
The Six-Figures Without Spending a Penny of your Own Money Blueprint

How To Build A Six-Figure-A-Year Business WITHOUT Spending A Penny Of Your Own Money!

After watching a video of a guy explaining how he was going to build up a collection of video games without spending a penny of his own money, I wondered if it could be possible to build a six-figure online business starting from scratch without using any of your own money.

I believe that it is.

Now, I am not going to say that it is easy and will happen overnight… but it is very doable in my opinion.

You may not be using any of your money, but you will use your time. That is the one thing to remember.

How much time you use depends on what you chose to do and how you go about things.

1. Getting Started

To get started, you need to raise some seed money.

Basically putting it, you need to make your first sale.

You could sell an unused item (or items) that you have in your home and then invest that money, or you can sell a product online as an affiliate then use that money to get started with.

It’s more likely that you will sell an unused item from your home quicker than an affiliate product online if you do not have a large online presence.

Unwanted items such as furniture, clothing, toys, tools etc can be sold fast on sites like eBay, Vinted, Gumtree and Facebook marketplace.

If you want to throw yourself into building an online business from the start and go with selling an affiliate product as the initial start-up to this, you can promote products which pay out one or two thousand pounds (usually dollars) in commissions per sale but usually you need to buy into those programmes to be accepted as an affiliate.

There are other products that you can sell for an affiliate commission that requires no purchase, commissions are less but they can still be good. Some products can pay commissions of several hundred pounds.

The good thing about affiliate marketing is that it can cost you nothing to start selling affiliate products and you can usually start today.

To find products to promote head over to, Warrior Plus, Clickbank or JVZoo, open up an account with them and look for products that you believe you can sell easily.

Start by sharing the links across social media in relevant groups etc.

When I say start sharing, I mean that you create posts which attract people to take a look and not simply share the affiliate links otherwise you will be removed for ‘spamming’ the groups.

Quite a lot of affiliate marketers use short videos that they share on Instagram and Facebook as stories and Reels, TikTok, and Twitter. They can get their videos in front of thousands of people for free.

You need to draw people in. They need to be interested in what you share. Poke their curiosity.

The posts you share must have ‘a call to action’ telling people to contact you if they are interested in learning more.

If they do contact you, have a relaxed conversation with them and then point them in the direction of the affiliate products if you believe they are genuinely interested.

If promoting affiliate items isn’t for you, you could create your own eBooks and sell them on platforms like Amazon, Gumroad, and Etsy.

The other way to get started for free is to write articles that you publish to Medium.com who will pay you once you have joined their partner programme.

You could also write for clients via Constant Content, Fiverr, Upwork, or Textbroker. There is a lot of work available for writers meaning there is the potential to make quite a bit of seed money fast.

Once you have made a number of sales and earned a couple hundred pounds, your first purchase should be a website.  

2. Set Up A Website

Although it is possible to make money online without a website, you must have one.

This is non-negotiable. You need a place to sell your products or services from and you need to build an email list.

An email list is vital because it is a source of traffic that you own.

You can use it whenever you want to send people to your sales pages, products, articles, videos and to affiliate products.

You make money when you have an email list that is used regularly… it’s as simple as that.

A website can cost you as little as £150 for two years which is a phenomenal price when you actually think about it.

A website is a place online that allows you to sell digital products to people from all over the world. It’s like a high street store and your high street is Earth!

You can sell thousands of pounds, and even millions of pounds, worth of products via one website.

3. Create A Lead Magnet To Give Away For Free

Now is the time to create a product to give away in exchange for people’s name and email details.

This lead magnet can be:

  • A short report.
  • A section from a book.
  • A complete book.
  • A series of cheat sheets.
  • A short blueprint.
  • A video tutorial.
  • A webinar (live or pre-recorded).
  • A video from a seminar live talk.
  • A five day email course.

It can be anything as long as it is something people want and need and are happy to give you their details to access it.

The object now is to grow that email list and send regular emails to it. As the list grows, you can promote relevant affiliate products sourced from Clickbank and JVZoo.

It can cost you nothing if you create a short report that you give away as a PDF, or create a short video using your phone or one of the free online video software.

Depending on what money you have left over after the purchase of your website, you could pay someone to create the lead magnet for you or… while you are creating your lead magnet you can pay someone to…

4. Create Your First Product

If you started your journey to build a six-figure business by creating eBooks and selling them on Amazon, Etsy or Gumroad then you have already completed this step, now’s the time to create another product to list on your own website.

Creating your own products is not as hard as you may think. Most people get stuck at this point, and there is no need. They stall out of fear believing that creating a product requires a lot of work.

I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to.

You can quite easily make a product in a day or two that you can sell for £97 or more. By the time I have finished writing this blueprint I will have a product that I could sell.

What is important is the information within that product. How long it took you to create or how many pages/minutes long it is, is irrelevant.

If the product can help people to save a lot of time, make doing something easier, or make a large amount of money relatively fast without a lot of hard work, you can charge more than a few pounds for it.

A person who wants to earn £1,000 a month as a passive income will happily pay £97 or more for an eBook or video which shows him how… no matter how short it may be.

Once your product is finished and ready to be sold, save it as a PDF file and upload it to your webhosting,

5. Create Your Sales Page

The next step is to create a sales page with a ‘Buy Now’ button so that people can buy your product.

There is an art to creating a sales page. It needs to be written in such a way that it persuades a reader into buying.

Please note that I said ‘persuade’ and not ‘manipulate’, not only is it wrong to manipulate someone into buying something they don’t want, it’s also quite hard.

The purpose of a sales page – also known as a sales letter – is to convince the person who already needs your product that they should buy from you and not from someone else.

You are simply giving reasons as a way to persuade a person, who is already interested in what you are selling, to buy it.

To learn how to create a sales letter that sells: Click Here.

For your ‘Buy Now’ button I recommend using the payment processor company Stripe so that you automate the whole purchase process.

You don’t want to be manually sending emails to people with links to their purchases; you want that done automatically saving you a lot of time and work.

Stripe do that, they take payment and then send the customer directly to a download page where they can access the product without you having to do anything.

6. Add Your Product To An Affiliate Network

To get more sales, have other people promote your product for you. Put it on one of the affiliate networks like JVZoo, Warrior Plus or Clickbank and pay affiliates a commission for every sale made.

50% is the most common commission rate on sales, however, many product owners offer up to 75% and sometimes 100% commissions to affiliates as a way to generate more sales and ultimately grow their email lists.

An army of affiliates with large email lists will be able to put your product in front of thousands of potential customers.

The product owner usually aims to ‘break-even’ or make a small profit when selling the product via an affiliate network, the profits are made on the ‘backend products’ that you sell as part of a sales funnel or via email later.

7. Reinvest Your Earnings

Use your earnings to create more products and grow your email list.

Every pound that you earn should go on to creating more products and building your email list until you are at the point where you can take out money and still have plenty in the business to continually create new products and grow your email list.

The more products you can offer to people, the more people you have on your email list, and the more people visiting your sales pages simply means more money.

You have a far greater chance of making sales when you have a portfolio of products that people can choose from and a larger audience of people to show them too.

Another important factor is to create products that people want.

It’s no good creating an eBook teaching people How To Cut Elephants Toe Nails when no one is interested.

Yes, there will always be people who are interested in specific topics, but there are topics which are liked by larger numbers of people.

For example a lute is a stringed instrument that is plucked in a similar fashion to a guitar, but more people want to learn how to be the next Jimi Hendrix or Dave Grohl than… er… hmmmm…. I don’t know any famous lute players other than that chap who sang in Blackadder back in the 1980s.

An eBook teaching people how to play the guitar will sell more than a book teaching people to play the lute.

Know your audience and create products accordingly.

8. Outsource

Try to outsource as much of the work as possible.

Money loves speed and outsourcing ramps up your efforts and can deliver results faster than if you did everything yourself.

Outsourcing can save you a lot of time and money which ultimately makes you more money.

If paying someone to write several new eBooks means that you have several new products online making you money within a couple of weeks, it could be better to do that than spending a couple of months doing the writing yourself.

Imagine it costs £500 to have 2 eBooks written in two weeks and those two eBooks go on to make £2,000 in sales in two months.

Now imagine that it took you two months to write those two books instead, instead of saving £500, you’ve lost £1,500 in sales which could have paid for the creation of 6 more eBooks.

You see, doing things yourself can often cost you a lot more in lost revenue than what you save.

Paying someone to upload and format your sales letters on the website could allow you to spend your time writing a new eBook or sales letter meaning that you have another product ready to sell earlier.

Sales of that new product could result in earning more money than what you pay out to have sales pages added to your website.

You have to decide which tasks are best outsourced and whether outsourcing them is right for you at that time. Paying someone to create products fast could result in earning more money…

But if you don’t have many website visitors or a large email list at that time, it may not.

Outsourcing doesn’t have to be for ‘online’ work either.

For you, it might be a better idea to pay Gloria from down the road £20 to clean your home while you work on creating new products and getting them on the website earning you sales quicker.

A couple of hours lost doing mundane jobs such as housework which doesn’t require a lot of specific skills could lose you a lot more than the £20 you pay someone to do it for you.

That couple of hours could have been spent creating a product which goes on to make you several thousand pounds… or more.

Learn More Here: Earn More, Live More, Work Less.


To recap… the six-figures without spending a penny of your own money blueprint is:

  1. Get Started: Make your first sale (of anything) to generate seed money.
  2. Set Up A Website: You need this to build an email list and sell your products from. Use the money raised from your first sale(s).
  3. Create A Lead Magnet To Give Away For Free: Give something away for free to build an email list.
  4. Create Your First Product: Create your first product to sell to the people on your growing email list and visiting your website.
  5. Create Your Sales Page: Create the sales page which will ‘persuade’ people to buy your product.
  6. Add Your Product To An Affiliate Network: Pay affiliates with large email lists a commission to sell your product to make more sales and grow your email list.
  7. Reinvest Your Earnings: Use your earnings to create more products to sell and grow your email list. Repeat steps 4, 5, and 6 often.
  8. Outsource: Outsource as much of the work as possible.

I’m not going to say that you will be earning six-figures by the end of the year, you may, it is possible… or you may not.

Nor am I going to say that it is going to be easy and plain sailing… but what I will say is this…

It can be as straight forward or as difficult as you want to make it.

You can build your own six-figure information publishing business without using any of your own money… you just need to follow the plan and move onto each next step using the money that you have earned while growing.

As the business grows, invest your earnings into growing your product portfolio and acquiring leads and customers.

Resist the urge to take money out the business until you have more coming in than you need to reinvest.

Remember… you started without using any of your own money; you made an initial sale and invested that into the next stage.

Everything so far has grown spectacularly through self-funding.

This is money you never had and so you can’t miss it, so do yourself a favour and don’t draw any of it out of the business until it is really pulling in the pounds.

The most important part of this is that you are disciplined and stick to the plan and not take out any of the money until the business is earning enough to fund its growth AND give you a decent amount of money each month.

To learn how to make money selling products via email, click the link below:


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