After reading about the success of people using Substack, I have created my own Substack newsletter which is going to be an extension of these emails.
I am doing this as part of an experiment and case study which I want to share the results with you at a later date.
The emails that I write and send out each day will be published to my Substack newsletter, but they will be slightly different in as they will have more information and advice that you can take and use today.
The emails that I write generally promote a product that we sell, but what I intend to publish to Substack will not have as many.
I shall choose my product promotions carefully for Substack as the whole point of this case study and experiment is to see whether it can generate money by publishing content via the Substack platform.
Substack allows you to charge a subscription fee each month and I want to see if it is a viable business for anyone to get started with.
I have previously told you about Noah Smith and Alicia Kennedy who are doing extremely well publishing newsletters on Substack.
Both are journalists who have tens of thousands of subscribers with many paying to read exclusive member only content.
It is reported that Alicia could be earning several tens of thousands per month from those who pay to read her From The Kitchen posts each Friday.
Noah is believed to be making over £800,000 per year with his economics and global political newsletter, Noahpinion.
It was also reported that the top ten authors on Substack were collectively earning over £15 million.
When you are making that kind of money each month from simply writing and publishing interesting content, you don’t need to constantly promote products.
Yes, you can promote some products which are relevant to what you are writing about, but for most people, earning several thousand pounds each month from publishing newsletters is more than enough reward for their efforts.
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Let’s not forget, writing and publishing is far easier than a lot of other forms of work.
There will be people who will try and tell you that it’s not, but it really is.
Also, let’s not forget, there are people who are not professionally trained or have any previous experience with writing that make a tonne of money publishing written content.
If they can do it while ‘professional’ writers are trying to convince you that it is hard, that tells me that it’s not as hard as they try and make out, and that those ‘professionals’ are lying because they are ‘miffed’ that people who haven’t ‘paid their dues’ are doing better than them.
This is ‘gatekeeper’ territory and it is often nothing more than a case of jealous self-preservation by discouraging the competition.
The other thing to take into consideration here is that there are more than enough readers and subscribers to go around.
People like what they like and if there is more than one newsletter that appeal to them, money permitting, they will subscribe to as many as they can.
The point is this… if you fancy making money writing newsletters, give it a go. You will never know until you try it, and you really shouldn’t let others dissuade you from giving it a go at least.
If you would like to follow me on Substack, here is my publication: Streetwise John Streetwise Guild.
If writing is not for you and you would prefer to make money by having a punt on specific football games like our good friend Stephen Lewis who bags himself between £380 and £725 each week in TAX FREE profits using just a smartphone or a tablet.
Then click the link below to learn more:
The Kamikaze System
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… Stephen also uses a little known button in Betfair which locks in profit taking away any need to sit and monitor the game he is trading.
This is a safety switch which means that should the team that everyone expects to lose, does actually lose, Stephen still walks away with a profit.
Very few people know about or use this button. I didn’t know about it until I was told.
When he clicks the button and sets up his profit lock, he is free to completely forget about the game.
Thanks to that button, his trading becomes a SET and FORGET system.
Here is that link again: