Should You Become An Online Bird Dog?

If you recognise the lyrics below, sing along with me:

“Well everybody’s heard.

About the bird.

The bird bird bird.

B-bird’s the word.

Well the bird bird bird.

Bird is the word.”

The lyrics are from the 1963 song, ‘Surfin Bird’, by the Trashmen.

The song has regained popularity after featuring in an episode of the popular adult cartoon, ‘Family Guy’.

Here’s the song…

As you can see, it is an ‘interesting’ song, to say the least.

Apparently the lyrics of Surfin Bird is a call to end the unlawful and un-constitutional locking up of minors for flipping the bird to an adult.

During the 1960s, it was illegal for teens to give any adult the middle finger, known at the time as ‘flipping the bird’.

Juveniles were thrown in the cells for this small act and very often they were falsely imprisoned without question just because an adult had claimed that it had happened to them.

It was often used as a way for a Christian fundamentalist to punish a gay child (often their own).

I imagine that it was also used and abused widely to throw people of different ethnicities and cultures into cells as a punishment for being in areas where some of the local white population decided they didn’t want them.

OK, so, why am I telling you this.

Well, there is a way to give the day job the middle finger.

You can flip the bird to being a wage slave by becoming a…

Drum roll please…


 Bird Dog!

“What the hell is a Bird Dog, John?”

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A Bird Dog is a person that earns a finder’s fee whenever they pass on the details of a potential customer to a another person.

Traditionally a Bird Dog would send the details of a dilapidated and rundown property they believe the owner would sell for a decent price, to a property developer.

The term Bird Dog comes from hunting dogs which would run into the fields and forests to find the birds that were shot out of the air by the hunters.

Some would fetch the kill whereas others, to avoid mangling the dead bird more than they were, would stand and point at the kill for the hunter to pick up.

The online world has made it a lot easier for people to become a Bird Dog.

It is far easier to conduct research and communicate with people from all over the world.

And you no longer need to just find dilapidated properties, either.

The other week I was talking to someone who was telling me how a few years ago they were approached by a friend who worked at a local school informing them to directly apply for a job at the same school instead of doing it through the agency she had just signed up for.

The reason she was told to apply directly was that it meant that if she was successful and was offered the job, the school did not have to pay the agency £2,000 in finder’s fees.

Schools do pay those fees if they have no other choice.

But in the above example, the woman was already well-known to the school and the staff, and so they wanted to save some money which could be used to benefit the school in other ways.

Putting aside the fact that the school in this example wanted to save the money, what it does tell us is that there are people who earn large finder’s fees by simply sending schools and companies the names and details of good candidates for job positions.

The whole purpose of these agencies is to find good candidates for positions freeing up schools and companies so that they can carry on as normal.

Agencies sort out those who are good for the role from those who are not and then forward on the details.

All the schools or company needs to do is interview the candidates.

Today, many Bird Dog organisations simply set up websites where people submit their details and CVs, and the website owner then forwards those details to any companies that approach them.

The website owners liaise between the two until a final decision has been made.

Whenever anyone accepts a job offer, the website owner is paid a finder’s fee.

The internet has allowed people to set up Bird Dog websites where they earn money from both parties.

Instead of being paid a finder’s fee every time they send the details of a person that resulted in a successful sale, purchase, or placement, they take an admin (membership) fee from both parties who open up an account and add their details.

This is like a middleman marketplace service where each party searches for the other.

It doesn’t earn the same amount per person/deal as a traditional Bird Dog deal, but it is a lot more passive and can allow you to earn more because your website processes more people.

Instead of earning £2,000 from supplying one successful candidate to a job placement, you earn £2,000 from having 200 people paying you £10 per month to have a profile on your website.

You can charge more than £10 if you wish, but you need to not make it too expensive otherwise you are pricing people out.

But if you were able to charge £20 per month, you would only need 100 to make you £2,000 per month without having to do any research or communicating with people.

Another kind of online Bird Dogging is where you introduce people to specific coaching and mentoring programs.

Some people call it High Ticket Affiliate Marketing because people earn a large fee when they sign someone up to a program they are affiliated with.

To use that popular Shakespeare misquote…

A rose by any other name is still a rose.

No need to email in, I know that it is incorrect, but for this example it works well.

Whether you send someone to a mentoring program for a £1,000 commission, or send the details of a property to a property investor for a £1,000 finder’s fee, you are still introducing one person to another and being rewarded when there’s a successful purchase.

There are a lot of people currently selling expensive programs to earn large affiliate commissions (finder’s fees), some people think that the marketplace is saturated, I am not so sure about that, myself.

What I do know is that there are many different industries where you can be paid a large fee for introducing people to the right people.

The reason why people pay you a lot for your efforts is that you save them a lot of time and work.

Instead of them having to do extensive research, spend time running advertising campaigns, reach out and talk to people, you do it for them allowing them to carry on doing what they do best, which is the work they do.

Another example would be Eric who I wrote about here: Eric Regularly Makes £2,100 For Doing Just 30 Minutes Work!

Eric contacted a company that specialised in working with concrete such as laying concrete floors and bases, and asked them if they would allow him to find them customers.

When they said yes, he set himself on Facebook Marketplace advertising concreting services, and whenever anyone contacted him he would go to their place to take notes, photos, and measure up the job.

He would pass the information over to the concreting company who would give him a quote. He would add his finder’s fee on top and then send the inflated quote to the customer.

If they said yes, he would arrange between the two parties when the work can be done, and then liaised between them until the work was finished.

He would bank over £2,000 per job for simply finding the concrete company customers.

Because Eric wasn’t doing the actual concreting and focussed his efforts on finding customers, he was able to find more than one customer each month meaning that he could earn thousands more than when he worked a day job… and still have more free time to enjoy life.

Eric, like many other Bird Dogs, doesn’t need a lot in the way of equipment. He uses a smartphone, a notepad and pen, Facebook, a tape measure, and an email. He may use a laptop, but he doesn’t need to.

Most people have a smartphone, a Facebook account, and a notepad and pen.

Depending on what service you decide to offer, there may not be much more you need than that.

There is good money to be made offering services like these, is this something you think you could do?

 Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… If you would like to learn more about online Bird Dogging where you are paid thousands of pounds for introducing people to mentoring programs Click Here!

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