Over the weekend while out doing a spot of shopping, well, following the wife around as she did a spot of shopping, I overheard two different conversations where one of the two people chatting in each conversation said that they wished they could work less.
I wasn’t listening to the conversations fully, I just happened to be passing these people as they said things which caught my attention. I carried on walking and didn’t stop to listen… I heard all that I needed to hear.
In one conversation between two women, one woman said “So you’ll be able to cut your hours down.”
To which the other woman replied with “Huh, I wish.”
In the other conversation, which I assume was between two people who knew each other but hadn’t seen each other in a while, when asked what he was doing, a guy said “I’m retired now, I decided to retire early.”
The woman asking the question responded with “I wish I was in a position to retire.”
I don’t know what was said after that in either conversation; all I know is that there were two people who ‘wished’ that they could ‘work less’.
What I also noticed is that both women used the word ‘wish’ in their replies…
It’s rather telling that they believe that to be in a position to either retire early or reduce the amount of working hours is ‘wishful thinking’ and not something that you actually plan and work towards.
The conversation between the two women, the woman who said “Huh, I wish” to reducing her hours, also said something along the lines of “It’s not what he wanted to do, but it pays the bills.”
I can only assume that she is referring to her partner and it sounded like he has a new job which is probably why her friend thought that she could probably ‘cut her hours down’.
The sad thing is that at least three people who were either talking or being talked about are forced to work jobs that they don’t want to work, exchanging their precious time for money they need.
Everyone needs money to live; there is a cost to living as you well know…
But there are people who live closer to the line where missing one wage could result in missing a couple of important payments that could soon spiral where they get into a financial mess and risk losing their home.
Only this weekend I read about how Hannah Spearitt from the popular 1990’s pop group S Club 7 was made homeless just before Christmas, forcing her to live in a friend’s office with her husband and two daughters.
In a six month period she had lived in four temporary homes.
Apparently the landlord needed money and decided to sell the property she was living in and because it sold fast, Hannah and her family were given just two days to find somewhere new to live.
This time, the problem was mainly caused by the landlord needing money and not the tenant, and made worse by the time of year.
But these things do happen and when you do not have a slush fund available to help you out when you need it, or a way to make money that doesn’t require you to sell your time working in a job you hate… you are in a very dangerous position.
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Building up a slush fund takes time when you have very little spare money coming in.
And to generate spare money very often requires a pot of money to use as leverage.
I’ve spoken before about growing a pot of money by a small percentage each day over time, to do that, you first need a pot of money to start with.
A small pot means slow growth at first; a larger pot means you can grow the pot faster… but to start with a larger pot you often need to grow it from a smaller pot.
It’s a vicious circle.
I have been watching one guy grow a small pot of money by 1% each week day. He has taken £44.02 and grown it to £93.61 in 32 days.
He has more than doubled that money in around two months. It would have doubled faster had he done the weekends too.
It is a fantastic result… but earning £49.59 in two months is not going to help most people. It’s not going to pay your rent or mortgage.
If you can start with £50 or £100 today and stay disciplined and grow that money by 1% or 2% each day for a couple of years without touching it, you will eventually have a decent amount of money to play with which will really help out in the future.
But that doesn’t help today.
A lot of people are either impatient or in urgent need for the money that they simple cannot focus on growing a small pot by 1% or 2% over the foreseeable.
Yesterday I was told about how a single woman with no children living in a small end of terrace house had already spent £250 on gas for cooking and heating this month.
Telling her to put some money aside and grow it by a small percentage each day for several years would likely be met with disdain.
But the cycle of exchanging time for money, working to earn a wage, and surviving from payday to payday must be broken and it can only really be broken by either leveraging the money you have…
…or earning an extra amount of money which you then use to grow a substantial income.
I have created a blueprint which shows you how to build a six-figure income without spending a penny of your own money; you can read that blueprint here:
How To Build A Six-Figure-A-Year Income Without Spending A Penny Of Your Own Money!
Kind regards.
John Harrison
PS… Once you have this fully up and running, it can reward you with an automated passive income.
Here’s that link again: