying (so the price doesn’t get driven up too high before they’ve loaded up on that stock), this filter exposes it.

  This is probably the toughest of all the filters for a hype-stock to pass through, and now you can see why!

  And, yes, this involves a free tool, also. In fact, every tool that this system uses is FREE.

  If the hype-stock passes through this truth filter, it faces the next one…

Truth Filter #4: 1000%+ Profit Potential

  Something that most of the hype-stocks have in common is that they’re “fallen angels.” This means that their price was once a lot higher; typically ten or even twenty times higher than now!

  This means that once a stock like this starts rising, we aren’t asking it to do anything it hasn’t done before. All we’re asking is that it returns to the level it was once at…

  … and make ten times our money, or more!

  A jackpot stock is a “sleeping beauty” amongst a thousand “fallen angels.”

  If the hype-stock passes through this truth filter, it faces the next one…

Truth Filter #5: Emergency Exit?

  If the hype-stock passes through this final truth filter, it’s a green light! So, what is an emergency exit in this context?

  By this, I mean applying something that all trades should have but is something very few people apply to their trades:

  A strict plan that allows us to get out of a trade that isn’t going according to plan, and only taking a small loss. Only certain stocks will offer such a plan at any given time, so this is an important filter.

  Additionally, a stock that offers such an emergency exit is another sign of unusual activity that compliments Truth Filter #3.

  No person or system can get it right 100% of the time, and anyone who says otherwise is a liar. Anything can happen at any time. There could be something unexpected that affects all stocks.

  So, a pro trader always has an emergency exit in mind. I won’t open a trade unless it has one, and the same rule applies to jackpot stocks.

  We never, ever bet the farm or put it “all on black.” That’s the gambler mentality! The name of the game is to stay in the game. So, we spread our risk by having a selection of jackpot stock trades, and each one of them has an emergency exit.

  With that in mind, this is probably a good time to ask this question:

Is This Right For You…?

  I assume you have absolutely zero knowledge or experience when I teach you this system, so don’t worry about that.

  You might be wondering about emergency exits for any losing trades, though?

  So, did this new system I created win every single time?

  No, I learned early on in my trading career that there’s no such thing in trading as 100% wins. And you should run a mile from anyone who says different.

  So why was I so excited about this new system?

  Because of what I learned from my stock charts days:

  It’s not about winning every time; it’s about making the inevitable losses as small as possible and letting the winners ride.

  And with a system like this I knew the overall gains would be explosive!

  Let me explain with a demonstration…

  Imagine starting with £10,000 and making these six trades below. In this real-life rules scenario, when I lose, I lose 10%. When I win, I win 1,000%…

  With those conditions, let’s see what happens if I get really pessimistic and imagine losing half the time (the system does way better than that at 82%, but this will prove a point).

  Losing half the time should mean these six trades break-even, right?

  Let’s see…

Trade 1: Lose 10%. Account balance £9,500.

Trade 2: Win 1,000%. Account balance £95,000.

Trade 3: Lose 10%. Account balance £85,500.

Trade 4: Win 1000%. Account balance £855,000

Trade 5: Lose 10%. Account balance £769,500.

Trade 6: Win 1000%. Account balance £7,695,000

  Even in this pessimistic scenario of losing half the time…

This Account Went From £10,000 To £7.69 MILLION In Just Six Trades!

  I’m not going to lie to you. There’s already enough of that out there on the Internet. So, I am just being truthful when I say it’s normal, even healthy, to expect a few losses. We aren’t fortune tellers. Losing a few battles is all part of winning the war…

  The trick is to find these scenarios where we can contain any downside to small amounts but look forward to gigantic upsides.

  But if you’re sensitive and easily upset by even a small loss, if you lack discipline, if you’re a wild gambler, then, respectfully…

  Stock trading of ANY kind is NOT for you.

  But if you can obediently follow simple 1-2-3-4-5 steps I’ll show you, this could be the easiest and fastest money you will ever make. In fact, it could be the key to making a life-changing fortune, as I hope you can now see.

  Any successful trading system is only as successful as the user and their ability to follow simple rules. And, of course, the above demonstration doesn’t guarantee how your trades will go. You could do better, you could do worse.

  The point I’m making is the power of a system that hunts for trade set-ups with such relatively low risk and such ridiculously high rewards!

  Still here?

  Good! Because…

  Applying these 5 proprietary truth filters to hype stocks is like panning for gold with an unfair advantage…!

Panning For Gold…

  It’s a gold rush out there, with everyone on the Internet scrambling around for a fast buck, flitting from one “hot tip” to another…

  But, just like those hopeful miners in 1848, sadly, most of them won’t find their fortune. They will lose their money, actually…

  But “there IS gold in those hills…”

  The trick is throwing a vast amount of “dirt” into a “pan” with multiple filters. And in the fastest and simplest way possible.

  It’s just too much data for a human to process. Too many stocks to look at. Too much BS on the Internet…

  That’s why I created my proprietary Stock Hype Filter Trading System for my personal trades, and it’s now my go-to trading system.

  The ridiculously high potential rewards with the ridiculously low potential risks are just too crazy to trade any other way!

  Would you like to join me?

  If so, I’ve created a simple instruction video that assumes you have no trading experience at all. It’s so simple a child could use it. You’ll also receive all the free tools, software, and resources you’ll need. I’m even including a 1-2-3-4-5 step checklist, so you simply cannot fail to follow the simple instructions that I use myself.

  You may have seen other trading systems advertised, and they typically sell for thousands of pounds.

  And they usually don’t work!

  But my proprietary Stock Hype Filter Trading System is just £297. For that tiny price, you get the complete package.

  PLUS, unlimited support from me, personally!

  I know it’s a silly deal for what you’re getting, but what the heck. I’m doing this anyway, so why not come along for the ride? Plus, the small profit I make by helping others adds more funds to my trading account to use this system with.

  Just being honest.

  And that is in addition to all these other free bonuses.

  1. Training Video: The 7 Sales Tricks of Lousy Stock Tippers…
  1. Training Video: How to Beat 70% of Wall Street Experts with a Single Trade…
  1. “Insider Riders” trading manual that explains all my hard-won trading secrets and assumes you have zero experience…
  1. Live weekly stock market and trading updates…

  I hope you see this as a no-brainer, at least to try my proprietary Stock Hype Filter Trading System and see how your financial fortunes change dramatically overnight.

  There’s just one “catch…”

Only 5% of Invitees Accepted…

  Needless to say, the whole world can’t know about this. This is the biggest trading secret I’ve come across in all my decades of experience. If too many people starting using my Stock Hype Filter Trading System it won’t work as well.

  CAUTION: if you start telling friends and family about your Stock Hype Filter Trading System trades, and they see what happens to them, you are going to draw attention to yourself.

   Yes, you will sound cool, clever, and “in the know,” but I cannot allow them a place as well as you. In fact, I’m going to ask you to swear total confidentiality.

  So, while I’m happy to help people out and create additional funds for my own account, there is a balance.

  And that balance is only 5% of members (you are now a member) will be allowed access.

  First come, first served. Once 5% of invitees have claimed their Stock Hype Filter Trading System package the doors will close.

  Please be fast.

  If you make it into the 5%, I will soon be personally asking you this question:

Will You Be My First “Jackpot Stock” Millionaire…?

  Your timing is perfect because this system is brand new, and I’m looking for my very first poster boys and girls.

  So, it’s in my best interests to make this work for you!

  Will you be my first Stock Hype Filter Trading System millionaire?

  It shouldn’t take long. All I ask is that you follow the system rules carefully, and I’ll be on hand to make sure you do. I won’t let you fail.

  Win back all your previous losses. Get revenge on the market…

  And stop burning money on bad Internet hype.

  The pros who want to manipulate you by starting Internet stock hype and take your hard-earned money have a phrase for you if you get suckered by them:

  “The dumb money.”

  Are you the “dumb money?”

  Or will you switch to the side of the “smart money?”

  Snatch your Stock Hype Filter Trading System and let’s get started because that next hot stock could be in play right now!

To Order Your Copy On Approval CLICK HERE Or Call 01709 361819

  I’ll make sure the system details are rushed out to you by the first available post.

  That’s all for now. If you want to learn the secret to finding those stocks that could make you a millionaire, you know what to do next.

   I really can’t wait to get my system into your hands and hearing of the money you’re making with it.

All the best.

Jim Hunt.

Creator of Stock Hype Filter Trading System.’

P.S  Act fast, because once 5% of invitees have claimed their Stock Hype Filter Trading System package the doors will close.

PPS As well as the Stock Hype Filter Trading System package you get these free bonuses.

  1. Training Video: The 7 Sales Tricks of Lousy Stock Tippers…
  1. Training Video: How to Beat 70% of Wall Street Experts with a Single Trade…
  1. “Insider Riders” trading manual that explains all my hard-won trading secrets and assumes you have zero experience…
  1. Live weekly stock market and trading updates…

To Order Your Copy On Approval CLICK HERE Or Call 01709 361819

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