Success Is Amplified By This One Personality Trait

Following on from the previous article Is Success Dependant On This One Personality Trait?

I want to share with you another success trait successful people share.

People who do have an abundance of this personality trait have people and opportunities gravitate to them all of the time.

Again, this can also be learned of faked.

It’s something I have known for many years but not really thought about it until a few weeks ago while watching a few videos on Instagram.

Two different Instagram accounts do the same thing, which is share content of them helping and rescuing street dogs.

One is in Thailand; the other is in Sri Lanka.

Both accounts share regular videos and stories on Instagram and other social media platforms.

What they do is basically identical.

Apart from…

One has a very enthusiastic Irishman, Niall Harbison (@niall.harbison), talking to the dogs as he goes around feeding, walking, and caring for the street dogs in his area.

The other account does pretty much a similar thing apart from they don’t have an enthusiastic tone. Their videos tend to have a lot of sombre music and captions instead of someone talking.

When someone does talk, it is usually serious and monotone. Maybe they use an AI generated voiceover whenever they need a voice.

Niall Harbison is winning hands down on social media, and that is all down to his enthusiasm and passion for what he does.

He really enjoys what he does, and it shows.

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When he films himself feeding the dogs, all of the attention is on the dogs but you can clearly hear Niall talking with passion and enthusiasm as he calls them by their nicknames and gives them plenty of fuss.

He has a giggle and a cheeriness that screams happy little leprechaun – seriously, no offence intended to anyone who is Irish, go and have a listen for yourself. It is simply joyous!

He has 754,000 followers on Instagram alone. Many of them tune in daily to see his morning food rounds and to see how the dogs are doing. Even celebrities tune in to watch Niall.

The singer, Liam Gallagher, adopted a dog from Niall recently and did a video for Niall to share to his account.

Niall has also recently released a book resulting in him doing a quick book tour of the UK, Ireland and USA.

The book tour was something he did to raise awareness and donations for the dogs because as an introvert and recovering addict who suffers from bouts of depression, he would rather stay away from public appearances.

His purpose and passion is for his dogs and it shows in his videos.

It’s not just the good work that he and his team do that has won him so many fans, numerous people around the world do what he does; it’s his enthusiasm, passion and upbeat talking that has attracted such a large following.

That large following has meant that his rescue shelter in Thailand is receiving plenty of donations and book sales.

Enthusiasm and passion is heard in the voice and seen in the actions of those who are in front of the camera or recording a podcast.

Spend some time watching different videos and listening to podcasts and listen to how different some people sound. You will find yourself being drawn to those who speak with enthusiasm and passion.

Their upbeat manner will help grow their following to the point that they can virtually click their fingers and money will come in.

Enthusiasm is another success trait that simply opens doors without the person even having to try.

Enthusiasm is attractive, it pulls people in.

It’s also something that can be faked.

The best method to fake enthusiasm is to watch videos and listen to podcasts of the enthusiastic and passionate people you like, and mimic them.

Con artists and actors do it well.

They simply play the part of a happy and enthusiastic person.

They speak in the way a happy and enthusiastic person speaks.

They move in the way a happy and enthusiastic person moves.

The smile and laugh in the way a happy and enthusiastic person smiles and laughs.

You don’t have to feel particularly happy and enthusiastic about something to act it… but this is where the magic happens, when you pretend to be enthusiastic not only do people become enthusiastic about you, you become more enthusiastic too.

Have you ever pretended to laugh when you are not in a laughing mood?

When a person purposely does a false laugh or a silly laugh for a minute or two, they usually end up laughing for real. It’s a great way to make yourself feel happier if you are feeling low.

Pretending to be enthusiastic helps you to actually become enthusiastic, which really helps to attract followers and customers when you are doing videos, interviews, live broadcasts, or podcasts.

Naturally enthusiastic people find themselves being offered opportunities for no apparent reason, but the truth is, their enthusiasm and passion is the reason that opportunities present themselves.

Kind Regards

John Harrison

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