I’ve just read another article this morning which states that the main difference between successful people and those that are not so successful, is the ability and willingness to say ‘no’ regularly.
Saying ‘no’ is something that successful people do quite a lot.
Non successful people generally say yes to the things that rob them of their precious time and money.
They say yes to more distractions.
They go out with friends, play computer games and/or sports, watch television shows and films more, go clubbing, and go to sporting events.
Their hours are filled with ‘doing stuff’ most of which isn’t going to help them achieve any goals or desires they may have.
Quite a few of those people may be ‘people pleasers’ who are afraid to say ‘no’ in case it upsets other people.
People pleasers fear being seen as a bad person by their friends and family, but saying no to a weekend BBQ party doesn’t mean that you don’t like those people or don’t enjoy spending time with them – if they think that, that is their issue.
Saying no to yet another weekend BBQ party just means that you have other things that you would rather do with your time.
That is perfectly acceptable as it is your life.
If another person takes it the wrong way, that is just something they will have to deal with.
A lot of successful people are single minded and wouldn’t be classed as ‘people pleasers’ as they understand that it is not their job to please other people, that is the job of the individual themselves.
The popular inspirational and empowerment speaker Terry Cole-Whittaker said, “What you think of me is none of my business”.
Successful people in general, don’t really care what people think of them, especially if what they think is wrong and based on something they have misunderstood.
Saying no is good for success and happiness because it frees you up to focus on only the things that are really important to you at the time.
Saying no saves you time and money allowing you to use it on the things that really matter to you.
Saying no allows you to focus only on what you want and need to do.
Life is short and success requires time and so if you are doing anything and everything for everyone else, then you are pushing success further away and reducing the chances of it happening.
Saying no can be hard to do for a lot of people because they fear upsetting people and they feel bad if they think that is what has happened so they avoid those bad feelings by saying ‘yes’ all of the time.
But ultimately, they will never feel as bad as the feeling of regret they will have when they realise that they haven’t enjoyed or experienced the life they wanted because they were too busy pleasing other people by doing stuff that wasn’t really that important.
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Saying no more regularly doesn’t mean saying no to everything.
You don’t have to become a hermit focusing on only one thing at a time.
Success can come quicker if you simply balance out life a little better by saying no to a few things and using that time and money on the things that really count.
One of the big problems today is something that has been called FOMO which stands for Fear Of Missing Out.
In a world of instant gratification and social media showing ‘influencers’ living wonderful lives rich in experiences and fun, a lot of people now believe that if they are not ‘out doing stuff constantly’ then they are not living a life at all.
So when they get an invite to do something they cannot help buy say ‘yes’. If they see friends doing fun stuff without them, they feel left out and even rejected.
It’s ridiculous and quite harmful because it doesn’t allow people to even sit for five minutes and have a breather.
They don’t get time to think about what it is that they really want from life… they certainly won’t have the time to work at something that could improve their lives because they are constantly busy.
And as we know, being busy doesn’t always lead to success.
Being busy just means constantly doing something, and that something can be incredible time sapping and detrimental to your life.
There is a lot of power in the word NO, is it time you used it more?
Say no to unnecessary distractions and focus more of your time and efforts on one thing which will generate the results you desire.
If making more money is something that you want, find a system or business model that you like the look of, and focus your attention and efforts on it as much as you can.
It doesn’t have to be forever, just long enough so that you have learned all there is to know and that it is giving you what you want.
Once you are successful and living the life you want, you can then say yes to more because it’s highly likely that you will have more free time.
The Easy As 1-2-3 Betfair System is a simple system that can give you a lot more free time once you have the hang of it… and it won’t take long to get the hang of it.
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Kind regards.
John Harrison.
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Now that is sweet!
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