The Hare, The Tortoise And Michelangelo’s David.

I assume you have heard the story of the hare and the tortoise.

The story basically explains how steady determination wins the race and how being erratic and easily distracted from what you are doing can result in losing… that and being too overly confident and arrogant!

One of the biggest problems of society, and possibly humans in general, is that most people are impatient.

It feels that everyone wants everything now.

There is nothing wrong with wanting and experiencing new things… but there is usually a period of time that sits between wanting something and receiving it.

When Michelangelo was asked to carve the statue of David, it didn’t just happen overnight. It took roughly three years to complete.

The statue is considered one of the finest examples of Renaissance art, and I can see why. It is basically flawless.

It is a thing of beauty… although the outraged parents in Florida may not agree with that. They would have preferred a fully dressed version apparently.

It is a success of pure human steady determination.

Day in day out, Michelangelo lightly chipped away at the marble and gently polished it until one day, the perfect figure of David was standing in front of him.

Three years is a long time to be working on something.

He may not have worked 8 hours of every day over those three years, but can you imagine commission something and then having to wait three years to get it.

The statue was commissioned by Opera del Duomo for the Cathedral of Florence in 1501 to be one of many statues to stand along its roofline.

In a world where people want everything right now, they not only miss the beauty and excitement of things unfolding, they keep reinforcing the misguided belief that good things should happen fast.

They can… but not always.

As the saying goes…

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Good things come to those who wait.

Opera del Duomo waited three years and got a work of art that is still celebrated and enjoyed over 500 years after its creation.

It is the same with steady accumulation of wealth.

The person who does something small each day for several years, like increase a small sum of money by 1% each day, will be more wealthy than someone who tries it for a few weeks expecting big results and then gives up.

A lot of people rush in, try to make a lot of money fast and crash out just as fast as they started.

Imagine if Michelangelo began by hastily knocking great big chunks of marble away so that he could get finished by 5pm Friday.

I dread to think what the statue of David would look like if he had rushed.

Slow and steady wins the race… maybe not a sprint race against Usain Bolt, but your own personal race.

In most things in life, the only person you are competing against is yourself.

The new you is trying to out-perform and beat the old you… the you which is in many cases, holding you back from success and wealth.

If you are impatient and want things to happen right this minute, spend some time looking at how things have worked out for you in the past.

It is possible that you may have missed out on a lot of good stuff because you quit too soon because things weren’t happening fast enough for you.

Don’t get me wrong, if something really isn’t working, then you don’t want to waste your time flogging a dead horse, but it seems that a lot of people mistake impatience for a dead horse.

Time is more of a friend than people realise.

Time is your friend, impatience is the enemy!

As much as I’m sure you would love to make an £20,000 in an afternoon, making it over a year is just as good when it is extra money and TAX FREE.

Isn’t it?

That is what Kate Davis does.

She is the tortoise who is beating a lot of hares.

Every day she spends a little time using just her phone to generate smallish but decent amounts of money which grow into a large amount of tax free cash.

You can do the same.

Starting with a relatively small amount of money, you can turn it into a large amount of tax free cash by doing steady and consistent trades in the same way as Kate.

Kate has put everything into a comprehensive manual which outlines what to look for, when to make your move and when to bank your profits.

Learn more here:

Kate Davis’ Treadmill Trader

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… I want you to think what you could achieve with this after three years.

Like Michelangelo who spent time most days working on the sculpture of David, you can spend a few minutes each day making smallish £50 – £150 amounts which will grow into larger substantial amounts which will have an incredibly positive effect on your life and finances.

Here’s that link again:

Kate Davis’ Treadmill Trader