I’m not going to name names, but I know a young couple who often complain about not having enough money. Like most people, they want to have a fun and enjoy life and they don’t want to spend all of their time working.
The couple identify more as ‘socialists’ with values where they want to help other people and want a ‘fairer system’… that is until pay day when tax is deducted. Then they are moaning and groaning about the government stealing the money they have worked hard for.
It would appear that the couple are in that special ‘socialists club’ where fairness actually means spending ‘other people’s’ money and believe that those people who have more money than them should be the ones to fund it all.
They are good people, and they work hard at what they do, but they don’t like to put themselves out to earn more money to help alleviate their situation.
They are one of those couples who like to make matters worse for themselves.
When they are short of funds and feeling depressed, they go out to a restaurant, buy a takeaway and/or do a spot of retail therapy spending the money they need for more important stuff.
Lately I heard that they are going to buy a dog. Apparently they have always wanted a dog.
The cost of the dog is £750 but should normally cost anywhere between £1,500 and £2000 which is why they are going to buy it soon. Apparently it’s a great deal, something to do with a close friend knows a professional breeder and it is a case of ‘mates rates’.
Rest assured this is not a case of ‘some guy down the pub knows someone’. It is genuine and all above board.
I have always tried to make it clear that I am all for people enjoying life and doing what they want. Life is to be lived and enjoyed.
The problem I have though is when people who moan that they cannot afford to do the stuff they really want or need to do, constantly make matters worse for themselves.
This is a couple who cannot afford to do a lot – or so they tell me – and they are now going to spend £750 buying a dog which is going to need money spending on it each month with things such as food, toys and veterinary services.
Oh and did I tell you that one of them is allergic to most breeds of dog?
Spending just half an hour at the house of anyone who has a dog will result in sneezing, itchy eyes, and a blocked nose.
How is this going to end well?
If they spend a fair amount of time complaining that the lack of both time and money is preventing them from doing more of the stuff they want to do… isn’t buying a dog just going to compound the situation?
It’s not just with dogs, they are known for getting new tattoos when they can ill afford it. This is a behavioural thing which just perplexes me. It is a complete lack of self-awareness and self-control.
Recently a close family member gave them a bed to put into their spare bedroom. They have been desperate to get a second bed so that they can have friends stay over.
The bed was to be delivered mid-week on the Wednesday. The spare room was crammed full of stuff which needed to be moved to make way for the bed.
They were both working all week and so the only day available to clear the room ready for the bed was the Sunday…so what did they do?
They went to Ikea shopping for more stuff they didn’t need.
The point of this email is not just to moan about this couple but to point out the kind of self-destructive behaviour which some people engage in… then moan when the consequences come calling.
I am not against people having pets and enjoying animals, but surely when times are hard they should not be your main priority, right?
The £750 they intend to spend on the dog could be used a lot smarter.
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Our friend Kate Davies could take that £750 and turn it into an extra £750 – £1,725 each month. That is what she makes each month trading the financial markets most mornings while she works out in her home gym before going to work… using just an app on her phone.
This couple insist that they will manage to scrape together the £750 for the dog – they’ll even using a credit card if they have to which is not ideal – but they would never dream of scraping that money together for the purpose of using it to make more money.
If they used that £750 to make an extra £750 each month, after one full year they would have an extra £9,000 to play with… more than enough to pay for keeping a dog.
Since starting, Kate has made over £25,000 extra in less than two years. All tax free too!
Kate has become known as the Treadmill Trader and I have talked about her before but this time I have something special for you today…
I want to give you a FREE copy of Kate’s manual ‘The Treadmill Trader’ which we normally sell for £297.
The information in the manual, if you apply it, will give you far more back than what you use… you just need to decide what is the best use of your money is.
If you believe buying dogs, cushions, lamps, tattoos, kebabs and pizzas is the best use for your money then this is not for you… but if you believe that money needs to be used as a tool to increase your wealth then you really need to check this out:
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… At time of writing this post, Kate is averaging £1,250 – £1,500 from doing what she does each morning. That’s TAX FREE! And she wants to show you how to do the same and keep you up to date with market movements and tell you which markets she likes the look of.
Here’s that link again: