I have always said that you need to take care of yourself because you simply cannot rely on the Government.
They take your tax money, but very rarely help you out when you really need it.
The UK is currently experiencing huge increases in energy costs, yet the energy companies have made billions in profits recently.
They blame the increase in gas prices but from what I can ascertain, there is a surplus of gas on the market.
The UK is the only country in Europe which hasn’t capped energy price increases and the Government has recently voted against a windfall tax which could put money back into the system to help those who need it.
Politicians will be politicians and as we have seen recently, the current lot are pocketing bonuses, enjoying perks and being employed as highly paid ‘consultants’ by the companies who are basically holding the public to ransom.
Yesterday I saw a woman on Twitter say that her energy supplier had informed her to increase her direct debit payment from £60 a month to £325.
The amount she was paying for five months worth of energy, she now has to pay for just one.
Recently I shared with you the story of Elsie, the pensioner who was forced to eat one meal a day to keep costs down and use her OAP bus pass to spend the day travelling on busses so that she could keep warm and avoid using any electricity or heating at home because her monthly energy bills had also increased fivefold.
So while people in the UK are genuinely struggling through no fault of their own, what is the official Government advice?
Well, according to Conservative MP Rachel Maclean, the official line is to work more hours, or get a better paid job!
Okay, to be fair on her, she didn’t say that was for everyone and it was only a suggestion for those who can… kind of.
The big problem is that those who are in a position to work more hours probably can’t because there may not be any more hours available at their place of work.
The availability of overtime is decided by the employer and not the employee.
They could always get a second job, but there may not be enough of those to go around.
A second job is fine if you live in a large town or city where there are a lot of businesses and industry close by, but what if you live in a small rural area?
There may not be any second jobs available in those kinds of areas. What do you do then?
Plus, after doing a hard day’s work elsewhere, they may not want to work more hours. Would you?
Those same politicians who are suggesting that the public get second jobs are the ones who are getting paid thousands for just a few hours work through their second jobs.
Sit in on a few meetings, sign a few documents, make a few introductions and ask a few questions in parliament… get paid tens of thousands of pounds.
We’d all like the chance of landing one of those kinds of second jobs wouldn’t we?
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The other problem is that a lot of the people who are struggling are already working two or three jobs.
There simply aren’t enough hours in the day.
Even if there were, most people would soon crash and burn. You cannot work every hour in the day for long before it catches up on you.
Changing to a better job is also sound advice… but it doesn’t help in the here and now.
Getting a better job very often requires learning new skills and gaining new knowledge. Getting a better job often takes time.
You can’t always walk right into a better job without the right foundations or experience.
Again, are there enough ‘better’ jobs around for all of those who want or need one?
The official line of work more hours or get a better job is flawed and is currently not very useful advice for the majority.
However, as you know…
I have been saying for years that you must take responsibility for yourself and your finances because as we have seen, there is little to no help from the Government for the honest hard working people of Britain.
With the official line of work more hours or get a better job… the Government is putting the responsibility squarely at your feet.
The onus is on you.
If that doesn’t clearly tell you that you are on your own and that you need to take control of your financial situation then nothing will.
Don’t expect help… be the help you need.
You have to rely on yourself and yourself alone.
So what are your options other than work more hours or apply for a better job?
You could start your own business, but you have to be aware that during times like these where a lot of people are struggling to afford to live, they cut back on a lot of unnecessary spending.
However… there are things which people still buy when times are hard… junk food is one of them.
Sales of cheap junk food often go up during times of economic crisis.
If you want to start your own business, you need to think long and hard about what products or services you want to offer.
The last thing you want to do is start selling the one thing most people have stopped buying in order to save money.
The other option is that you offer your products or services to people who need them and can afford them.
For example, a business needs customers and during a time when people are not buying, businesses are fighting for customers so if you can find and deliver a constant flow of customers, businesses would happily pay you for your services.
There is one way to make money which is always available no matter what the current economic climate is like.
And that is trading the markets.
Trading the markets is a great way to make money without needing to work more hours or find a second or third job.
It can be done from the comfort of your own home using nothing more than your smartphone. You may prefer to use a tablet or laptop.
If you are a regular reader of my articles, you will know that our good friend Kate Davis regularly makes between £50 and £185 most mornings while working out in her gym before starting work… which is why we call her the treadmill trader.
She generally makes between £750 and £1,725 tax free money each month trading the markets using nothing more than her smartphone.
£750 or more each month is really going to make your life easier. That extra money would give you peace of mind during uncertain times.
Kate follows a simple set of rules which reduces risk and rewards her with big profits.
If you would like to know more about how Kate makes between £50 and £185 most mornings, go to:
Kind Regards.
John Harrison
PS… Remember, this is TAX FREE money.
What better way to say to the Government, stick your useless advice where the sun doesn’t shine by earning money… and giving them none of it.
You get to keep every penny you earn.
Here’s that link again: