In a previous article I mentioned a couple that I know who decided to buy a dog even though they could not afford one.
I’ve recently learned that they are trying their hardest to ensure that the dog stays as healthy as possible by feeding it the best nutritious food and giving it the right amount of exercise.
As well as being able to enjoy a healthy and happy dog, there is another reason that they want to keep it as healthy as possible… to avoid expensive vet bills.
I get this completely.
Vet bills can be ridiculously expensive. Pet owners need to pay out for insurances to cover the cost of vet bills because there isn’t a NHS style system for pets.
But this then got me thinking…
Should the NHS be changed for an insurance based system as seen in the USA?
Before you send me an email attacking me, I’m not saying that we should, I am just thinking out loud because I find it interesting that this couple are bending over backwards to ensure that their pet pooch is healthy to avoid paying expensive vet bills yet…
They don’t look after themselves the same way.
In fact, they don’t look after themselves in any shape or form.
They eat a lot – and I do mean A LOT – of junk food, drink sugary drinks, drink quite a bit of alcohol, don’t do any exercise other than walking the dog and one of them smokes daily.
They do whatever they want no matter how damaging or harmful it can be.
Could that be because there is no fear of a financial burden in the same way there is with their dog?
Has society become too reliant on the NHS to repair them?
Have people relinquished all personal responsibility for their health and wellbeing because they can be patched up for free?
Is it now expected that other people will pick up the pieces of our own personal bad behaviours?
Again, I’m not saying whether swapping the NHS for an American based insurance system is the right way forward, but I am seeing a common trend where people are not taking personal responsibility for their health and wellbeing.
And it doesn’t stop their either.
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Many people have relinquished all personal responsibility in many aspects of their lives… their wealth being one of them.
Many people expect the state or other people to pay their way or bail them out when they make bad personal decisions and mismanage their money… usually after being advised many times to not do what they are doing.
I don’t know about you, but that I do object to.
I don’t object to my TAX money being used to help children who have been born with health issues or have developed issues through no fault of their own.
I don’t mind helping anyone who has developed a sickness or disease through natural or biological factors or been injured in an accident or incident, that is what the NHS is for and I’m all for that.
I’m not so keen on funding the lives of those who choose to sit on their arses and do nothing or those who need medical treatment because they ate themselves to obesity and diabetes despite all of the information and advice available today.
Unfortunately a fair amount of your TAX money is being used on people who don’t deserve the help, which is taking it away from those who do need the help.
Fortunately, there is a way to ‘get back’ the TAX you pay to the government who have a terrible track record of giving it to the ‘wrong’ people.
Trading the forex market is classed by the UK government as ‘gambling’ which means that any money that you earn is TAX FREE!
Just because it is classed as a gambling, doesn’t mean that it has to be.
It’s not a gamble if you chose to put your money on an outcome which you know is highly likely to happen.
The good news is that using specific signals, you can predict what is likely to happen meaning that you can confidently place a trade and expect that you have a greater chance of making a successful TAX FREE trade.
Our good friend and trading expert Ian Williams devised and streamlined a system where you focus on only one profitable market making it far easier to generate a TAX FREE income.
The system Ian has devised could earn you between £225 and £650 a week.
That’s between £11,700 and £33,800 in one year.
That’s from trading just one specific forex market.
If you would like to learn more about what Ian does which can generate between £225 and £650 a week go to:
The Forex Fraud Kit
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… It takes less than one hour to learn meaning that you can be up and running within an hour ready to start making money.
Here’s that link again: