Available For The First Time Ever!

“Make An Extra £50+ A Day From Every Smartphone In Your House!
Zero Effort…Zero Learning…And You Can Even Get Started Today.
This No Risk System Works 365 Days A Year, And Anyone With A Smartphone Can Cash In. It’s That Easy!”

  Dear Streetwise Customer,

   It’s true…

   Every smartphone in your house could be making you a passive income of £50 a day. Anyone with a phone can cash in, and you can get started straight away. There’s virtually nothing to learn and next-to-nothing to do.

  I know ‘licence to print money’ is a bit of a cringe term, but that’s really what this is.

Just Imagine It…

  You download an app I’m going to tell you about, and instantly turn your phone into a hand-held cash-generating money machine. Just like that.

  It doesn’t matter whether you’re working, resting, eating, sleeping or whatever… your phone is working away in the background making money for you…

  Yes, even when you’re asleep!

  Imagine waking up to find your phone has made you £20 or £30 while you were in the land of nod. Not only that, but your wife’s phone has done the same thing for her,  and so have your kid’s phones.  It certainly beats giving them pocket money!

  Well that’s the reality of what I’m writing to you about today.

  My name is Jeff Richards and I discovered what I’m writing to you about almost by accident. It was the school summer holidays a couple of years ago, and I wanted to find a way for my teenage sons to earn a bit of extra cash.

  I did what most people do in those circumstances – I took to the internet looking for ideas and inspiration.

The Search…

  If you’ve ever done that, you’ll know that there’s a LOT to wade through, but most of it is either impractical, unworkable or downright immoral!

   We didn’t have any cash to invest, so anything involving start-up capital was never going to work for them. That ruled out all the buying and selling opportunities…Amazon trading, eBay trading…that kind of thing.   They didn’t have any particular skills either and wouldn’t have the time to learn any. So that ruled out a whole raft of other opportunities.

  And although I’d heard good things about some gambling and sports trading ideas, they were too young and I didn’t want to send them down the wrong path anyway!

   Did I mention that they’re also incredibly lazy!? (Well, aren’t most teenagers?)

So, What COULD They Do?

  Well, also like most teenagers, they can use their smartphones….in fact they’re never off them! And that gave me an idea…how about if I search for opportunities to make money from a smartphone.

  When I first stumbled across what I’m writing to you about today, I thought it was either a joke or there was some kind of catch.


  Because what I was reading suggested it was possible to make money for doing what they were doing anyway…using their phones to listen to music, play games and a whole host of other things.

  Now the earnings being quoted weren’t that exciting…a few pounds here and there…but I had a hunch that with a little ‘twist’ that nobody else seemed to have figured out, it might be  possible to make more…a lot more!

 It turned out my hunch was spot on…

  Approach this in a systematic way (and I’ll show you how) and you can easily make £50 a day.

Not Only That, But You Don’t Even Need To Listen To Music Or Play Games To Cash In If You Don’t Want To…

  Who wouldn’t want to make £50 a day doing what they’re doing anyway…having their smartphone switched on and hooked up to WiFi?

  Now look, I know £50 a day doesn’t sound a lot, but this is something you can profit from seven days a week and once set up, runs virtually on autopilot. It doesn’t interfere with anything else you’re doing so that’s an extra £1,500 a month for downloading an app and following some very simple instructions.

   And that’s just from one phone!

  That was what hit me straight away. If you could set up one phone to do this, why not 2, 3 or more? Why not set up every phone you have?

  And that’s what I did.

  So that within just a few minutes we had FOUR phones up and running and primed to make £50 a day each. Do the maths.

That’s £18,000 Per Year PER PHONE…Or £73,000 In Total!

  I just want to emphasise this is all completely legal. It doesn’t involve gambling, trading or taking any risks of any kind whatsoever.

  Anyone and everyone with a smartphone can do it…but very few know how.

   I’m about to change that.

  Let me tell you a little more about this opportunity and why I think you’d be crazy not to give it a try if you have a smartphone.         

  Here’s the one piece of information which hardly anyone knows about, and is the key to why you can make serious money simply using your smartphone…

 There is so much competition for eyes and ears these days, that companies will PAY YOU simply for consuming what they produce.

  Now that could be music, it could be a game or it could be something else. But they are DESPERATE to increase the number of listeners, the number of game players, the number of users or whatever.


  Because more listeners or users means more money for them from advertisers and joint venture partners.

   And because they’re desperate, they will pay you (if you know how to go about it) to consume what they’re offering.

  Now I know what you’re probably thinking…you don’t want to spend all day listening to music, playing games or whatever else you’re being paid to do. Don’t worry…that was something that concerned me at first but I’ve figured ways around it.

  The way me and my family do this now, we don’t have to listen to anything unless we want to (and to be honest, there’s so much choice in what you can listen to that there’s something to suit everyone) and we even get paid while we’re asleep.

Heck, We Even Get Paid For Charging Our Phones Up!

  I can show you exactly how to do all of this and rake in £50 a day from every smartphone you have, and start earning the same day you receive my detailed instructions.

  Now I said ‘detailed instructions’ but I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. This isn’t difficult or complicated…quite the reverse…but you do need to take a few simple steps to ensure you maximise the revenue from this and minimise the time and effort you have to put into it. Putting everything on autopilot makes a huge difference and I’ll show you how to do that.

  If you’re looking for a way for you and your family to make some extra cash from home (and the way the economy is going, that’s probably just about everyone!) I think you should definitely give this a go. Here’s why:

  • No investment needed. That’s right, with most things you need to spend money to make money. Not so with this. If you already have a smartphone, you don’t need to invest in anything else to start making money.
  • No selling to do. Most people hate selling, I know I do. With this, there’s no selling to do at all.
  • No hard work to do – in fact no work at all! And because of that, this doesn’t eat into the time you’re spending on other things.
  • Run in the background and forget. That’s right, once this is set up, there’s nothing to do other than monitor how much money you’re making.
  • No experience or skills needed. If you can switch on a smartphone and download an app from the app store, you’re in business.
  • You can set this up in seconds. Nothing complicated to learn, nothing long-winded to do. It’s laughably simple.
  • Run this from anywhere. It doesn’t matter where you are or what you’re doing, you can be making money with this.

  Anyone and everyone can (and should) get in on this, even if it’s just to make a few pounds a day…why not?  It’s Free Money! But to really make it pay, you need to exploit the additional loopholes I’ve discovered – the ones that make it possible to pull in £50 per day PER PHONE, without effort or any input of time.

  This is perfect for anyone who wants to make some extra cash:

  • Business opportunity veterans who’ve tried everything else and found it too complicated, expensive or difficult to do.
  • People who’ve never tried making extra cash before but now need some help to pay their energy bills and mortgages.
  • Retired folk who want to top up their pension.
  • Students and teenagers who want to make some extra cash from their phone.
  • Hard working employees who can’t get a raise and need more money.
  • Small business owners who are struggling to make ends meet.
  • Housewives and stay-at-home mums who want to build up a stash of their own cash.

   I know I’m repeating myself here, but anyone and everyone who has a smartphone should be doing this alongside whatever else they’re doing, and armed with my step by step instructions, can be up and running and making money  –  literally within seconds.

Here’s How To Get Involved And Join Me And My Family Making Serious Cash From Our Simple Everyday Smartphones…

 I’ve put everything you need to know into a new manual which I’ve called ‘The Bullseye System – How To Turn Your  Smartphone Into A £50 A Day Cash Dispenser.’ Nobody has seen this before today and I’m really excited to start hearing how it’s changing lives.

  This made a big difference to our family, and I know it can do the same for you and yours.

  Just to recap, here’s what you’re going to learn…

  • How to set up your smartphone to rake in £50 a day on autopilot – effort free…and then do the same with EVERY smartphone in the family.
  • The two keys apps to download (one for iPhone and one for Android) to start raking in the profits straight away.
  • The three key factors that determine how much you make. They’re super-easy to control when you know how.
  • How to make money 24 hours a day without listening to a single tune or playing a single game. Yes, even while you sleep. This literally takes three seconds to set up!
  • The hidden button that allows you to turbo-charge your earnings. This is so easy to miss, but so easy to do.
  • How to put yourself in the running for a bonus payment of up to £90,000, with no extra effort. (Your bonus could be just a few hundred quid, but it’s worth having.)
  • How to earn money for every minute you charge your phone. Incredibly, you can make money for this!
  • How to make an extra £20 each from your 10 closest friends. That’s an additional £200 bonus right there.
  • Five other apps where you can make serious money just by using your phone. This need a bit more work to set up…but it’s worth it.

And a great deal more.

   Look, if you value a book or manual by the number of pages, this probably isn’t for you. I’ve got everything you need to know into less than thirty pages. I can’t see any point in padding this out. Everything you need is here, and to my mind, the quicker you can read it and start earning money, the better.

If You Value Something For What It Can Do For You, You Won’t Get a Better Bargain Anywhere.

    So how much would it be worth to you to learn the secret of turning every smartphone in your house into a £50 a day cash machine?   How much would it be worth to learn how to make £350 a week from something you already have with no additional work?

  I’m sure you’ll agree, it would be worth a great deal of money…many hundreds of pounds, if not thousands. And it would be a bargain at that.

  But don’t worry. I’m not going to ask you for anywhere near what this information is worth, because I don’t need to!

  You see, it doesn’t matter how many people copy what I do and the manual isn’t expensive to produce. And so, I don’t need to limit how many copies of my manual I sell. The more I sell, the less costly each one needs to be for me to make a worthwhile profit.

  Does that make sense?

   So, a low-price works for me, and of course it works for you as well. You might be able to pay big money for this but even if you can, I’m sure you’d rather not!

   Here’s the deal…I’m not going to string this out or beat around the bush.

   I’ve set the price of ‘The Bullseye System – How To Turn Your Smartphone Into A £50 A Day Cash Dispenser’ at £149,  but you’re one of the very first people to hear about it and I need to get this out to people and get some testimonials rolling in. That can only happen when real people start using my instructions and start making £350 a week (or more) profit by following it.

  So, this is what I’m going to do. The first 100 people to line up to profit from this can get hold of a copy for just £99. That’s a £50 saving on the regular price.

   It’s a sum you can easily recoup within a couple of days once you start putting my ‘copy and paste plan’ into practice.  Everything you make from then on will be pure profit.

  And your ticket to get involved is a mere £99 (provided you’re one of the first 100 to respond)….and you’ll only pay that if you’re happy and satisfied with what you receive, thanks to my cast iron money back guarantee. I only want you to pay for this if you’re totally happy with it.

  So, here’s my…

30 Day Cast-Iron Money-Back Guarantee

30 Day Cast-Iron Money-Back Guarantee

 Order a copy of ‘The Bullseye System – How To Turn Your Smartphone Into A £50 A Day Cash Dispenser.’ on approval at the specially discounted price of £99. Read it, download the app and put it to work for you. If you’re not making serious money within 30 days, let my publishers know and your payment will be returned in full.

  That means you can’t possibly lose out by giving this a try. Remember, there’s absolutely no cost associated with trying this out. I don’t want there to be a single obstacle in the way of you copying me.

    Okay, to get hold of your personal copy of my manual, on approval, click HERE, or call my publisher’s payment order line on 01709 361819

  I’ll make sure your manual is rushed out to you by the first available post.

  That’s all for now. If you want to learn the secret of making a passive £50 a day from your smartphone, you know what to do next.

   I really can’t wait to get my manual into your hands and hearing of the money you’re making with it.

All the best.



Jeff Richards

Creator of The Bullseye System – How To Turn Your  Smartphone Into A £50 A Day Cash Dispenser.’

P.S Don’t forget, you’re covered by my money back guarantee so there’s absolutely nothing to lose (and thousands of pounds to gain) by giving this a try,

PPS To get in on my £99 offer, you really need to respond today.  I’m expecting a flood of orders once news of this gets out.

To Order Your Copy On Approval CLICK HERE Or Call 01709 361819

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