‘For centuries ugly men have used honeyed words to attract beautiful women.’
That was a sentence I was greeted with when I turned the television on recently.
I couldn’t tell you what the programme was because I turned over fairly quickly.
All I do remember is that there were two or three people in an office talking and that the line which I had just heard caused me to pause and think.
It’s true… there are many ugly men who have managed to attract what society would deem as a stunningly beautiful woman.
People – not me you understand – would look at these men and say that they were ‘punching above their weight’ and that they had ‘done alright for someone with a face for radio’.
There can be many reasons why some ugly men have beautiful wives and girlfriends; wealth, power and status are big factors.
I’m not saying that beautiful women are shallow, they are no more shallow than men, but there are biological drives which have women look for a partner which will give them safety and security for any future children they may have.
Biology can influence women to seek an alpha-male, and alpha-males are deemed to be powerful.
But power in the 21st century no longer means big muscles and being able to protect a village from a tribe of marauding Vikings.
Wealth and status equals power today.
Personality is also a big reason why some people find others attractive. Making someone laugh is a powerful aphrodisiac as is making someone feel special.
Now, making people laugh and feel special is often done through verbal communication.
Yes, you can behave a certain way and make people laugh and you can throw a coat around someone who is cold or to protect them from rain without saying a word.
Actions are also powerful.
But I would argue that 85% or more of what makes people laugh and makes them feel special is done through verbal communication.
Mime artists are clever and they can make people laugh, but could you spend an hour or two at a comedy club watching several mime acts perform after each other without getting bored?
I doubt it.
Stand up comedians can have crowds of thousands of people in tears because of the things they say.
Dodgy American evangelical preachers through the use of verbal communication can have crowds of thousands of people throwing their arms into the air shouting AMEN before handing over the contents of their wallets.
I don’t believe a beautiful woman would stick around with an ugly man if he talked to her constantly in a negative way.
Yes, some women in established relationships are scared to leave if the guy is a violent sleazebag or they choose to stay with someone who has turned nasty in the hope that they change back to the nicer person they once were.
But on the whole, a woman starting a new relationship would not stay with a man if he talked down to her all the time.
Remember that line at the start of this article?
‘For centuries ugly men have used honeyed words to attract beautiful women.’
‘Honeyed words’ is the key.
‘Honeyed words’ are ‘sweet words’.
In other words, they say the things which the woman wants or needs to hear.
The words you use, and the way you use them can win over people and that is the secret that has been getting ugly men beautiful wives for centuries.
They say the right thing at the right time to the right people.
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Words. Are. Powerful.
Not only do they give ugly men a fighting chance with the ladies… they can also motivate people to do the most heinous and evil acts imaginable.
The repetition of a few key sentences and phrases has sent nations to war.
Look at the war in Ukraine as an example.
Russia has the backing of a large portion of its population because the Russian authorities repeatedly said that they were ‘mounting a special operation to remove Nazis and save Ukraine’.
That is a complete lie.
But the people of Russia still remember the Second World War and what the Nazis did and so by focusing on that memory and the fear it produces, the Russian authorities have hoodwinked its citizens into thinking that they are doing a good thing.
Thousands of innocent people are being killed and tortured by the Russians with the blessing of the Russian people.
All they had to do was keep repeating specific sentences and stories.
The German Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels said ‘repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it’.
And he would know.
He along with Adolf Hitler did a big number on the people of Germany during the 1930s and look what happened there.
Both Putin and Hitler wanted war, and they got it.
Words. Are. Powerful.
But the good news is… words can also do a lot of good for people.
Individually or as a whole, people can have wonderful lives if they use their words carefully.
Words are the keys to unlocking the vault of life!
The right words can make a lot of money.
Used correctly, words can help people to see a specific outcome and they can help them to make the right buying decisions.
It’s through the use of words that fortunes have been made.
Putting the right words together in the right way on paper or on a screen can motivate people to give you large amounts of money.
Most people do not know how to put the right words together in the right way, which is crazy considering how easy it is to learn and do.
You do not need to be a rocket scientist – or a master of propaganda – to know which words influence people or not.
You just simply need to know which words are best to use, where to use them and when… and as I say, that is all easy to learn.
To learn how I and many others have made millions of pounds using the right words, go to:
One Letter From Retirement
Kind regards
John Harrison
PS… If politicians can convince whole nations to go to war through the use of words, how much money do you think you could make by simply using the right words?
Here’s that link again: