Sometimes You Need Only Supply The Meeting Place To Make Money

Andi, our remote worker living in Portugal, told me the other day that his good lady organised some flowers to be delivered to their daughter here in the UK to congratulate her on being offered a new job in Sheffield… not too far from us here at the Streetwise offices.

It was a job she really wanted and apparently she ‘bossed’ the interview and was offered the job the next day.

The flowers arrived within a couple of hours of being ordered through the Interflora website.

What is impressive is that somewhere in deepest Portugal, an order was made online, and an actual bouquet of flowers arrived at someone’s door in middle England.

There are several points to take from this:

  1. Interflora work as a middleman where they take orders from people all over the UK/World and they send the order to the nearest registered florist, and take a fee for passing on customers.

  2. Because orders can be taken and processed online, a business like this can connect with local businesses in multiple countries, not just in one territory.

  3. Just like Uber, Airbnb, Check-A-Trader, Just Eat, and… you do not actually need to own, create, deliver, or offer any property, product, or service yourself. You simply connect two sets of people who need each other.

Just before sitting down to write this article I was reading an email from a guy who was talking about buying and selling websites from a specific marketplace and how the website was making somewhere between 20% and 30% commissions on all sales.

He was thinking of building his own platform from where other people could sell websites.

This was another middleman business because the website (marketplace) owners were giving websites builders and owners a place to list their websites, and for those who wish to buy a website a place to shop with trusted security.

They offered a secure place where the two groups of people could meet and make a deal.

Apart from the website where other websites were listed for sale, the company did not build, own, or sell any other websites, products, or services.

They didn’t need to.

They took a percentage from all transactions that occurred on their platform.

Other people buying and selling websites is how they make their money.

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More and more of these middleman websites are appearing online, and part of the reason why is that they can be incredible cheap to start.

Apart from some marketing costs – which can be quite cheap at the beginning – all that is required is the website build and hosting costs.

Most businesses have the website costs on top of many other bigger business expenses.

With an online middleman business, the website is usually the biggest and often the only cost.

I read recently about a guy in Bangladesh who built a small website that is now earning him over £1,600 per month.

The website cost him £4,000 to build. His initial outlay was made back quite quickly.

That money was made by having other people paying to use his website and purchase products and services through it.

He doesn’t supply any products or services, and yet he is making a rather decent amount of money – in a relatively poor part of the world, I may add – through the actions of website users.

If you have a few thousand pounds spare, you may want to consider having your own middleman website built. They are a fantastic way to make money without you having to do any of the work that is offered via the website.

You just supply a platform where two sets of people can meet, and leave the rest up to them.

Of course, you need to get people to use your platform, but there are ways of doing that which won’t cost you a lot of time and money.

If, that sounds like too much hard work and expense, then you may want to consider taking advantage of an existing middleman business and make money by using a system like John Bank’s Easy As 123 System which takes readily-available information and turns it into easy profits using Betfair.

There’s another profitable advantage to be had now that winter is upon us and that is that most of the horse races today are run on jump tracks, a track favoured by John as they are the most profitable for him.

Discover more by clicking the link below:

Easy As 1-2-3

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

P.S… You can started right away with just £100 and after 6 months, you could be sitting on a decent tax free £12,800!

Here’s that link again:

Easy As 1-2-3