Success Is Dependent On This One Thing…

In a recent article I talked about people who wasted their time complaining and arguing with strangers online.

I want to talk a little more about why this arguing and complaining about stuff is actually bad for your bank account.

For most people, arguing with other people is tiring and depressing.

Unless there is something important to stand up for, arguing usually solves nothing and makes the people involved feel crap.

Only this morning I saw a quick video from a popular UK doctor and podcaster who shared the one tip he said is vital to happiness and has really helped him, which was…

‘Let go of your need to be right.’

And this is usually the driving motivator behind most arguments… the need to be ‘right!’

The problem with this is that being right doesn’t actually achieve much when arguing with idiots.

And it achieves even less when you are arguing with close friends and loved ones.

The mechanics of arguing usually leaves people feeling stressed, drained, angry, frustrated, and even sad.

And those unpleasant feelings are not good for making money.

Feeling any form of negative emotion will have a detrimental effect on your life.

It is so bad for a person’s life; it was listed as one of the seven deadly sins.

Many years ago I recall listening to Giles Brandreth interviewing a member of the clergy who was also a keen historian of Christianity, the historian said that the Sin of Sloth has been misinterpreted over the years and is not about people being ‘lazy’.

It is about people indulging in a constant ‘woe is me’ attitude and becoming stuck in a self-imposed prison of depression and sadness.

I don’t know how accurate this is, the historian was happy to state that it was true, but I really love this because it makes so much sense.

When a person is constantly negative, they can become incredibly low and they can become stuck in an emotional rut of their own making.

They become ‘slow’ (like a sloth) and emotionally low which robs them of the motivation to achieve… or in some cases, do nothing at all.

They become trapped in a prison of their own making.

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Remember, the root of all religious teaching is about being ‘grateful’ and ‘praising’ the good.

The true focus of all religions (once you strip away the bastardisation of it and all of the control and power small groups of people have used it for) is to be happy, be grateful, and celebrate being alive.

That is why choosing to be negative and subjecting yourself to long bouts of self-imposed depression and sadness is a sin.

Sadness, anger, frustration, depression and any form of negativity is not good for your health, and it is not good for your life as a whole.

Apparently the word ‘Hell’ was a word made up when translating the Bible into the English King James Bible.

There wasn’t a word that they could use to explain ‘being walled in’.

Hell is an emotional prison where the individual is ‘walled in’ by their own unpleasant feelings.

‘Hell on Earth’ and ‘a living Hell’ were ways to originally describe suffering long bouts of self-imposed sadness and depression from focusing on too much negativity.

These people, think of the typical alcoholic seen in film and television dramas, are ‘walled in’ by their own negative emotions of sadness, loneliness, regret and despair.

The point is this… negative emotions that drain, deflate, and depress people leads to inaction, and complications in life such as alcohol or drug misuse.

High achievers are usually happy achievers.

A happy person is going to be more motivated and willing to get started than someone who is tired and unhappy.

Happiness is a state where humans are in a natural flow of non-thinking.

They are ‘doing’ without distraction.

Mental distraction comes from negative feelings and negative feelings can come from interactions with other people such as when you are left feeling drained and unhappy after an argument.

This is the reason why some religious people ‘escaped’ from the world to live in communes and monasteries so that they can be surrounded by similar like-minded people, and limit their interactions with ‘other people’.

They chose to avoid emotional distractions brought about by interacting with ‘negative’ people or negative situations.

Success comes easier to those who are happy.

Be Happy!

‘Be Happy’ should be your work motto if you want to achieve more in life.

It is important that you get yourself into a happy emotional state before starting any work.

The late and great copywriter, Ted Nicholas, never sat down to write until he was in a good mood.

Before sitting down to write he would sing out loud ‘I feel great’ several times and throw his hands up in the air.

He would do this to get him into the right positive frame of mind… and his reason for doing this?

Millions of pounds!

For Ted, the difference between writing in a great mood compared to writing in an emotionally distracted mood… was millions of pounds!

He created his best work when he was in a good emotional state, and that work was worth millions of pounds to him.

That surely is a good example as to why you should try and keep yourself in the best emotional state possible each day.

Doors are opened, and work is offered to ‘happy’ and agreeable people.

It’s always been that way.

Being happy has a power that very few people truly understand, but those who do understand it; they use it to its fullest potential and live a truly wonderful life.

Kind regards.

John Harrison

PS… Ted Nicholas was a highly paid copywriter who not only made millions of pounds selling his own products, he was paid millions of pounds in commissions for writing sales letters for clients.

If you would like to write your own cheques through copywriting, click the link below:

One Letter From Retirement